Men are in crisis across America. We are killing ourselves, taking new and deadlier drugs, resorting to theft, murder, and violence in broad daylight, and sexually assaulting Women in public spaces and dark alleys. All of this is happening in record numbers. “Toxic masculinity,” someone is screeching in the background, probably a man so neutered he can’t comprehend the simple truth. The problem isn’t “men.” It’s the lack of “Men” with a capital fucking M. Meet Traver Boehm – a guy utterly unashamed of being a guy. He can hug the shit out of you, and you can feel the power and reassurance coming back at you. He can acknowledge the scourge of sexual assault and peel back the layers down to their root cause. Most importantly, he believes that as ugly and brutal as these problems are – they are well within our power to fix. The uncomfortable truth? We, as men, ARE THE FIX. |