Hey friend,
The ripe breath of fall is expiring once again and that means yet another “battle of the bulge” is in the wind.
You know what I’m talking about.
Tens of thousands of delicious calories paraded before you one day after the next, flanked by perfect pairings of your favorite potables.
What should you do?
Should you resist and “be good”?
But who wants to be “that person” nibbling on celery sticks when everyone else is devouring pork, potatoes, and pie?
Or worse, agonizing over whether you should go to that party . . . or skipping events so you can keep eating “healthy” . . . or beating yourself up because you had that slice of cheesecake at the office party . . .
Should you just surrender, then—consequences be damned?
But who wants to face the dreary music of shame and regret come January marked with sighs of “I’ll try to be better next time”?
Well, I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be this way.
You can enjoy the foods you love. You can go to the gatherings without stressing about how many calories are in the bread pudding. You can gladly toast your friends and family.
And all while getting fitter, leaner, and stronger.
Yes, you CAN have it all this holiday season.
All you need is one simple “hack” . . .
Here it is:
A good coach can show you exactly how to celebrate this holiday season without sacrificing your fitness.
In fact, a good coach can show you how to make the most of the festivities and emerge stronger, fitter, and yes, even leaner if that’s what you want.
They’ll help you stay on track by keeping you accountable.
They’ll create flexible meal plans that include merrymaking.
And they’ll work around your schedule, so you can keep progressing with just a few hours in the gym per week.
This is exactly what we did for Alan (30), for example, who dropped 29 pounds, 10% body fat, and 5 inches from his waist, and he increased his whole-body strength to boot.