It’s hard to believe we opened the doors of MALIN+GOETZ 18 years ago. It seems like yesterday that Matthew and I were working at our Chelsea shop with our dogs Bob and Junior underfoot. Back then, it really was just Malin and Goetz; also known as Matthew and Andrew (and the dogs of course). The days of helping customers, and packing up wholesale and e-commerce orders, and building our brand were so full of frantic joy and excitement. | | Matthew and I literally lived in the same building as our Chelsea shop. We were indeed the proverbial shopkeepers above the shop; although technically our apartment was in another part of the building. For better or for worse (but mostly better) – that meant we were there from early morning to late at night. Allowing us to connect personally with every neighbor, and whomever else came into the shop. The shop became a beehive of neighborhood friends and skincare enthusiasts from far and wide, and set a paradigm for all our future stores with its emphasis on customer service, and neighborhood relationships. With only our own very limited funds, balanced by our abundant creativity and contagious passion, our little Chelsea shop soon became a beacon of success for not only the store, but the entire brand. | | Of course, so much has changed since we opened for business back in March of 2004. The company and brand have grown exponentially. We are now able to share that excitement and joy with a team that spans New York, London, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Hong Kong; not to mention our various retail partners around the world. | | And there are of course so many new wonderful products beyond the original 13. It was those original 13 products that cemented our concept of how to uncomplicate your skincare regimen. When we presented this concept to Barneys and wholesale organizations, everyone thought we were a bit mad – that we couldn’t possibly succeed with so few products. It took a lot of convincing for them to take the risk, but they quickly were converts when they saw how the brand began to fly off the shelves. And while there are clearly more than 13 products today, the core concept of a great cleanser + moisturizer (for face, body + hair) continues to be the foundation of all things MALIN+GOETZ. Matthew and I are often in awe at how our idea has germinated into such a vibrant brand; touching so many people around the world. | | Anniversaries are a great time to reflect on the past. And to appreciate the many changes through the years. We are humbled by how many people have embraced our concept and products. It has indeed been quite a trajectory – and we are incredibly thankful to our team, and of course our customers who have enthusiastically accompanied us on this fantastic journey. It really has been an incredible ride. So much change, but the tenant of our efforts remain as strong as ever. As they say in French… ‘plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.’ The more things change, the more they stay the same. I know we are very lucky to be the recipients of growth while remaining incredibly consistent to the roots of our brand. We certainly could never have done this alone – so a very sincere thank you to everyone who has played a part in another joyous anniversary celebration. | | | | This email was sent to by MALIN+GOETZ US. 330 Seventh Ave | New York | NY | 10001 | | | | | | |