Survival Frog Newsletters

Email archive from Survival Frog, including new arrivals, sales, discounts, and coupon codes.

Mar 02,2022 01:05 am

[NEW] Ground beef is Hot again

Quick survival meals. After years of being asked why we don’t stock it. The time has arrived. Finally! Ground Beef is available. (Save 10% off with coupon code: FC10 at checkout) Now you can add var...

Mar 02,2022 12:07 am

Do “real men” have cold hands?

The answer may surprise you. It’s easy to think that being cold is manly And so you quietly suffered from having icy hands. But plenty of real men warm their hands. Because they know hands are their...

Mar 01,2022 06:01 pm

This One Skill Could Save You

When SHTF this is valuable. When SHTF and everything is in chaos, you may find yourself on the move. In order to quietly find food or temporary shelter... Being able to pick a lock could be a lifesave...

Mar 01,2022 02:03 am

Delivering justice during an attack

Prepare yourself. Criminals are laughing. Because they know justice will not be served. So they feel free to attack innocent people. In broad daylight even. Don’t let your family go out helpless. Ju...

Feb 28,2022 06:01 pm

New Backpacker’s Giveaway

( to see the whole email) Win over $2,200 in prizes with NO purchase necessary. to enter our friends over at Backpackers brand NEW Love the Outdoors Giveaway! Prizes are shipped 100% free! Enter today...

Feb 28,2022 02:08 pm

Chaos in Ukraine

Limited supplies. As you may know by now Russia has invaded Ukraine. With this news, we are already seeing a huge increase in demand for Survival Food. Which is why we are giving you a deal on our foo...

Feb 28,2022 01:02 am

Lifesaving shortwave during emergencies.

If knowledge is power. Then timely information is lifesaving. And in today’s world, where misinformation is the new normal. You need to rely on multiple sources for info. Like you get with shortwave...

Feb 27,2022 06:05 pm

8 Non-lethal Weapons for Self-Defense

Drop attackers in seconds without resorting to lethal force. Not every dangerous situation calls for lethal force And if you resort to lethal weapons such as guns too early, you could land in hot wate...

Feb 27,2022 01:10 pm

Is 7 gallons enough to survive?

Start now, before summer arrives. If a drought hits in 2022 Will 7 gallons of water be enough to survive? That’s the amount 2 of these stackable water bricks hold. In 2021, we had our first Western ...

Feb 27,2022 02:01 am

The real cyberattack risk

...are you vulnerable? One thing overlooked in recent events Russian cyberattacks wouldn’t surprise anyone at this point. Will they go after the same vulnerability that was exploited last summer? La...