HACK: capture key dat with parameters

From: Cristian - PixelYourSite - Wednesday Aug 11,2021 09:08 am

Hey Leslie Snipes,

Cristian here, from PixelYourSite.com

Each Facebook Pixel event can have any number of parameters. A parameter is a piece of code, part of an event, sending additional info to Facebook.

You can use them when you create Custom Audiences or Custom Conversions or inside Facebook Analytics, for accurate reports.

HACK: use parameters to create focused audiences and conversions

When creating Custom Audiences or Custom Conversions from events you can refine them based on the event's parameters.

Here's an example of one of our own Custom Audiences: it starts from a CompleteRegistration event where the content_name parameter contains "facebook pixel guide".

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Cristian Stoicescu
Hard-worker at PixelYourSite.com

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