*Purchase a $100 CB2 eGift Card and receive a $20 eBonus Card: Offer valid from November 30, 2021 at 12:00 am ET through December 24, 2021 at 11:59 pm ET. Limit 1 eBonus Card for every $100 in CB2 Gift Cards purchased in a single transaction, up to 5 eBonus Cards per person. eBonus Cards are redeemable January 1–31, 2022 for merchandise or services at CB2 stores (U.S. and Canada, including Outlets), online at cb2.com or by phone to 800.606.6252. eBonus Cards can also be redeemed for merchandise or services at Crate & Barrel stores (U.S. and Canada, including Outlets), online at crateandbarrel.com or by phone to 800.323.5461. eBonus Cards may not be used as payment on a CB2 credit card or any other account. CB2 is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged cards, or any unauthorized use. eBonus Cards are void if auctioned, bartered or sold. Your acceptance or use of this card constitutes agreement to these terms and conditions, which may change at any time. To check your balance, visit cb2.com/gift-cards or call 800.355.3556. For Customer Service, call 800.606.6252.
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