THE BUZZ: For a rumble in the jungle, it’s best to pick your sparring partner. In the years since California adopted a top-two primary system — which allows the highest vote-getters to advance to the general regardless of party — campaigns have perfected the art of strategically elevating the opponent they’d most like to face in November. That often takes the form of “attack” ads that actually serve to elevate a desired, further-right foe among his conservative base. Another cycle has brought a fresh round of machinations and accusations. Depending on whom you ask, it’s the type of disingenuous and cynical tactic that toxifies politics for most voters — or it’s just savvy strategy. Republicans gathered yesterday to decry Democratic Assembly member Kevin Cooley’s move on this front. The moderate Democrat looks vulnerable to a challenge from Capitol GOP chief of staff Joshua Hoover in a D+5 district during a Republican-tilting year. But a mailer from Team Cooley doesn’t mention Hoover. It spotlights Republican Jeffrey Perrine as “a pro-Trump patriot who calls himself an ‘anti-establishment’ conservative,” noting Perrine got booted from a local GOP organization without clarifying it was afterPerrine was outed as a Proud Boy. Cooley “is playing with fire,” Hoover warned. He is “better than this,” Assembly Republican leader James Gallagher added. Allies of Attorney General Rob Bonta are following a similar script. Few analysts think conservative Republican attorney Eric Early is best positioned to ride public safety concerns to unseating Bonta — no-party-preference Sacramento District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert is seen as the bigger threat, or Republican former U.S. Attorney Nathan Hochman. Hence a labor-funded, pro-Bonta PAC spending nearly $750,000 so far attacking Early, including with spots that call Early a “Trump Republican” who will “end Obamcare” and for whom “protecting the Second Amendment is everything.” Another pro-Bonta PAC has run radio spots nominally stumping for Bonta while characterizing Early as the “pro-Trump, pro-guns, pro-life” candidate. So it goes. A primer on earlier iterations: Gov. Gavin Newsom “assailing” Republican John Cox in 2018 for standing “with Donald Trump and the NRA,” sidestepping well-funded Democratic challenger Antonio Villaraigosa and going on to crush Cox in November. National Democrats in 2018 “attacking” Assembly member Rocky Chavez for backing a gas tax increase, after which Republican BOE member Diane Harkey made the general and lost by 13 points. A 2020mailer promoting an obscure Republican in the open, heavily Democratic CA-53. Real estate players spending around $175,000 in the last primary boosting the scandal-beset Democratic former Assembly member Steve Fox, who in November didn’t come close to knocking GOP Assembly member Tom Lackey from a D+11 seat. California doesn’t hold a monopoly on this strategy. Pennsylvania Democrat Josh Shapiro just deployed it effectively in the state’s gubernatorial race, funding ads that helped get hoped-for Republican Doug Mastriano into the general by “blasting” him as “one of Donald Trump’s strongest supporters.” But the particular vagaries of the top-two system have helped make it a campaign season fixture as reliable as recycling bins overflowing with mailers. BUENOS DÍAS, good Tuesday morning. Jeremy is moderating a Los Angeles mayor panel today, featuring Rep. Karen Bass and Councilmember Kevin de Leon. Tune in via this link at 4 p.m. to see what these two former legislative leaders have to say about their visions for LA. Got a tip or story idea for California Playbook? Hit us up and or follow us on Twitter @JeremyBWhite and @Lara_Korte. QUOTE OF THE DAY: “To Big Tech: the era of unfettered social experimentation on children is over, and we will protect kids.” GOP Assembly member Jordan Cunningham argues for legislation curbing social media’s effects on young people before it passes the Assembly floor. TWEET OF THE DAY: @ConsumerWatchdog on the culmination of a long quest to raise California’s medical malpractice damages cap: “History is being made today as Gov. @GavinNewsom signs AB 35. Thank you to the members of the Patients for Fairness Coalition for turning your pain into power so that future Californians will have equal access to justice when they are harmed or die because of medical negligence.” WHERE’S GAVIN? Nothing official announced. |