AT&T is only in second place. Good morning.
I’ve written here before that the biggest change in business is the switch from tangible assets—which accounted for 80% of the value of U.S. corporations four decades ago—to intangibles—which account for 85% today.
But here’s a question I didn’t know the answer to until yesterday: Which U.S. company has the most tangible assets on its books? Answer: Berkshire Hathaway. In his annual shareholder letter, Warren Buffett said the company’s holdings of plant, machinery and buildings add up to $154 billion—more than any other U.S. company. Second place is AT&T, with $127 billion.
A big chunk of that is in Berkshire’s railroad business. Another big chunk is in its electric utility business. Buffett said the shift to green energy means that “unlike railroads, our country’s electric utilities need a massive makeover in which the ultimate costs will be staggering” and “absorb all of Berkshire Hathaway Energy’s earnings for decades to come.” But he added: “we welcome the challenge and believe the added investment will be appropriately rewarded.” An infrastructure push from the federal government, no doubt, also would help.
Separately, former Amgen CEO Kevin Sharer has a new book out today, written with Adam Bryant, called “The CEO Test.” Sharer ran Amgen from 2000 to 2012, then spent eight years teaching at Harvard Business School. I talked to him recently, and asked if he thought the job of CEO had changed since he stepped down. “Oh sure, it is always changing,” he said. “Things happen faster. Social media is a distortion device. The visibility into what’s going on and wider comment make it more challenging.” The book offers seven key tests CEOs should pass to succeed in today’s world. I asked him to give his one, best piece of advice. His answer:
“The team. Don’t break the law. Don’t run out of cash. But there is no substitute for the best team. Without the team, it isn’t going to work.”
And finally, S&P CEO Douglas Peterson was our guest on Leadership Next this week. He confirmed what we’ve said here before: that investor appetites are changing rapidly. “Investors are asking for new types of investor funds, with themes around the environment, social activities…(They) want to make sure companies are doing something that will improve the planet and give us a better future.” You can listen to the podcast on Apple or Spotify.
More news below.

Alan Murray @alansmurray
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This edition of CEO Daily was edited by David Meyer.
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