Presented by the New Jersey Public Charter Schools Association: Matt Friedman's must-read briefing on the Garden State's important news of the day | | | | By Matt Friedman | | Good Tuesday morning! Today is State of the State day. And I’ve known some people to jokingly suggest drinking games for these speeches. For instance, if you really want to get plastered, drink every time Gov. Murphy says “stronger and fairer.” This time that will be doubly appropriate because Murphy is going to propose overhauling New Jersey’s nearly century-old liquor law system, according to the administration. (Murphy’s been hinting that this is coming for months). There have long been efforts to reform New Jersey’s liquor laws, which permit towns to issue one permit for every 3,000 residents. This can make the licenses extremely valuable. And that has always made it tricky. How do you expand licenses without devaluing business owners’ sometimes seven-figure investments in them. So here’s what the governor’s proposing: Phasing out the population cap by 10 percent each year for five years, then lifting it altogether. New licenses would be issued with progressive fees based on the size of the businesses that apply. Municipalities would be allowed to tack on their own local fees. And create a new “consumption license” for breweries, wineries and distilleries to do away current restrictions on them selling food and hosting events. So what about those businesses that paid all that money for a license? They could apply for a tax credit. Those are the broad outlines. I’m sure we’ll learn more details soon. And hopefully we’ll be sober enough to understand them. DAYS SINCE MURPHY REFUSED TO SAY WHETHER HIS WIFE’S NON-PROFIT SHOULD DISCLOSE DONORS: 339 TIPS? FEEDBACK? HATE MAIL? Email me at WHERE’S MURPHY? — In Trenton to deliver the State of the State address at 2 p.m. QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Please don’t eat the whole thing.” — Jeremy Schneider’s editor, according to his recollection of the time he attempted to conquer a one-pound mozzarella stick. | | A message from the New Jersey Public Charter Schools Association: Support the more than 20,000 students on public charter school wait lists! | | |  | WHAT TRENTON MADE | | LIBRARIES ARE FOR BOOK BANNING, NOT GUN BANNING — Federal judge temporarily blocks portions of New Jersey's new gun law, by POLITICO’s Daniel Han: A federal judge on Monday temporarily blocked part of a newly-enacted New Jersey law that prohibits guns from being carried in certain parts of the state. U.S. District Judge Renée Marie Bumb, sitting in Camden, issued a temporary restraining order for a section of the law that specifically bans guns from being carried in public libraries or museums, bars or restaurants that serve alcohol and entertainment facilities.
One catch-all provision barring guns from being carried on private property where the owner did not explicitly grant permission was also blocked, as was another section that prohibits guns from being carried in vehicles unless they are unloaded and stored in a closed area. The challenge to the new law, which Gov. Phil Murphy signed in late December, was brought by gun-rights groups … Much of the new law — which also overhauled the process for obtaining a concealed carry permit as well as mandated the purchase of liability insurance for gun carriers — remains unaffected. Most of the 25 “sensitive places” where guns are banned, including government buildings, transportation hubs and hospitals, likewise were not affected. HIS HAIR SAYS YES — “Is Phil Murphy still relevant? Tuesday's State of the State may offer proof,” by The Record’s Charles Stile: “As his Twitter followers are now well aware, Gov. Phil Murphy will "communicate ... the condition of the state" Tuesday to a room filled with the pillars of New Jersey's political establishment. But his sixth State of the State address will serve another role. It gives Murphy a chance to communicate to New Jersey's public that he's still on the job. The speech will give Murphy a chance to reassert his relevance — just as the Garden State's political establishment has already begun to gaze over the horizon to a post-Murphy era … Still, it wouldn't surprise anyone to see Murphy target Tuesday's speech to national Democratic Party donors, operatives and officials who will conduct the backroom auditioning for 2024.’We