The COVID lockdown is a great social experiment. What will its lessons be? Good morning.
The great social experiment that is the COVID lockdown will be studied for decades to come. A huge portion of the workforce shifted abruptly to remote work and stayed there for a year or more. How did it impact their lives, their work, their sense of self? We are only beginning to come to grips with the answer.
There’s some new data out this morning from Dov Seidman of the HOW Institute of Leadership, who surveyed 1000 U.S.-based professionals who moved to remote work during the pandemic. The study focused on their feelings of connection. “Humans are social animals,” Seidman says. “For human organizations to thrive, connections between and among individuals need to be meaningful and rooted in common purpose.” Among his findings:
—Many workers reported their connection to their direct supervisors and to their organizations actually rose during the pandemic, a finding reinforced by studies like the Edelman trust survey which found trust in “my employer” went up.
—A significant plurality of respondents (44%) felt their connection to coworkers had gone down.
—Feelings of disconnectedness were significantly higher among women and people under the age of 30.
More sharing of personal updates and feelings during check-ins helped strengthen the sense of connection, the study found. Seidman says that sort of personal sharing is part of a tool box of behaviors that he describes as “moral leadership.” Other behaviors in the tool box include cultivating a sensing of hope for the future, working to inspire others, showing patience and flexibility, encouraging teammates to share their concerns and fears, explaining decisions in the context of purpose, and demonstrating a commitment to do the right thing. His research found that employees at organizations whose leaders demonstrated those values were three times more likely to feel “connected” to their manager and their organization.
“Moral leadership is about how leaders touch hearts, not just minds,” Seidman said. “Given our physical distance from one another due to the pandemic, it is even more imperative that moral leaders work harder—and differently—to bridge that physical space to create a sense of connection and community.”
More news below.

Alan Murray @alansmurray
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Email, begone
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Standardized testing
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This edition of CEO Daily was edited by David Meyer.
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