A daily look inside Canadian politics and power. | | | | By Nick Taylor-Vaisey | Send tips | Subscribe here | Follow Politico Canada Welcome to the Ottawa Playbook. I'm your host, Nick Taylor-Vaisey, with Andy Blatchford, Maura Forrest and Zi-Ann Lum. Today, we have the latest on a Canadian win south of the border and LESLYN LEWIS's fight with her own party. Plus, an interview with Defense Minister ANITA ANAND from Brazil. Did someone forward Ottawa Playbook your way? Click here to sign up for your own edition. It’s free!
|  | DRIVING THE DAY | | 'BUY NORTH AMERICAN' — A blockbuster C$700-billion climate, tax and healthcare bill forged by Senators JOE MANCHIN and CHUCK SCHUMER and announced Wednesday contained an easter egg that has Canada's auto sector smiling from ear to ear. CBC reporter ALEX PANETTA spotted the key provision in the bill . "Wow — Joe Manchin does Canada a solid," Panetta tweeted. "The Buy American-style electric vehicle credit that could have devastated auto production in Canada? Here’s the new 'North American' vehicle credit.'" Scroll to p. 366 of the bill and see it for yourself. "A lot of us spent A LOT of time on this," tweeted FLAVIO VOLPE , president of the Auto Parts Manufacturers' Association. International trade attorney CHARLES BENOIT threw cold water on the Canadian win , suggesting European and Asian trade partners could still make noise at the WTO. HOCKEY CANADA — Top officials from Hockey Canada revealed today that since 1989 it has settled nine cases of alleged sexual assault for a total of C$7.6 million. A scandal over accusations brought forward in 2018 against eight members of Canada’s major junior team has engulfed the organization behind the country’s national sport in crisis. — The hearing: Under questioning from a parliamentary committee, Hockey Canada President SCOTT SMITH was forced to respond to lawmakers’ demands that he and other senior officials resign over their handling of the 2018 allegations. “I strongly believe there needs to be new leadership within Hockey Canada,” Conservative MP JOHN NATER said at one point during today’s televised committee meeting. “Will you step down for new leadership to take over?” Smith, who has been with Hockey Canada’s head office since 1997, insisted he wanted to stay to lead the necessary changes.
|  | For your radar | | A HARD SELL IN BRASILIA — Defense Minister ANITA ANAND and her team have been busy this week in Brazil, where she’s participating in the Conference of Defense Ministers of the Americas. The Canadian delegation has been trying to persuade fellow countries in the Western Hemisphere to back a change to the conference’s closing declaration — a united condemnation of Russia’s war on Ukraine. Anand also wants the closing statement, which will be released today, to call on Russia to cease hostilities against Ukraine and to withdraw its forces. — The pitch: Playbook spoke with Anand on Wednesday afternoon about Canada’s effort with a crowd that, when it comes to the Russian invasion, not everyone agrees with Ottawa’s hard line against Moscow’s actions. “Our team is negotiating that with the other countries as we speak and we'll see how that ends up,” Anand said in a phone interview. She offered a glimpse of Canada’s arguments with partners at the meetings in Brasilia. Anand has been reminding them about the food security and energy crises caused by VLADIMIR PUTIN’s war. “Canada and I, as the representative here, felt that it's very important to voice this concern in a tangible way here at the conference,” she said. “There is an impact of the Russian invasion on this region, a negative impact on economies here, on food security in our hemisphere.” — The response: Anand said countries like Colombia, a partner of NATO, and Uruguay have supported her request. Other governments are likely to be tougher sells. For example, conference host Brazil has been largely neutral when it comes to Russia and Ukraine. — What to watch for: A senior government official told Playbook that Canada’s push might find its way into a footnote of the final declaration. DIGITAL BORDER — The pandemic accelerated what was already coming for the Canada-U.S. frontier, says Idaho state Sen. MICHELLE STENNETT, which is a more digital border. “Eventually we'll be in a situation where we really have a digital identity for travel credentials,” Stennett told an audience in Calgary at the Pacific NorthWest Economic Region’s (PNWER) annual summit Wednesday. “That can certainly expedite travel [and] can certainly make it more efficient.” The state Democrat pointed to ArriveCAN as an example of the continued digitization of travel. “The U.S. Customs and Border Protection will be developing, likely, a similar app to help facilitate cross-border travel,” she said. The U.S. CBP piloted a “ Mobile Passport Control ” app last year but isn’t widely utilized. — Passport politics: Opposition Conservatives in Canada have been hammering the Liberals to scrap ArriveCAN, blaming its pre-arrival requirements for inbound travelers as a factor contributing to disruptions at airports — a situation aggravated by a sharp influx of summer travelers, staffing shortages and claims of poor work conditions . — French inspiration: Stennett was joined by Canadian Tourism Minister RANDY BOISSONNAULT on the same panel where the Schengen area was repeatedly raised as a model worth emulating in North America. Boissonnault chose France as an example of a country’s tourism industry helped by a digitized border process that shepherds 90 million international visitors annually. “If we're going to be as good as the French that have 8 percent of their GDP out of tourism, and we're at 2 and the U.S. is at 3, we've got some catching up to do,” he said.
