Jan 27,2021 11:47 pm
Thank you for subscribing! Online version WELCOME TO MAJE! Thank you for subscribing to theMajenewsletter. Youll soon start receiving updates on new collections, exclusive events and special offers. T...
Jan 25,2021 09:35 am
MajeStories. Online version MajeStories MajeStories isour campaign but it also represents a new direction we wantedMaje to take. Swapping stories with people, rather than speaking for them. Sharing s...
Jan 24,2021 09:29 am
A Story of Women. Online version A story of women Twenty years ago, I created Maje for women like me. Women who constantly change. Who like to be elegant but who wont let others stop them from being w...
Jan 21,2021 09:16 am
Thank you for subscribing! Online version WELCOME TO MAJE! Thank you for subscribing to theMajenewsletter. Youll soon start receiving updates on new collections, exclusive events and special offers. T...