To our family, The United States of America would not be the country it is today without our veterans. Throughout history, American men and women have unselfishly pushed themselves physically and mentally to defend everything our Great Nation stands for. They've spent time away from home, trained relentlessly, taken injuries, and, as President Lincoln said, "bravely borne the battle." This year, in particular, has been one of many seismic shifts within our community. From those of us who have had the honor to serve in Afghanistan -- to those of us out there who have felt the very ground shift from under them; we know exactly how you felt and still feel. But now that the "War is over," the battle for healing can begin -- that's a commitment we have made for ourselves and encourage you to make as well. And to those who have served in other conflicts, as well as peacetime -- those young bucks holding the line in unknown places, fighting unknown battles: Thank you. May your life be blessed each and every day. Grunt Style admires and respects YOU. And in case you haven't heard it somewhere else: thank you for your SERVICE. Happy Veterans Day! Your family, Grunt Style P.S. This We'll Defend |