|  | CONSERVATIVE CORNER | | LEWIS VS. LEOC — Sure, PATRICK BROWN is on bad terms with the Conservative Party thanks to his dramatic expulsion from the leadership race. And yes, PIERRE POILIEVRE thumbed his nose at the CPC by refusing to participate in a third official debate (and ponying up a C$50,000 fine for his efforts). But underdog LESLYN LEWIS is now the third candidate for the top job to demand better from the Leadership Election Organizing Committee that's overseeing the whole show. In a letter to LEOC , Lewis complained the party had released no debate format for the Aug. 3 showdown between the remaining candidates. She noted the party chose that date even though she'd indicated her unavailability. — The terms of debate: Lewis put a stark question to the debate organizers. "Will we be answering the usual questions that have already been answered regarding carbon taxes, our commitment to build pipelines, and the general need to balance the budget? Or will we be asked the questions that everyday Conservatives are asking? Those members, says Lewis, are talking about the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization eroding Canadian sovereignty. They're raising adverse reactions to Covid vaccines. They want to know why the government didn't tell them that Covid vaccines don't prevent transmission of the virus. They're anxious about the Conservative response to Liberal wedge politics on abortion. — Spoiler alert: The WEF and WHO aren't out for Canadian sovereignty. Health authorities continue to advise that Covid infection is far riskier than vaccination (though serious adverse reactions do occur in rare cases ). And the federal government's experts never actively withheld information about vaccine efficacy. "These questions are posed to me at every single stop," Lewis insists in her letter. If the party doesn't put them on the table for debate? "I don't see how I can justify anything other than going straight to the members myself to answer their questions." Sounds like JEAN CHAREST, ROMAN BABER and SCOTT AITCHISON might be on their own for the final showdown.
|  | TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS | | 8 a.m. (9 a.m. AT) Trade Minister MARY NG is in Halifax for an announcement about the Women Entrepreneurship Strategy Ecosystem Fund. 9 a.m. The Parliamentary Budget Officer publishes a new report that offers an "assessment of the sustainability of government finances over the long term for the federal government, subnational governments and public pension plans." 9:15 a.m. (10:15 a.m. AT) Seniors Minister KAMAL KHERA is in Prince Edward Island for a funding announcement. 10 a.m. PM Trudeau will attend a Holy Mass celebrated by POPE FRANCIS at the Basilica of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré east of Quebec City. 3 p.m. (4 p.m. AT) Immigration Minister SEAN FRASER is in Saint John, N.B., will join provincial counterparts for a media avail following a meeting of the Forum of Ministers Responsible for Immigration. 3 p.m. (1 p.m. Sask time) Conservative leadership candidate LESLYN LEWIS holds an event in Regina. 9 p.m. (7 p.m. Sask time) Lewis holds an event in Saskatoon.