are building a New Jersey that is leading the way for our nation,’ Murphy tweeted last week, promoting Tuesday's speech — while delivering a line that sounded like the kind heard at a candidates' cattle call in Iowa.” RUMPF SHAKER — “Assemblyman Rumpf to pass on run for Connors' Senate seat, endorse Ocean County mayor,” by The Asbury Park Press’ Erik Larsen: “Assemblyman Brian E. Rumpf, R-Ocean, will pass on a run for state Senate and endorse Berkeley Mayor Carmen F. Amato, Jr. to lead the Republican ticket this year, according to Ocean County GOP Chairman George R. Gilmore. Rumpf informed Gilmore of the decision, making Amato, 54, the early frontrunner to succeed Sen. Christopher J. Connors. Connors … Amato, whose day job is director of the county government’s Printing and Graphics Department, was first elected mayor of Berkeley in 2011 and took office as the township’s first Republican mayor in 20 years”
| | STEP INSIDE THE WEST WING: What's really happening in West Wing offices? Find out who's up, who's down, and who really has the president’s ear in our West Wing Playbook newsletter, the insider's guide to the Biden White House and Cabinet. For buzzy nuggets and details that you won't find anywhere else, subscribe today. | | | CENSUS DATA? GET THAT OUT OF HERE. I WANT TO HEAR FROM THE MOVING COMPANY — “Median NJ income on the rise, poverty declining, Census Bureau data shows,” by NJ Spotlight News’ Colleen O’Dea: “Income rose almost universally throughout New Jersey at the end of the last decade, reducing poverty levels and helping ease the financial burden of housing costs, the latest data from the U.S. Census Bureau shows. But the data, five-year estimates for the period 2017-2021 for all municipalities, only partly accounts for the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy. And, it covers little of the steep rises in rent and home prices that occurred as a result of the easing of pandemic restrictions” STATE AGENCIES ALSO ORDERED TO POST PICTURES OF WINNIE-THE-POOH IN OFFICE LOBBIES — N.J. bans TikTok, other apps and software, from executive branch devices, by POLITICO’s Matt Friedman: The Murphy administration has ordered all executive state agencies to delete and prohibit the use of TikTok, as well as several other Chinese- and Russian-owned apps and software, from state-provided or -managed electronic devices. The administration issued a memo Monday announcing the policy, which applies to nine Chinese- and Russian-owned companies. The directive applies to all departments, agencies, commissions, boards, bodies or other instrumentalities of the state's executive branch. “Analysis of various versions of TikTok have been found to collect the keystrokes of users, make screen captures every few seconds, access data from the phone’s clipboard, and collect the unique Media Access Control (MAC) address of the device, among other user information,” a Murphy administration press release says. —“The next NJ governor's race isn't until 2025, but possible candidates are making moves now” —“Raising retirement age of judges could fix judicial vacancy crisis, lawmaker says” —“Chaparro: ‘My work isn’t done in the Assembly, and it won’t be done when my term ends’” —“N.J. cannabis commission solicits public feedback on where weed tax dollars should go” —“Supreme Court rejects cop killer’s compassionate release bid” —“Five Democrats seeking Assembly seats in 11th District”
| | A message from the New Jersey Public Charter Schools Association: | |
|  | LOCAL | | FORTUNE TELLER TO AC CASINO EXECUTIVE: ‘EXPECT WHALES’ — “Burial of humpback whale draws a crowd to Atlantic City beach,” by The Press of Atlantic City’s Christopher Doyle: “A beached whale was examined and buried in the sand Sunday morning. It was the second whale to come ashore in the city in the last month. While the event drew an audience, the phenomenon is perhaps a symptom of a multi-year phenomenon high death event currently facing the marine mammal. The whale was stranded off Mississippi Avenue on the beach fronting Jim Whelan Boardwalk Hall. Dozens came and stood on the sand and dunes over the approximately five hours crews were working, watching them dissect and dispose of the corpse. A bulldozer was driven onto the beach to dig the whale its grave and bury the sea creature. The most common observation made by passersby was the pungent smell of the whale’s corpse.”
