Jeremy B. White and Lara Korte’s must-read briefing on politics and government in the Golden State | | | | By Jeremy B. White, Lara Korte, Sakura Cannestra and Owen Tucker-Smith | THE BUZZ: California’s farmworkers won a landmark signature from Gov. Gavin Newsom with the help of some formidable friends. They marched to Sacramento and camped outside the Capitol for weeks — a nearly unavoidable visual reminder that the bill was not going away. As their vigil lengthened, the political pressure on Newsom intensified. It pervaded the highest echelons of a party that the governor aspires to lead: the State of the Union power trifecta of President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and Speaker Nancy Pelosi all publicly exhorted Newsom to sign the bill despite his pronouncement that he could not support it as written. The pressure on Newsom was far broader than the party’s Big Three. Few Sacramento players would have predicted this summer how AB 2183 would come to dominate California politics. Newsom’s veto last year of a precursor bill infuriated organized labor. But the fallout didn’t achieve anything like the magnitude of this year’s standoff. A second veto was beginning to feel politically untenable. The breakthrough followed Lorena Gonzalez — whose reputation as the Assembly’s foremost labor warrior stemmed in part from securing farmworker overtime — taking over the California Labor Federation and bringing the United Farm Workers with her. We had never seen a same-party president publicly push a California governor to reconsider major legislation. We’d also never seen the solution Newsom embraced: he signed the bill yesterday with a public agreement to pass explicit clarifying language that erases much of the bill lawmakers sent Newsom, instead allowing 75 card-check-style petitions statewide over the next five years. The process will effectively span two legislative sessions after negotiations spilled past the bill-passing deadline and approached the bill-signing deadline. Ebullient advocates exulted yesterday in a deal that enshrined the organizing options they wanted. The California Farm Bureau scorched Newsom for enabling a process that “threatens the integrity of secret ballot elections and leaves farm employees vulnerable to intimidation by union organizers.” The governor was inevitably going to anger some constituents. By walking down to the UFW encampment and signing the bill, he avoided alienating an influential swath of his base. HOW TO HOUSE: That was the second labor breakthrough Newsom enacted yesterday. He also signed a pair of bills allowing expedited home construction on commercial land. Lawmakers arriving at the San Francisco event were greeted by chanting NorCal Carpenters members holding signs emphasizing prevailing wages; State Building and Construction Trades Council representatives lofted placards at the presser trumpeting “#SkilledandTrained.” Those distinctions speak to a years-long impasse over construction workforce standards. The Trades believe the loftier skilled-and-trained threshold — a proxy for union labor — is vital to nurturing a union workforce and preventing exploitation by greedy developers. The Carpenters and their housing developer/YIMBY allies — backed by other labor heavyweights — argue that untenable standard would stymie construction, countering with a guarantee of health care and prevailing wages that would cover non-union workers. Ultimately, the compromise had lawmakers send Newsom both AB 2011 and SB 6 for certain signatures. The bills address different types of commercial corridors and have nearly identical affordable requirements. But now the law offers a choice — one that could vindicate some people and disprove others. The proof will be in the projects. BUENOS DÍAS, good Thursday morning. Vice President Kamala Harris is scheduled to visit the demilitarized zone dividing the Koreas as she continues her swing through Asia. Got a tip or story idea for California Playbook? Hit us up: and or follow us on Twitter @JeremyBWhite and @Lara_Korte. QUOTE OF THE DAY: “It’s not because we don’t love you, it’s because we love you. And you’re going to see more of that until we see more housing.” Newsom’s message to cities, like Huntington Beach and San Francisco, where his administration has intervened to demand more housing. TWEET OF THE DAY
|  Today's Tweet of the Day | Twitter | WHERE’S GAVIN? Nothing official announced.
