Presented by AARP: Matt Friedman's must-read briefing on the Garden State's important news of the day | | | | By Matt Friedman | Presented by AARP | Good Wednesday morning! Ed the Trucker gets to keep on truckin’. Wow, that was corny. But anyway, it was hard to imagine that Ed Durr, who became something of a celebrity on the right for defeating former Senate President Steve Sweeney in 2021, would lose the Republican primary to his former running mate, Assemblymember Beth Sawyer. And he didn’t. Durr will face former Assemblymember John Burzichelli in November. But Durr’s close ally, Gloucester County Commissioner Nicholas DeSilvio, didn’t fare well. He went down to defeat in his primary by former Washington Township Committeeman Chris Del Borrello, leprechaun on tricycle be damned. It wasn’t close. And that’s despite the fact that Democrats attempted to give DeSilvio a helping hand by bashing Del Borrello in mailers, strongly suggesting that they view Del Borrello as the stronger candidate. Del Borrello will face Assemblymember Paul Moriarty for the seat held by retiring state Sen. Fred Madden (D-Gloucester) in November. And Democrats will still have state Sen. Dick Codey (D-Essex) to kick around, after he easily dispatched fellow state senator and erstwhile ally Nia Gill (D-Essex) after the two were thrown into the same district. But if you’re a fish and worried that there won’t be any more Gills in the Legislature, don’t be. Codey’s running mates, Assemblymember John McKeon (D-Essex) and Alixon Collazos-Gill, both also easily won. I go by the AP, and by the time I put this newsletter to bed they hadn’t called the 26th District Republican primary, but state Sen. Joe Pennacchio and his running mates had a strong lead over a slate led by Morris County Commissioner Tom Mastrangelo. Read more about it here. You’ll see a few articles about local primary results below, but because it takes a while for news outlets to publish them, expect more in tomorrow’s edition. TIPS? FEEDBACK? Email me at QUOTE OF THE DAY: “He's out of his depth. He's not the man he used to be. Father Time always wins." — Chris Christie on Joe BIden HAPPY BIRTHDAY — Linda Greenstein, Joe Cafero WHERE’S MURPHY? — No public schedule
| | A message from AARP: Family caregivers help their aging parents and other loved ones live in their homes, where they want to be—and out of costly taxpayer-funded nursing homes. They save New Jersey billions of dollars annually. But family caregivers are struggling to make it work. The Caregiver’s Assistance Act would provide a modest tax credit to family caregivers—financial relief that they’ve earned. Tell your lawmakers: Pass the Caregiver’s Assistance Act (A1802/S2021) now. | | |  | WHAT TRENTON MADE | | RICH GUY DOESN’T NEED MORE MONEY — Murphy aides condemn legislative leaders' 'StayNJ' plan as inequitable, unsustainable, by POLITICO’s Daniel Han: Top aides to Gov. Phil Murphy on Tuesday publicly criticized the property tax relief program for seniors championed by legislative Democratic leadership. The critiques ranged from the financial sustainability of the proposal to racial equity. The public remarks — made during a Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey event — suggests that there is still much space between the governor’s office and the Legislature as budget negotiations enter full swing. … The governor's chief counsel, Parimal Garg, noted that Murphy would benefit from the proposal, called "StayNJ." "He would get $10,000 under this bill that he does not need," Garg said during the event. "And meanwhile the majority of Black and Hispanic seniors in the state are renters. They wouldn't get anything. They wouldn’t even qualify.” Garg said there were “serious concerns” over “equity” within the proposal — suggesting that urban areas with lower rates of home ownership would be excluded.