|  | PAPER TRAIL | | WHY WE VOTE — Meet Angela Reid. Angela doesn’t trust politicians — after all, when was the last time the government did anything to help her? Angela used to vote, but she doesn’t anymore. She doesn’t like any of the parties, and anyway, the voting system might be corrupt. “It feels like I am throwing my vote in the ocean,” she says. — Angela doesn’t exist. But as far as Elections Canada is concerned, she represents one important subgroup of the Canadian electorate — the “skeptic.” Yes, that’s right. As part of an effort to better understand who it serves and how to address their needs, the agency responsible for administering federal elections commissioned Environics Research to develop nine “elector personas” based on research into why people vote — or don’t. The contract value was C$84,629.27 (HST included). — Fortunately for Elections Canada, not all the personas are as intransigent as Angela. Meet Tony Castilano, the “follower.” Tony is 18-24 years old, and he doesn’t much care about voting. He might not have even heard about the election if it weren’t for his social media feeds and his friends mentioning it in passing. On election day, “somewhat spontaneously,” Tony decides to drive to a polling station with a friend. After casting his ballot, he feels “slightly proud of himself, and gallantly tells his friends about it” over drinks that night. Way to be, Tony. — Finally, lest you think Elections Canada assumes we’re a bunch of deadbeats, meet Nia Morrison, the “idealist.” Nia is 18-34 years old, and she LOVES voting. Nia believes in the power of democracy, and that her vote really matters. She votes in the advance polls to make sure her ballot gets counted. She would welcome online voting if it were possible. After she casts her ballot, she hopes there might be an “I Voted” sticker she can wear. She feels “energetic” and “invigorated.” — Yes, Nia’s a little much. But if you’re Elections Canada, you’ve got to hope we’ll all find our inner Nia by 2025 (or before).
|  | SUMMERTIME READS | | Today’s picks come to us from Liberal MP ANTHONY HOUSEFATHER, who had this to say: The three books I am reading now are: “ Insurgency: How Republicans Lost Their Party and Got Everything They Ever Wanted ,” by one of my favorite New York Times correspondents, JEREMY W. PETERS. It is about the conflict between Republican orthodoxy and populism and how Trump eroded the mainstream vision of a more inclusive and diverse party by challenging all of the mainstream norms. “ Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race ,” by MARGOT LEE SHETTERLY. I had seen the movie but never read the book. “ Bad Trust ,” by MICHAEL A. KAHN, one of my favorite mystery writers. It is the latest book in the Rachel Gold series about a lawyer who solves mysteries. She is one of my favorite fictional characters. I also just finished a LOUISE PENNY novel and I am trying this summer to read the whole Chief Inspector Gamache series and her latest novel, “ State of Terror ,” co-written by HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON. One of my favorite subjects is also Tudor England and I just finished “ The Private Lives of the Tudors: Uncovering the Secrets of Britain’s Greatest Dynasty ,” by TRACY BORMAN. Check out our comprehensive list of summer reads , which grows every week. Send us your reading suggestions — your brain food and your guilty pleasure! We'll share them in the Playbook.
