Meet U.S. Army Special Forces Bill | Hero Highlight

From: Grunt Style - Monday Jan 17,2022 08:14 pm
Learn How He Became A Community Hero
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Grunt Style Operation Community

Grunt Style Operation Community

Grunt Style
Grunt Style Hero Highlight

William (Bill) was born and raised in Upstate New York, and originally considered joining the Marine Corp, but chose to attend the State University Of New York at Potsdam where he received his BA in Criminal Justice. After Graduation he made the decision to Enlist into the Army 18X program and achieved the infamous Green Beret serving with U.S. Army Special Forces with 7th Group. 

In 2011 Staff Sergent Sahler was deployed to Guatemala where he advised, mostly in Spanish, Guatemalan Special Operators to conduct special counter narcotic trafficking, counter gang, and counter terrorism measures. 

In 2018, Sahler was deployed to Afghanistan, where his primary mission was to perform direct action operations against ISIS, Taliban, and other terrorist organizations.  

Now Staff Sergeant Sahler is now transitioning and dealing with civilian life and has a new outlook on life. Over the years, he's dealt w/ injuries, helping friends struggling with their own issues, and discovered how similar his situation was. His next goal is to connect with a Veteran Support group or foundation where he can help other struggling veterans.

Grunt Style featuring Bill
Grunt Style featuring Bill
Grunt Style featuring Bill
Grunt Style is committed to helping put more unity back into our Community! Every month we will be highlighting organizations and local heroes that have a positive impact on our community. We want to hear from you! Please nominate those heroes in your life  for the opportunity for them to receive a free Operation Community shirt! Submit your nomination on social media using #operationcommunity
Operation Community

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