BCG CEO Rich Lesser: "You almost can’t be in a discussion with CEOs where they aren’t talking about this." Good morning.
A few CEO Daily readers have chided me recently for devoting so much space to climate issues. But I really do believe this has become one of—if not the—defining business issue of 2021.
Rich Lesser, CEO of BCG, confirmed that view when I talked with him yesterday. “There’s a level of engagement at the most senior levels of companies on tackling climate change that has never been higher,” he said. “The amount of energy that this topic gets when I’m with other business leaders has just gone way up. It’s getting the kind of attention that digital and technology were getting five years ago. You almost can’t be in a discussion with CEOs where they aren’t talking about this.”
That’s partly a reflection of rising demands from stakeholders, including employees and investors. But it also reflects a business imperative. As more companies make “Scope 3” commitments to reduce carbon emissions across their value chains, they put pressure on partners and suppliers to help meet the goals. Moreover, the climate effort is now estimated to require $3-$5 trillion a year in global investment over the next three decades—a sum no savvy businessperson can afford to ignore. “Increasingly, this will be one of the defining questions about how you build competitive advantage in the decades ahead,” Lesser said.
Lesser, who is stepping down as CEO at the end of this month and becoming the firm’s global chair, also serves as chief adviser to the World Economic Forum’s Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders—a group of more than 100 who’ve firmly committed to reach net zero by 2050. But he says even with rising business commitments, which BCG calculates have doubled annually since 2015, there is still a long way to go. And he believes governments need to step in to accelerate the effort—imposing a price on carbon emissions, imposing penalties on companies and countries that fail to take action, and providing incentives for climate technology breakthroughs. “Absent government action, I don’t think business will go far enough or move fast enough.”
BCG is also knowledge partner for the Fortune Global Sustainability Forum, meeting virtually Sept. 28 to discuss business efforts on climate. You can sign up here. And we’ll also be wrestling with this live at the Fortune CEO Initiative in Washington, D.C., now rescheduled for Nov. 15 and 16, just two weeks after the COP 26 climate meeting in Glasgow.
More news below.

Alan Murray @alansmurray
China tech
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Vaccine passports
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Wine harvest
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This edition of CEO Daily was edited by David Meyer.
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