|  | MEDIA ROOM | | — ÉRIC GRENIER asks a key question for Tories in his Weekly Writ post : "This leadership campaign has shown us that Poilievre might have a high ceiling. But does Charest really have a lower floor?" — Liberal MP RUBY SAHOTA is still "giving thought" to a run for mayor, reports Global News. If she does make a run, she might not have rubysahota.ca as an option. That site currently redirects to notasadvertised.ca , a CPC-owned anti-Trudeau attack site registered on July 6. — Crown-Indigenous Relations Minister MARC MILLER pointed to "gaps" in the Pope's apology for residential schools . One big one: Francis blamed only members of the Catholic Church, not the institution as a whole. — POLITICO's MYAH WARD explains what's in the JOE MANCHIN-CHUCK SCHUMER deal "on a bill that includes energy, health and tax policy, potentially moving forward Democrats' stalled agenda ahead of the midterms." — From the L.A. Times: "Californians and other Americans are flooding Mexico City. Some locals want them to go home"
|  | PROZONE | | If you’re a POLITICO Pro , don’t miss our latest newsletter: Feds mull new green strings for plum contracts In other news for s: — Senate sends massive chips subsidy bill to the House — House green-lights bill to reauthorize FCC power to sell spectrum — Biden launches plan to bring solar to low-income homes — Gas prices are falling. Is it too late to save the Dems? — Biden says his Covid recovery shows nation’s pandemic progress
|  | PLAYBOOKERS | | Birthdays: HBD to Public Safety Minister MARCO MENDICINO, UBC chancellor STEVEN POINT, and former Tory MP BOB MILLS. Send birthdays to ottawaplaybook@politico.com . Movers and shakers: The Toronto Star breaks the news that veteran city councilor MIKE LAYTON won't seek another term . “As we transition back to an in-person (work) model, I need to think also about the impact of this type of public service on my family," he said. Col. ANDRE DELHOMMEAU has assumed command of the Canadian Forces Support Group (Ottawa–Gatineau) from Commodore DANIEL BOUCHARD. JULIE DELAHANTY , executive director of Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights, registered as a lobbyist. Top priorities: increased access to contraceptives and abortion, and a "national programme for comprehensive sexuality education." Spotted: Summa Strategies senior consultant JOSIE SABATINO, penning an op-ed for the Niagara Independent on culture change at Hockey Canada. Her warning: Beware of buzzwords. Hamilton mayoral candidate ANDREA HORWATH's campaign website, registered 25 days after her final Ontario election as NDP leader — and just under a month before her Tuesday entry into the race. At dinner in Calgary during PNWER: U.S. ambo DAVID COHEN, Canadian ambo KIRSTEN HILLMAN, CABC CEO SCOTTY GREENWOOD, Alaska Lieutenant Governor KEVIN MEYER, Washington Lieutenant Governor DENNY HECK, Alberta Environment Minister WHITNEY ISSIK, B.C. Infrastructure Minister ROB FLEMING, Idaho Senate President CHUCK WINDER, and Shell president and country chair SUSANNAH PIERCE. Media mentions: CPAC has a new English anchor to take over for PETER VAN DUSEN when he retires. MICHAEL SERAPIO, the first Filipino-Canadian male to anchor a national newscast in Canada, will be on-air in September. SHAWN JEFFORDS is the CBC's newest municipal affairs reporter in Toronto (just in time for election season). ANITA LI , founder and editor-in-chief of The Green Line, announced a partnership with CityNews . Farewells: Franco-Ontarian community activist GISÈLE LALONDE has died . Lalonde was mayor of the city of Vanier from 1985 to 1991, and was a key figure in the SOS Montfort movement that prevented the closure of the Montfort Hospital, Ontario’s only francophone teaching hospital. Lalonde was 89. Send Playbookers tips to ottawaplaybook@politico.com .
|  | TRIVIA | | Wednesday’s answer: The Liberal Cabmin in Edmonton is RANDY BOISSONNAULT. His counterpart in Quebec City is JEAN-YVES DUCLOS. They both sit as alternates on the Treasury Board. Props to ROBERT MCDOUGALL, GOZDE KAZAZOGLU, CHRISTOPHER LALANDE, and BRAM ABRAMSON. Bonus points to McDougall and Abramson. Today’s question: When the Soviet embassy on Charlotte Street burned down in 1956, the RCMP attempted to plant microphones in the new building while it was under construction. Which foreign intelligence service did they consult on the bugging operation? Send your answers to ottawaplaybook@politico.com Have a petition you want signed? A cause you’re promoting? Seeking to increase brand awareness amongst this key audience? Share your message with our influential readers to foster engagement and drive action. Contact Alejandra Waase to find out how: awaase@politico.com . Playbook wouldn’t happen without Luiza Ch. Savage and Sue Allan. | | Follow us on Twitter | | Subscribe to the POLITICO Playbook family Playbook | Playbook PM | California Playbook | Florida Playbook | Illinois Playbook | Massachusetts Playbook | New Jersey Playbook | New York Playbook | Ottawa Playbook | Brussels Playbook | London Playbook View all our political and policy newsletters | Follow us | | | | |