—“Humpback whale washed up in Atlantic City had a head injury, officials said, as groups call for wind turbine inquiry” HUDSON COUNTY LAMBADA: THE 3-WAY FORBIDDEN DANCE — “Sires formally launches West New York mayoral run, nearly guaranteeing 3-way dance,” by Hudson County View’s John Heinis: “Former U.S. Rep. Albio Sires has formally launched his bid for West New York mayor, a post he held between 1995 and 2006, which will nearly guarantee a three-way dance for the seat. ‘Being the Mayor of West New York has been the greatest job I’ve ever had. Only in this country can a kid from Bejucal, Cuba who played basketball at Memorial High School make it to the halls of Congress,’ Sires said in a statement.” UPPER YOURS, TAXPAYERS! — “Former Upper Township superintendent will make $300K over the next two years under separation agreement,” by The Press of Atlantic City’s Bill Barlow: “Vincent Palmieri will make more than $300,000 from Upper Township schools over the next two years, after leaving the job as Superintendent of Schools as of Jan. 1, according to records released by the district. A heavily redacted copy of a separation agreement between the school district and Palmieri released by the school district on Monday shows that Palmieri will receive the same salary this year as he did last, $176,083. From Jan. 1, 2024 until Dec. 31 of the same year, he will receive $135,000, according to the agreement. The nine-page agreement was released after a Dec. 27 Open Public Records Act request from The Press of Atlantic City. School board President Michele Barbieri said the change was a mutual decision between the board and Palmieri. Barbiei declined to go into specifics about why the change was made in the middle of the school year.” —“Jersey City to settle 2016 police brutality lawsuit for $300K” —“Former state Sen. Bill Gormley offers $40K for study of Bader Field as a public park” —“Proposed Red Bank cannabis shop too close to Charter School? Maps in dispute” —“DeGroot making moves towards county commissioner campaign” —“Even with electric vehicles, an expanded Turnpike Extension would be bad for the environment | Opinion” —Snowflack: “Morris County Republicans throw down the gauntlet” —“Hudson County teacher sentenced to 4 years in sex assault of two students” | | JOIN NEXT TUESDAY TO HEAR FROM MAYORS AROUND AMERICA: 2022 brought in a new class of mayors leading “majority minority” cities, reshaping who is at the nation’s power tables and what their priorities are. Join POLITICO to hear from local leaders on how they’re responding to being tested by unequal Covid-19 outcomes, upticks in hate crimes, homelessness, lack of affordable housing, inflation and a potential recession. REGISTER HERE. | | | |  | EVERYTHING ELSE | | UNHOLLY — “NWSL bans former Gotham FC coach for life, suspends former GM in wake of investigation,” by The Record’s Melanie Anzidei: “The National Women’s Soccer League on Monday levied sanctions — including individual bans, years-long suspensions and hefty fines — against several entities in the league in the wake of a joint investigation with the players association last month. The sanctions are widespread, and include ties to New Jersey’s professional women's soccer club, Gotham FC. Former coach Christy Holly is permanently banned from the league, and former general manager Alyse LaHue faces a two-year suspension with future employment in the league conditional. Gotham FC, which is partly owned by New Jersey’s first family, Tammy and Phil Murphy, also faces a fine of at least $50,000 by the league … These sanctions are the latest in a years-long reckoning after delayed accountability in the NWSL. Reports about player mistreatment in the fall of 2021 set off a series of player protests and investigations into what turned out to to be rampant misconduct that stemmed from systemic failures in American soccer.”
WILLIAM CARELESS WILLIAMS — “This Morris County Dunkin' is the latest in North Jersey sued over hot coffee burns,” by The New Jersey Herald’s Lori Comstock: “An early morning stop at Dunkin' for a hot coffee and doughnut is routine for North Jersey residents thanks to over a whopping 880 locations to choose from across the Garden State. But in the latest in what has become a string of lawsuits against the coffee chain, a Morris County man has added insult to injury and filed suit against a local franchise owner of the coffee café, claiming he was scalded by a beverage that was too hot for consumption, leaving him with ‘severe and permanent burn injuries.’ William Williams, of Cedar Knolls, purchased a hot coffee at the Dunkin' on Speedwell Avenue in Morris Plains in September 2021, but due to an improperly secure lid, Williams claims the liquid spilled and caused him to endure ‘great pain and suffering.’ … In 2022, seven personal injury lawsuits for purported coffee or tea burns were filed in a state Superior Court in North Jersey — or more than one every other month — against Dunkin' Brands” —“Holtec seeks $7.4 billion loan for expansion tied to new reactor” —“NJ childbirth report: C-sections, maternal deaths down, but racial disparities remain” —“CarePoint and Alaris reach mutual settlement over Bayonne Medical Center lawsuit” —“What's next for Netflix Studios Fort Monmouth? Here's how construction will work” —Lesniak: “Ukraine’s orphans need hope. It could come from U.S. adoptions” R.I.P. — “Centenary University president’s wife dies after hit-and-run crash in Hackettstown” —“N.J. ranks 10th in nation for increases in traffic deaths in 2022, feds say” —“Claire Danes marvels at N.J. family history on ‘Finding Your Roots,’ Jersey’s Richard Kind discovers murder mystery” | | A message from the New Jersey Public Charter Schools Association: Join thousands of families calling on the NJ DOE to support public charter schools and their ability to help more students reach their full potential. | | | | Follow us on Twitter | | Subscribe to the POLITICO Playbook family Playbook | Playbook PM | California Playbook | Florida Playbook | Illinois Playbook | Massachusetts Playbook | New Jersey Playbook | New York Playbook | Ottawa Playbook | Brussels Playbook | London Playbook View all our political and policy newsletters | Follow us | | | | |