"There is an absolute revolution happening," says Astra CEO Chris Kemp. Good morning.
There’s a massive business space race underway, and it involves more than the trio of billionaires—Bezos, Branson and Musk—who are competing for bragging rights.
This morning, Astra becomes the first space company to trade on the NASDAQ, having completed a SPAC transaction with Holicity, which was started and funded largely by cellular phone pioneer Craig McCaw. The transaction raised $500 million for Astra, which it will use to build out its low-earth orbit satellite platform business. Rocket Lab is close to closing a similar space-SPAC transaction. All told, analysts believe space infrastructure investment will top $10 billion this year, up from a record $8.9 billion in 2020.
I spoke yesterday with Chris Kemp, CEO of Astra, whose ambitions for the business go far beyond telecommunications. “There is an absolute revolution happening,” he says. “People are starting to realize there are these killer apps that can be based in space. Astra is enabling this entire economy.” He says the company will use its funds to triple the size of its rocket factory and provide launches on at least a monthly basis. He claims to have more than 50 launches already under contract—half government, half commercial.
Astra recently announced a multi-launch contract with Planet, which provides satellite imagery and other space-based data. Kemp sees environmental management as a critical use case for his platform. “We can help create a healthier, more connected planet,” with satellites that are able to “measure CO2 emissions from space, measure methane emissions” and change “the way we grow food, the way we manage resources, the way we manage water. There are disruptive companies in all these spaces.”
“It’s like an AWS business,” he says of Astra. “We want to put intelligence in lower orbit.” And don’t call it a “rocket company.” “We are no more a rocket company than Amazon is a truck company.”
By the way, Bezos and his brother are targeting July 20 for their trip into space. Richard Branson is being more circumspect but says “when my engineers tell me that I can go to space, I’m ready, fit and healthy to go.” Musk seems to be holding out for an orbital flight, or a trip to Mars. For his part, Kemp thinks this high-profile tourism misses the point, and creates an unnecessary level of risk: “Our customers, none of them are people. We’ve got to shift this thinking around large, high-volume projects that are too big to fail. Our products are technology. It gives us the freedom to innovate. Gmail doesn’t break when a server fails.”
Meanwhile, Fortune’s Shawn Tully is focused on rocketing prices, and where they may head from here. You can read his piece this morning here. More news below.
News below.

Alan Murray @alansmurray alan.murray@fortune.com
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This edition of CEO Daily was edited by David Meyer.
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