The Expert’s Guide To The Landmine Row Exercise

From: Onnit - Tuesday Oct 17,2023 03:21 pm

here are certain training tools that will save you money, space, and time when training yourself or running your own training business. No need to go out and buy those bulky weight and cardio machines that take up so much room at such a costly price to boot.

With unconventional training tools you don’t even have to own a garage; your home gym can be anywhere you want to train, like the beach, parks, playgrounds, backyards, or even an empty room. It’s crazy to mention this, but I’ve done an entire kettlebell and sandbag workout in the parking lot of a grocery store.

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The Expert’s Guide To The Landmine Row Exercise

The landmine row is a barbell rowing movement where one end of the barbell rests on the floor, or is anchored using a landmine apparatus, allowing you to row the bar in an arcing motion rather than straight up and down.

CrossFitters call it a landmine row. Bodybuilders call it a T-bar row. But this row, by any other name, would still build back muscle and strength as sweet. Use this guide to learn all the different ways to row with a landmine to build complete back and lat mass and strength. 

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