Your ROAD iD Order History

From: Edward @ ROAD iD - Saturday Jul 31,2021 06:23 pm

Below is every ROAD iD you’ve ever ordered (using this email address). We’ve also included “swipe-able” text so you can copy/paste if you want to.

Pretty cool, huh?

NOTE: If you don't see any order history, this is likely because you placed your last order prior to April 1st, 2018. Click here to login to your account and view orders older than April 1st, 2018.

If we can help in any way, please don’t hesitate to give us a shout: 800-345-6336


We make a jingle-free Pet ID that’s guaranteed for life. Seriously. You can get it here for under $20 bucks.

From the Minds of Our Amazing Customers

"Saving lives, promoting wellness, giving back...Oprah would approve."
- Elizabeth W., Davis, CA

"No more writing phone numbers on my arm in sharpie!"
- Faye J., Oakland, CA

"I'm wondering if there is a 12-step program for my ROAD iD addiction?"
- Beth C., Johnstown, NY

"Glad you guys exist. Find a cure for runner's nipple."
- Gerry C., Abingdon, VA

"My husband says it will make him feel better when I'm out fighting crime at night!"
- Karina L., Omaha, NE

Here at ROAD iD, we don't make widgets. We make a difference in people's lives. And the more people that hear our story, the more lives we can impact. Please do us a solid and tell your friends what ROAD iD means to you, and what it can mean to them. 

Don’t hesitate to respond to this email if you need anything. We’re here for you.

ROAD iD 35 W. Eighth Street
Covington, KY 41011, USA