HANDFUL OF PEOPLE SHOULDN’T CHOOSE CANDIDATE, SAYS MAN IN COUNTY WHERE MAYORS CHOOSE LEGISLATIVE CANDIDATES — “Steven Fulop focuses on the 'opportunity' to be NJ governor. Here's what that could mean,” by The Record’s Katie Sobko: “The possibility of a crowded and competitive field doesn’t seem to faze the mayor of the state’s second-biggest city. Fulop said he’s planning a long campaign to ‘build a grassroots organization regardless of the political infrastructure supporting or not supporting me.’ ‘Historically, the way New Jersey has worked is that a handful of people get in a room and select who certain people are in leadership positions. It's not the best situation for anybody,’ Fulop said. ‘We're gonna play for a big tent that we want everybody to support, but I will be on the ballot in June 2025, regardless of who's supporting me.’” NO MSG — “NJ Transit, other railroads want Madison Square Garden to move, new report says,” by NJ Advance Media’s Larry Higgs: “NJ Transit and two other railroads that use the Penn Station, the subterranean rail stop under Madison Square Garden, said the sports and music arena and train station are not compatible uses and the Garden interferes with plans to improve the station. The report co-authored by Amtrak, NJ Transit and the MTA, was released Friday. In it, the railroads that use Penn Station said ‘the arena’s configuration atop the Station is a key global constraint’ to plans to improve the station, including meeting modern safety codes enacted after both were built in the 1960′s. The report was sent to New York City’s Planning Commission, which is weighing whether to renew the Garden’s special permit to operate the arena.” —“N.J. to limit construction in flood-prone areas starting this summer” —AG’s office scheduled meeting with Apple on reproductive health data privacy —“Fed tax-credit clash could stall NJ’s offshore wind sector, report suggests” —“Judge who complained during hearings draws public reprimand from Supreme Court” —“South Jersey Dems spent close to $100,000 on anti-Del Borrello material” —“N.J. looking for 15-year-old ‘junior lifeguards’ to help with shortages at state parks” —“Old Bridge pasta whistleblower among 18 independent candidates for N.J. legislature”
| | STEP INSIDE THE WEST WING: What's really happening in West Wing offices? Find out who's up, who's down, and who really has the president’s ear in our West Wing Playbook newsletter, the insider's guide to the Biden White House and Cabinet. For buzzy nuggets and details that you won't find anywhere else, subscribe today. | | | |  | BIDEN TIME | | CHRISTIE PLEDGES TO SQUEEZE THE ORANGE MAN — 5 takeaways from Christie’s Trump-bashing town hall, by POLITICO’s Lisa Kashinsky: Chris Christie called Donald Trump “self-consumed” and “self-serving.” He mocked the former president’s voice. And he said unequivocally that his mission is to “take out” Trump. Over two hours at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics, where the Republican former New Jersey governor launched his presidential campaign on Tuesday, Christie cast his candidacy as an almost singular effort to undercut a politician he likened to Voldemort. … Teflon Trump will, at a minimum, have to contend with an earful from Christie, who’s positioning himself as the most unbridled verbal decapitator of the former president in the GOP primary. That’s no small feat in a field where others are just beginning to get into direct confrontations with the 2024 polling leader — and some are still skirting them. ‘I am going to be very clear — I’m going out there to take out Donald Trump. But here’s why: I want to win, and I don’t want him to win,” Christie said. “There is one lane to the Republican nomination and he’s in front of it. And if you want to win, you better go right through him because let me guarantee something from knowing him for 22 years. He’s going to try to go through Ron [DeSantis] and Nikki [Haley] and Tim [Scott] and anyone else who stands in his way.”
—Video: “Chris Christie announces he's running for president in 2024” LOL — @MarcoRubio: “Any political reporter/commentator claiming Christie ‘ended ’my campaign in 2016 is lazy or dumb NH debate sucked because instead of hitting back when attacked like I wanted to, I listened to advice about ‘pivoting’ & not ‘punching down’ on a CC who was at 7% & about to drop out. But it didn’t end my campaign…” ‘PAY AN INFLATED PRICE FOR THIS DRUG OR DIE’ ALSO SEEMS TO FIT THE DEFINITION OF EXTORTION — Merck sues HHS over drug negotiation, claims program ‘tantamount to extortion,’ by POLITICO’s Megan Wilson: "Pharmaceutical giant Merck sued the federal government on Tuesday to block Medicare drug price negotiations, calling the program unconstitutional. The complaint, filed against the Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, argued that Medicare’s efforts to negotiate certain drug prices is 'political Kabuki theater' that is 'tantamount to extortion.' It further described the drug negotiation program, part of the Inflation Reduction Act, as a 'dystopian parody of ‘'negotiation’” that violates the company's First and Fifth Amendment rights. The New Jersey-based company is asking the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia for an injunction to stop the rules from going into effect over the next several months." THE BIGGEST VICTIMS ARE DEMOCRACY AND THE PEOPLE WHO WENT ON DATES WITH THE MEN HE COACHED — “Trial underway for Patrick Stedman, Capitol riot suspect from Haddonfield,” by The Courier-Post’s Jim Walsh: “Hours after being arrested for his presence at the U.S. Capitol riot, a Haddonfield man ‘cried deep, uncontrollable tears’ at a family dinner. Patrick Stedman, in a recent online appeal for funds, said he wept ‘not for myself, and not even for my family. ‘But for the United States of America I knew and loved,” asserted the 35-year-old dating and relationship coach, who claimed newly inaugurated President Joe Biden had signed his arrest warrant to target ‘political opponents.’ Court records give a different account, saying a federal judge in Washington, D.C., approved the warrant that sent FBI and police vehicles swarming to Stedman’s home 15 days after the Jan. 6, 2021, riot. And the U.S. Justice Department contends Stedman tweeted on the afternoon of the riot, ‘I was pretty much in the first wave, and we broke down the doors and climbed up the back part of the Capitol building and got all the way into the chambers.’ —“Little Ferry Oath Keeper pleads guilty to obstruction in Jan. 6 Capitol riot” —Moran: “A psychic peeks inside the mind of Chris Christie”
| | A message from AARP: | | |  | LOCAL | | JACKSON TO PROSECUTORS: JUST STOP DOGGIN’ ME AROUND — “Embattled Paterson councilman says NJ seeks to charge him with witness tampering,” by The Paterson Press’ Joe Malinconico: “Councilman Michael Jackson told Paterson Press that state investigators seized his cellphone two weeks ago as part of an effort to file witness tampering charges against him in the long-delayed election fraud case. During a phone interview on Monday afternoon, Jackson said the state was looking to create new accusations against him. ‘They know they don’t have anything in the voter fraud case, so they’re looking for something else,’ the councilman said. The New Jersey Attorney General’s Office filed its election fraud charges against Jackson on June 25, 2020, accusing him of submitting a bogus mail-in ballot in his successful campaign for the city’s 1st Ward council seat that May. … Jackson first disclosed that the attorney general's office used a warrant to take his phone during public comments he made at the May 23 Paterson City Council meeting. In Monday’s interview, Jackson said he was worried that investigators would try to plant false evidence on his phone. ‘I don’t trust them with my data,’ the councilman said.”
ROD’S RIVER — “Rodrick wins Toms River mayoral primary, unseating incumbent mayor” by New Jersey Globe’s Joey Fox: “Toms River Councilman Daniel Rodrick has won the Republican primary for mayor of Toms River off-the-line, unseating incumbent Mayor Mo Hill in New Jersey’s eighth-largest town, the New Jersey Globe projects. As of 9:40 p.m., Rodrick has 48% of the vote, well ahead of Geri Ambrosio’s 24% and Hill’s 23%; a fourth candidate, Robert Bianchini, got the remaining 5%. Rodrick’s council running mates – Craig Coleman, Thomas Nivison, and Lynn O’Toole — are also way ahead in the race for three at-large council seats. … Much of the primary campaign revolved around development, and specifically Orthodox Jewish development, a hugely contentious topic in Ocean County towns abutting the majority-Orthodox township of Lakewood. Hill explicitly worked to tie Ambrosio to Toms River’s small-but-growing Orthodox community, and Rodrick similarly said he would fight against ‘Lakewood-style development’ if elected mayor.” DUFFY GARDENS, WHERE NOTHING CAN POSSIBLY GO WRONG — “This Passaic County pol's tavern is running beer sales at Hinchliffe Stadium,” by The Paterson Press’ Joe Malinconico: “The tavern owned by Passaic County Commissioner Terry Duffy is handling beer sales at Hinchliffe Stadium under what officials say is a temporary arrangement until the ballpark’s concession vendor secures its liquor license. Duffy’s Tavern in Paterson got the Hinchliffe beer and wine contract based on its popularity as a local watering hole and not because of its owner’s status as a prominent figure in the Passaic County Democratic Party, officials said. The stadium’s developers picked Duffy’s business to sell beer at the New Jersey Jackals games at Hinchliffe as an interim measure, officials said. Eventually, the stadium’s alcohol concessions will shift over to the vending company owned by Vaughn McKoy, who was Paterson’s business administrator when Mayor Andre Sayegh began pushing the Hinchliffe rehabilitation project.” SOURCES TELL ME THERE ARE PEOPLE KNOWN AS ‘PARENTS’ WHO MAY BEAR SOME BLAME — “Is New Jersey to blame for Ocean City’s teen problem?” by The Press of Atlantic City’s BIll Barlow: “As Mayor Jay Gillian rolled out new rules aimed at curbing crowds of unruly teens in the resort, he said multiple times he would not seek to cast blame, not against the state, or the police, or the parents or even the teens themselves. Instead, he said, he just wants the problems addressed. … He hoped a news conference held Thursday on the Boardwalk would help build support for changes to state laws that city officials say contributed to the problems, especially those governing underage possession of alcohol. Police Chief Jay Prettyman said the state has essentially legalized underage drinking as part of the laws put into effect legalizing cannabis. For instance, police can only issue warnings to those under 18 found with alcohol or weed. They cannot search a juvenile based on suspicion of possession of alcohol.”