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|  | CAMPAIGN MODE | | AD ACRIMONY IN CA-22 — Assemblymember Rudy Salas, a Democratic congressional candidate, was joined by Attorney General Rob Bonta on Wednesday calling on Republican Rep. David Valadao to take down a TV ad they said is untruthful. The 30-second spot attacks Salas for voting to “increase the price of life-saving medicine that cancer patients need.” But Salas and Bonta said it’s an unfair portrayal of a 2018 bill that sought to combat the opioid epidemic by charging a fee to opioid manufacturers who contracted with the state (the bill passed the Assembly but never got a hearing on the Senate side). Salas called the ad “one of the biggest lies” of the campaign. “It doesn’t sound like the campaign is heeding the call to rescind the ad: “Voters will continue to hear more in this campaign about the ways Rudy puts himself and special interests ahead of voters,” mValadao spokesman Andrew Renteria said in a statement. — “Gov. Gavin Newsom says Prop. 30 was devised to benefit one company. Is that actually true?” by the Sacramento Bee’s Stephen Hobbs: “Newsom’s outspoken opposition to Prop. 30 places him at odds with much of his Democratic base. That rift widened with his appearance in a recent ad urging Californians to vote ‘no’ on the question.”
|  | CALIFORNIA AND THE CAPITOL CORRIDOR | | — “Six people shot in mass shooting at Oakland school, suspect sought,” by KRON4’s Tori Gaines: “At 4:30 p.m. OPD gave a press conference on the incident and stated that two individuals are currently suffering from life-threatening injuries. Two more victims are pending release. The remaining victims are facing nonlife-threatening injuries, according to OPD.” TESLA COILED — “Newsom says ‘there is no Tesla without’ California. Here’s how much money it has received from the state ,” by the San Francisco Chronicle’s Dustin Gardiner: “Tesla has received more than $3.2 billion worth of direct and indirect California subsidies and market mechanisms since 2009, according to an estimate from Newsom’s office.” — “ Murder Charges for Fentanyl Dealers? That’s What SF Prosecutors Under DA Jenkins Are Threatening in Court,” by the San Francisco Standard’s Jonah Owen Lamb: “As of this week, judges have denied seven requests by the district attorney to jail dealers without bail and ruled in several instances that prosecutors cannot threaten to pursue murder charges against defendants who sold drugs that caused a fatal overdose.” PAIN AT THE PUMP PURSUES — “California gas prices are rising again. Here’s why, and how high experts say they could go,” by the San Francisco Chronicle’s Jessica Flores: “But for California this time around, local refinery problems are the culprit behind higher prices at the pump. Similar disruptions at refineries in the Pacific Northwest, Great Lakes and Plains regions have caused prices to surge there as well, GasBuddy analyst Patrick De Haan said Monday in a blog post .” — “Will Fresno’s finance director lose his job? Special meeting called for Thursday ,” by the Fresno Bee’s Brianna Vaccari: “News of the special meeting comes about six months after The Fresno Bee revealed the city of Fresno was scammed out of more than $600,000 through a falsified construction invoice in 2020 — nearly two years earlier.” FIRE FRENZY — “ Don't Be Daunted. Let's Get You Ready For The Next Wildfire Burning Near You,” by LAist’s Rene Lynch: “In 2019, our newsroom brought you The Big One, a podcast aimed at helping you navigate a catastrophic earthquake in Southern California. Now, the team is back with The Big Burn, a podcast that looks at the surprisingly complex topic of wildfires in California.” WAITING ON WATERS — “ Four in a row: California drought likely to continue,” by CalMatters’ Rachel Becker: “After its driest three-year stretch on record, California braces for another year with below-average snow and rain. Conditions are shaping up to be a ‘recipe for drought.’” — “ California Highway Patrol officers to get their biggest raise in almost 20 years,” by the Sacramento Bee’s Wes Venteicher: “While other state employee unions negotiate annual changes to their pay, CHP officers’ raises are tied to the pay of five local police departments in San Francisco, Oakland, San Diego and Los Angeles, where two departments are included.” — “Are abortion-seekers flocking to California? It's almost impossible to tell,” by the San Francisco Chronicle’s Joe Garofoli and Sophia Bollag: “Not only is California one of a handful of states that doesn’t track the number of abortions providers perform, none of the new abortion-related legislation that Gov. Gavin Newsom signed on Tuesday — much of it backed by $200 million in state funds — requires disclosure, either.” — “Column: Climate change is fueling extremism, raising tempers along with temperatures ,” by the Los Angeles Times’ Anita Chabria and Erika D. Smith: “There’s no denying that the extremist turn of MAGA Republicanism is flourishing throughout the state’s pastoral parts. As climate change worsens, water gets more scarce and the land becomes hotter, drier and harder to live upon, this discontent could very well metastasize into violence.”
