Apr 05,2022 12:15 pm
Socks for Easter baskets at egg cellent prices. NEW SUBSCRIPTION SOCKS UNDERWEAR SALE It's April andEaster is just around the corner! Take advantage of our EGG cellent warehouse sale happening now, an...
Apr 02,2022 03:00 pm
NEW SUBSCRIPTION SOCKS UNDERWEAR SALE It's April andEaster is just around the corner! Take advantage of our EGG cellent warehouse sale happening now, and get the kiddos some egg hunting socks at a cra...
Mar 31,2022 06:00 pm
It's that time of year! Get sale products at an extra 50% off NEW SUBSCRIPTION SOCKS UNDERWEAR SALE Everyone's favorite event is back! Our Sale on Sale event with some of the lowest prices you’ll se...
Mar 29,2022 04:03 pm
Time to replace those old pairs of socks! NEW SUBSCRIPTION SOCKS UNDERWEAR SALE Our LOWEST Prices Yet! ON SALE NEW SOCKS BEST SELLERS BLOG No longer want to receive these emails? . Copyright 2022Sock ...
Mar 27,2022 06:59 pm
It's the last week of Women's History Month! NEW SUBSCRIPTION SOCKS UNDERWEAR SALE Celebrating the Women of Sock It to Me At Sock It to Me, we are very proud to be a woman owned and run business. We w...
Mar 10,2022 12:00 am
All the important info you've gotta know. NEW SUBSCRIPTION SOCKS UNDERWEAR SALE So cushy, it's ridiculous. Our SITM team gets to wear a lot of socks. Like, a loooooot of socks. We wear test new innova...
Feb 24,2022 11:30 pm
Starts today: free mystery socks with all orders $25 ! NEW SUBSCRIPTION SOCKS UNDERWEAR SALE Mystery Sock Weekend! And you're the first to know! We haven't announced it yet, but our Mystery Sock Weeke...
Feb 15,2022 01:01 am
Saving waste, one sock at a time. NEW SUBSCRIPTION SOCKS UNDERWEAR SALE Recycling? Yes, Please. For the first time ever, you can find Sock It to Me socks with recycled cotton fibers! We're always tryi...
Feb 09,2022 12:00 am
The savings are incredible and you know what? So is the style. NEW SUBSCRIPTION SOCKS UNDERWEAR SALE Mix Match! They're here, they're adorable , and they're priced SO WELL. What are they? KIDS' 3 PACK...
Feb 08,2022 01:00 am
Do u like 20% off? Check yes or no NEW SUBSCRIPTION SOCKS UNDERWEAR SALE 20% off because we u There are two things we love a whole lot here at Sock It to Me: socks (duh) and the people who wear them. ...