| | A message from AARP: New Jersey family caregivers save the state—and taxpayers—over $17 billion annually providing care for their spouses, aging parents, or other loved ones. Yet, caregivers pay out of their own pockets—on average spending 26% of their income. With inflation making everything more expensive, too many families are struggling to help keep their loved ones at home. AARP is fighting to bring some financial relief to family caregivers, who need and deserve support. The Caregiver’s Assistance Act (A1802/S2021) would provide a modest tax credit for families who take on caregiving expenses. It’s crucial financial relief that family caregivers have earned. Tell Governor Murphy and your state lawmakers: Pass the Caregiver’s Assistance Act (A1802/S2021) to provide family caregivers financial relief now. | | NO WAREHOUSE FOR OLDMANS — “A largely rural Salem County community rejects construction of nine warehouses near I-295,” by The Philadelphia Inquirer’s Kevin Riordan: “After six hours of testimony and discussion during three nights of hearings, the Oldmans Township Planning Board voted unanimously Monday to deny a developer’s application to construct 5 million square feet of warehouse space in nine new buildings. The largely rural Salem County community of 1,800 already has 20 warehouses between I-295 and Route 130. Many residents attending the session at the Oldmans Township School applauded the decision. ‘Our current road conditions and traffic are horrendous, and I can’t imagine adding any more,’ said board chair Sandy Collum.’” —“Off-The-Line GOP candidates prevail in primary for Gloucester County Offices” —"24-Year-old farmer unseats incumbent Sussex County commissioner in GOP primary" —“Five years after arrest on assault charges, Arthur Barclay wins Camden City council primary” —“Craig Guy wins Hudson County executive primary in blowout, on path to succeed his boss” —“Ocean City, New Jersey to propose banning e-bikes from boardwalk” —“Feds want input to clean up Superfund site in Old Bridge” —“Laborers at [Newark] Indigo residence say they were cheated”
| | GET READY FOR GLOBAL TECH DAY: Join POLITICO Live as we launch our first Global Tech Day alongside London Tech Week on Thursday, June 15. Register now for continuing updates and to be a part of this momentous and program-packed day! From the blockchain, to AI, and autonomous vehicles, technology is changing how power is exercised around the world, so who will write the rules? REGISTER HERE. | | | |  | EVERYTHING ELSE | | DEAD BODY SCAVENGER HUNTS TO BE A BIG DRAW — “Why MetLife Stadium marquee events are making case to build massive Meadowlands convention center,” by ROI-NJ’s Tom Bergeron: “Jim Kirkos, the always forward-thinking CEO of the Meadowlands Chamber, was thrilled when he heard the NHL was bringing a two-night Stadium Series to MetLife Stadium next February. ‘We always want to do these major events, because they bring the country to us — which is great for our brand as a state and a region,’ he said. ‘The impact is so dramatic: They absolutely fill hotel rooms, and they absolutely fill local restaurants and local downtowns. It happens every time.’ … Kirkos wants the region to aim even higher. He wants these multiday events to be bigger — and happen more frequently. That’s why he’s continuing his push to bring a convention center to the Meadowlands … Kirkos’ more-than-a-decade-old quest for a convention center took a step forward in February when the Meadowlands 2040 Foundation brought in Hunden Strategic Partners to do a feasibility study.”
—“2 more dolphins, porpoise found stranded at New Jersey beaches” —“Is a green burial safe for the living? Jewish cemetery plans causing conflict in NJ, NY” —“Prosecutors hid evidence, so N.J. man gets new murder trial after 20 years, judge rules”
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