| | HAPPENING NOW - MILKEN INSTITUTE ASIA SUMMIT : Go inside the 9th annual Milken Institute Asia Summit, taking place from September 28-30, with a special edition of POLITICO’s Global Insider newsletter, featuring exclusive coverage and insights from this important gathering. Stay up to speed with daily updates from the summit, which brings together more than 1,200 of the world’s most influential leaders from business, government, finance, technology, and academia. Don’t miss out, subscribe today. | | | |  | SILICON VALLEYLAND | | — “Scientists are leaving the ivory tower for climate tech startups. Here’s why.” by Protocol’s Michelle Ma: “Academics and scientists in search of more impact are finding an outlet in the fast-growing climate tech field, as startups move from pie-in-the-sky to commercially viable. And companies are increasingly seeking out researchers to ensure their solutions are rigorous and benefit the climate.” — “Can a video game of S.F. help Telsa build safer cars? ” by the San Francisco Examiner’s Benjamin Schneider: “Tesla is using Unreal Engine, the video game design software behind hundreds of popular games, including Fortnite, to create a virtual version of San Francisco. The company is also hiring rendering engineers with experience in Unreal Engine, Electrek found.” PAYCHECK PUBLICITY — “ More Companies Than Ever Are Sharing How Much Jobs Pay,” by Bloomberg’s Jeff Green: “Just a year ago, only Colorado required employers to list salary ranges on job postings. In November, a similar rule in New York City will go into effect followed by another in Washington state early next year. With California joining, companies like Alphabet Inc., Meta Platforms Inc., Walt Disney Co. and Wells Fargo & Co. will have to comply by January 2023.” METAL TO THE PEDAL — “Stuck on the Streets of San Francisco in a Driverless Car,” by the New York Times’ Cade Metz: “A reporter and a photographer went for a ride in an experimental autonomous vehicle operated by the General Motors subsidiary Cruise. There were bumps in the road.”
|  | MEDIA MATTERS | | — “KTLA turmoil over anchors’ departure highlights concerns about Latino representation,” by the Los Angeles Times’ Meg James: “[Lynette] Romero’s departure leaves KTLA without a full-time Latina anchor to serve a market in which Latinos make up nearly 50% of the population. A recent survey by a Latino journalists group showed KTLA has the lowest percentage of Latino on-air talent among TV stations in Los Angeles.” — “Fast Company Hack Sends ‘Obscene and Racist’ Alerts to Its Apple News Users ,” by the Wall Street Journal’s Alyssa Lukpat: “Then Fast Company said its content management system was hacked on Tuesday night. Its Apple News followers received two notifications on their devices about a minute apart.” |  | MIXTAPE | | — “Teen girl killed with father in freeway shootout may have fired at deputies, sheriff says,” by the Los Angeles Times’ Salvador Hernandez. — “Total Transit final tally: 17 agencies, all 9 counties, 25 rides on an epic Bay Area transit journey,” by the San Francisco Chronicle’s Peter Hartlaub and Heather Knight. SPEEDING AHEAD — “Bay Area high-speed rail will displace hundreds of residents, businesses,” by SFGate’s Alec Regimbal. GOING CROSS COUNTRY — “ ‘We’re all pretty goofy guys’: Santa Clara men’s cross country runners explain viral headshots,” by the Mercury News’ Alex Simon. — “Glowing neon blue bioluminescent waves are back in OC ,” by the Orange County Register’s Laylan Connelly. — “Op-Ed: We have nothing to fear but email fundraising pleas,” opines David L. Ulin for the Los Angeles Times.
|  | TRANSITIONS | | CHIEF JUSTICE TO CHIEF WONK — Outgoing California Supreme Court Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye announced her next gig yesterday: she’ll take over the Public Policy Institute of California next year after longtime PPIC chief Mark Baldassare departs.
|  | IN MEMORIAM | | — “Coolio, ‘Gangsta’s Paradise’ hip-hop star, dies at 59,” by the Washington Post’s María Luisa Paúl.
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