Be more efficient and effective | Goldie May's genealogy research software works alongside your existing family tree to accelerate your research  Boost your genealogy with this place-based analysis toolHere's how Goldie May's Subway Map can give you live analysis of your FamilySearch or Ancestry tree. Compare parents and siblings: Compare multiple generations of a family line: See which newspaper titles from, GenealogyBank, and Storied ran when and where your ancestor lived: See federal, state, and international censuses in context and search them with a single click: See county and state boundary changes in context to your ancestor's life: Compare and contrast the same ancestor across multiple Ancestry trees: This is the Goldie May Subway Map and it will help you focus on places like never before. Use promo code FTM20 to get 20% off your first year of Goldie May, valid through February 24. " just one or two seconds it summarized all the events in this person's life and shows me a representation of the location of each event. I am not aware of any other way this can be done so fast...." —James Tanner, Genealogy's StarOn a personal note, I'm a software developer who worked in technology roles at three genealogy companies. Now I'm building Goldie May. I hope it's useful to you! Goldie is my great-grandmother's name and May comes from a beloved ancestor on my wife's side of the family. If you have any questions or comments, I'd love to hear from you!  | Richard K. Miller |
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