Discover Onnit's live-interview series introducing real people who have made amazing and positive life changes since discovering our brand. | |  |  | You never know whom among those you help today might return the favor tomorrow. Case in point, the relationship between Onnit Chief Fitness Officer John Wolf and coach Jolie Kobrinsky, of Seaside, California. The pair met more than a decade ago when Kobrinsky was an up and coming trainer and wanted to learn kettlebell training from the best. Today, her studio is spreading the Onnit gospel on the west coast. Wolf sat down with Kobrinsky to track how their friendship has developed and improved both their lives and careers. |  | An athlete all his life, Anthony Mejia, 47, of Huntington Beach, Calif., thought fitness was something that could be won with hard work. But competing in the Onnit 6 Challenge and “losing” taught him more about how to transform his body, mind, and spirit than winning ever did. Here, Mejia tells the tale of how Onnit, the Onnit Tribe, and the steel mace he plans to name changed his life. |  | Anyone can get Onnit. Kamile Ishiyama Dotson, Onnit’s Director of Project Management, certainly isn’t “anyone,” but she’s a good example of someone who came to Onnit not knowing what to expect and, by keeping an open mind and a brave spirit, discovered a new path to fitness—and a career in which she excels. Now she’s returning the favor by lending her considerable talents to make Onnit a tighter-run ship than it’s ever been. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |