Presented by AT&T: The unofficial guide to official Washington. | | | | By Rachael Bade, Eugene Daniels, Tara Palmeri and Ryan Lizza | | | | |  | DRIVING THE DAY | | RECORDING HISTORY — The AP marks the end of the war with the type of lede you don’t often see from the no-frills newswire: “The United States completed its withdrawal from Afghanistan late Monday, ending America’s longest war and closing a chapter in military history likely to be remembered for colossal failures, unfulfilled promises and a frantic final exit that cost the lives of more than 180 Afghans and 13 U.S. service members, some barely older than the war.” BIDEN, DEMOCRATS LOOK FOR A RESET — It’s been a month from hell for JOE BIDEN. From the bungled Afghanistan pullout mission that led to American casualties, to the spike in Covid-19 hospitalizations — and an accompanying hit to his poll numbers — September can’t come soon enough for the president. After the last soldier boarded a C-17 to depart Afghanistan on Monday, the White House and Democrats are looking for a reset, our colleagues Natasha Korecki, Chris Cadelago and Laura Barrón-López report. The trio write today that Biden and the Democrats are “racing to put the conflict’s tumultuous exit behind them … plotting a way forward that hinges tactically on Biden’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic and passage of his sweeping economic agenda on Capitol Hill. “The cold political calculation is based on a belief inside the White House that Americans by and large will ultimately process the withdrawal from Afghanistan as a necessary, albeit difficult, act, even if they harbor lingering doubts about its execution,” they add, quoting JENNIFER PALMIERI, former comms director for the Obama White House, saying: “The path forward for them in the fall remains Covid and infrastructure.” Easier said than done, of course. Republicans are predicting that a reemergence of extremism in Afghanistan — precipitated by Biden’s snap withdrawal — will pull the U.S. back into the region. Plus, Secretary of State ANTONY BLINKEN confirmed Monday night that as many as 200 Americans who “wanted to leave” remain stranded in Afghanistan — a fact that will almost certainly keep this conversation at the fore until they’re home. That’s to say nothing of a key question lawmakers are asking privately: whether the rocky past few weeks could make landing the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure deal and $3.5 trillion reconciliation package even more difficult. The evacuation effort came just as Congress was beginning to craft legislation on everything from changes to Medicare to expanding child and elder care and free community college. Not an easy juggling act. The panels face a mid-September deadline to come up with legislative language and draft their bills. That’s two weeks away, for those keeping track at home. The White House counters, per the story: “[T]here’s a belief in Bidenworld that time is on their side. Midterm campaigns are still a year from heating up, giving the president room to accelerate a vaccination campaign, allay concerns about inflation and message legislative wins — should they come to fruition. Some aides and allies have gone further, bristling at attempts by the media and pundits to divine the White House’s political calculus from seemingly every moment.” Before his expected pivot, Biden is slated to address the nation at 1:30 p.m. in a speech marking the deadline for final withdrawal from Afghanistan — i.e., the end of the 20-year war. Speaking from the State Dining Room, the president is expected to make the case for why he did not extend the pullout deadline into September. | | A message from AT&T: Accessible, affordable broadband helps communities reach their American Dream. That’s why we’re making a $2 billion, 3-year commitment toward helping close the digital divide, so more low-income families have the ability to succeed. Learn more. | | MCCONNELL’S WORST NIGHTMARE? — Senate Minority Leader MITCH MCCONELL has been eager to turn the page on DONALD TRUMP since Jan. 6. But a series of GOP retirements has the Kentucky Republican facing the possibility of a much Trumpier Senate GOP Conference. Our Marc Caputo has a story up today about how “the 2022 midterms could usher in a wave of full-spectrum MAGA supporters who would turn the GOP conference an even deeper shade of red — and make the Senate a lot more like the fractious House.” And let’s be real here: Most senators hate comparisons to the lowly House. (Their sentiments, not ours!) Some interesting tidbits: — “The three top candidates to succeed RICHARD BURR in North Carolina have all denounced his vote to convict Trump in his last impeachment trial. In Pennsylvania, the four leading candidates to succeed PAT TOOMEY — who, like Burr, was formally rebuked by the state party for his impeachment vote — have embraced Trump’s calls for an ‘audit’ of the state’s presidential election results, to varying degrees.” — “The absolute fealty to Trump is only part of the change this class of candidates would herald. There are institutional implications for the Senate as well. The bipartisan infrastructure deal Ohio’s ROB PORTMAN helped broker? Six of the top GOP candidates vying to replace Portman have rejected it.” — The idea of MO BROOKS as a senator would have been virtually unfathomable a few years ago. Now the congressman with a long track record of inflammatory remarks is a leading contender after snagging Trump’s endorsement for the Alabama seat being vacated by Sen. RICHARD SHELBY. The “stylistic distinctions” between Shelby, a consummate Senate insider, and Brooks “are glaring,” Marc writes. “Brooks, a House Freedom Caucus member, is best known for speaking at the Jan. 6 rally in Washington that preceded the Capitol riots and urging the crowd to ‘start taking down names and kicking ass.’” Good Tuesday morning. Thanks for reading Playbook. Drop us a line: Rachael Bade, Eugene Daniels, Ryan Lizza, Tara Palmeri. | | A message from AT&T: We’re making a $2 billion, 3-year commitment toward helping close the digital divide. | | BIDEN’S TUESDAY: — 9:30 a.m.: The president will receive the President’s Daily Brief. — 10:30 a.m.: Biden and VP KAMALA HARRIS will meet with their national security team on Afghanistan in the Situation Room. — 1:30 p.m.: Biden will speak about ending the war in Afghanistan from the State Dining Room. — Throughout the day: Biden will receive briefings about Hurricane Ida from his homeland security team. The White House Covid-19 response team and public health officials will brief at 2 p.m. Press secretary JEN PSAKI will brief at 2:30 p.m. THE HOUSE and THE SENATE are out. | | STEP INSIDE THE WEST WING: What's really happening in West Wing offices? Find out who's up, who's down, and who really has the president’s ear in our West Wing Playbook newsletter, the insider's guide to the Biden White House and Cabinet. For buzzy nuggets and details that you won't find anywhere else, subscribe today. | | | |  | PLAYBOOK READS | | | 
PHOTO OF THE DAY: People are evacuated from floodwaters in the aftermath of Hurricane Ida in LaPlace, La., on Monday, Aug. 30. | Gerald Herbert/AP Photo | MORE ON AFGHANISTAN ‘CONSOLER-IN-CHIEF’ NO MORE? — For years, the president has been lauded for his natural ability to connect with and console the grief-stricken. But as Matt Viser of WaPo reports, the president has been facing tough reviews from the families of the 13 deceased U.S. service members at Dover Air Force Base. The lede anecdote: “MARK SCHMITZ had told a military officer the night before that he wasn’t much interested in speaking to a president he did not vote for, one whose execution of the Afghan pullout he disdains — and one he now blames for the death of his 20-year-old son JARED … [B]y his own account, Schmitz glared hard at the president, so Biden spent more time looking at his ex-wife, repeatedly invoking his own son, BEAU, who died six years ago.” “Schmitz did not want to hear about Beau, he wanted to talk about Jared. Eventually, the parents took out a photo to show to Biden. ‘I said, “Don’t you ever forget that name. Don’t you ever forget that face. Don’t you ever forget the names of the other 12,”’ Schmitz said. ‘“And take some time to learn their stories.”’ Biden did not seem to like that, Schmitz recalled, and he bristled, offering a blunt response: ‘I do know their stories.’ It was a remarkable moment of two men thrown together by history. One was a president of the United States who prides himself on connecting with just about anyone in a moment of grief, but now coming face-to-face with grief that he himself had a role in creating. The other was a proud Marine father from Missouri, awoken a few nights before at 2:40 a.m. by a military officer at his door with news that nearly made him faint.” Schmitz to SEAN HANNITY on Monday night: “Well, initially, I wasn’t going to meet with [Biden], but then I felt I owed it to my son to at least have some words with him about how I felt and it didn’t go well. He talked a bit more about his own son than he did my son and that didn’t sit well with me.” Other headlines: “For Biden, ‘forever war’ isn’t over, just entering a new, perilous phase,” WaPo … “‘We Have to Try’: Lawmakers Rush to Assist in Afghanistan Evacuations,” NYT … “Split U.N. Security Council urges Taliban to allow travel, aid,” AP CONGRESS BUZZ ON POWELL — “AOC, Tlaib, Pressley call on Biden to dump Powell as Fed chair,” by Victoria Guida: “The statement opposing [JEROME] POWELL by the high-profile progressive Democrats is part of a mounting effort on the left to urge Biden to reshape the Fed, though the prospect of Powell’s reappointment has split opinion among liberal advocates and lawmakers. … They acknowledged that the Fed under Powell ‘has made positive changes’ by steering the central bank toward a greater emphasis on reaching full employment. But they said they want to see someone at the helm who is more aggressive on financial regulation and climate change.” EVICTION NOTICE — “Goldman Sachs says 750,000 households could be evicted this year unless Congress acts,” by CNN’s Matt Egan: “Goldman Sachs estimates that between 2.5 million and 3.5 million households are significantly behind on rent, owing a combined $12 billion to $17 billion to landlords. Those renters appeared to be safe from eviction until at least October until the Supreme Court last week struck down the Biden administration's ban on evictions, indicating that further action must come from Congress. At the same time, most state-level restrictions on evictions are scheduled to expire over the next month, which the Goldman Sachs analysts noted in the Sunday night report.” FIRST IN PLAYBOOK — A bipartisan group of 34 senators is sending a letter today to VA Secretary DENIS MCDONOUGH to take action to help veterans struggling with their mental health after the end of the war in Afghanistan. The letter calls on the VA to “quickly develop a comprehensive outreach plan to connect Afghanistan and Global War on Terrorism veterans to VA benefits and services,” including “clinical mental health services and community-based support systems.” The missive notes that war veterans between 18 and 34 years old have the highest suicide rate among former service members, and many do not tap services available to them from the VA. The letter | | A message from AT&T: “I never saw a farm as just a place to grow crops. I saw it as a place to grow possibilities.” Kamal Bell, Founder of Sankofa Farms | | ALL POLITICS HE’S BAAACK — “Trump to head to Iowa with an eye on 2024,” by Meridith McGraw: “Former President Donald Trump plans to hold a rally in the first-in-the-nation caucus state of Iowa as he continues to tease a third run for the White House. Details for Trump’s trip are still being worked out.” A PAGE OUT OF WALKER’S PLAYBOOK — “California Gov. Newsom is taking cues from a tea party darling to fight the recall,” by L.A. Times’ Melanie Mason: “In his fight to keep his political life afloat, Gov. GAVIN NEWSOM has staked his future on how well he can emulate a budget-slashing tea party darling: former Wisconsin Gov. SCOTT WALKER. “Walker may seem an unlikely role model for the liberal Californian, but he has notched one big accomplishment that Newsom now covets. The Republican is the only governor in American history to successfully beat back a recall. He did so in 2012 by pivoting from playing defense on his record, namely a highly polarizing measure to clamp down on organized labor, to going on offense against those trying to remove him. Newsom, a close labor ally, would almost certainly not endorse the sentiment, but his campaign has adopted an identical strategy. In his case, the foils are Republicans, whom Newsom never fails to connect to the recall.” CLIMATE FILES BECERRA’S AGENDA — “HHS unveils office to treat climate change as a health issue,” by Adam Cancryn: “The Office of Climate Change and Health Equity will take a wide-ranging approach to evaluating the impact that the warming planet is having on people’s health, including initiatives aimed at reducing health providers’ carbon emissions and expanding protections to the most vulnerable populations. Senior National Institutes of Health official JOHN BALBUS will run the office on an interim basis, with plans to house it within the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health.” KERRY ON THE MOVE — “U.S. climate envoy in Japan to discuss effort to cut emissions,” by AP’s Mari Yamaguchi: “U.S. climate envoy JOHN KERRY was in Tokyo on Tuesday to discuss efforts to fight climate change with top Japanese officials ahead of a United Nations conference in November. “Kerry was scheduled to meet with Prime Minister YOSHIHIDE SUGA, Foreign Minister TOSHIMITSU MOTEGI, Environment Minister SHINJIRO KOIZUMI, as well as Economy, Trade and Industry Minister HIROSHI KAJIYAMA. In his talks with Koizumi, Kerry was expected to discuss decarbonization efforts and cooperation between the two countries ahead of the U.N. climate conference, known as COP26, to be held in Glasgow in the first half of November.” MEDIAWATCH PALACE INTRIGUE — “‘The View’ ‘Taking a Little Time’ to Replace Meghan McCain: Gretchen Carlson, Condoleezza Rice Among Guest Hosts,” by The Hollywood Reporter’s Alex Weprin: “The View will return to its studio (with a studio audience) for the first time since March 2020 with a live season premiere Sept. 7, and with [MEGHAN] MCCAIN’s departure leaving a void on the panel, the show has already lined up a number of high-profile women to fill her seat. “Among those confirmed are former Utah congresswoman MIA LOVE (who will co-host for premiere week), former Secretary of State CONDOLEEZZA RICE, former HP CEO CARLY FIORINA, former Fox & Friends co-host GRETCHEN CARLSON, and cable news regulars S.E. CUPP, EBONI K. WILLIAMS, ALYSSA FARAH, MARY KATHERINE HAM, and CAMERAN EUBANKS.” BEHIND THE SCENES — “Disney Held Unsuccessful Mediation Talks With Alleged Sexual-Assault Victims,” by WSJ’s Joe Flint: “Walt Disney Co. and its ABC unit held unsuccessful mediation talks in June with the two women who have alleged they were sexually assaulted by a former ABC News executive. … The suit also named ABC as a defendant, alleging that the network had received complaints about [MICHAEL] CORN’s conduct from several women over roughly a decade but failed to take disciplinary action. “The mediation talks came after Disney concluded an investigation into the women’s allegations against Mr. Corn, people close to the company and the alleged victims said. Mr. Corn was pushed out by ABC News in April, the people said. When Mr. Corn left the company after a nearly two-decade tenure, neither he nor ABC gave a reason for his departure.” ROBIN VS. GEORGE — “Bombshell Lawsuit Has ‘GMA’ Co-Hosts at Each Other’s Throats, Sources Say,” by The Daily Beast’s Lachlan Cartwright: “GMA staffers discussed the lawsuit on a team-wide call, during which a clearly emotional [ROBIN] ROBERTS declared, ‘If this happened to someone on my team, I would have burned the place down,’ according to multiple people who were present for the meeting. “Staffers who heard the remark said it was unsubtly directed at [GEORGE] STEPHANOPOULOS, who, according to the lawsuit, had been informed of [KIRSTYN] CRAWFORD’s sexual assault allegations almost four years ago and continued to work with Corn. ABC News employees who spoke with The Daily Beast asked to do so anonymously out of fear of retaliation. The comment quickly made its way back to Stephanopoulos, who was ‘livid.’” | | SUBSCRIBE TO "THE RECAST" TODAY: Power is shifting in Washington and in communities across the country. More people are demanding a seat at the table, insisting that politics is personal and not all policy is equitable. The Recast is a twice-weekly newsletter that explores the changing power dynamics in Washington and breaks down how race and identity are recasting politics and policy in America. Get fresh insights, scoops and dispatches on this crucial intersection from across the country and hear critical new voices that challenge business as usual. Don't miss out, SUBSCRIBE . Thank you to our sponsor, Intel. | | | |  | PLAYBOOKERS | | IN MEMORIAM — “Patricia Rojas-Ungar, a long-time government affairs executive and devoted wife and mother, passed away in Washington, DC, on August 26, 2021. She was 47 years old. … Her interest and passion for the public sector led her to work in both the United States Congress and Senate, followed by a successful career spanning 20 years in lobbying and government affairs where she advocated on behalf of issues close to her heart. She held senior roles in The U.S. Travel Association and the Outdoor Industry Association and most recently was a vice president at Strategic Marketing Innovations, Inc.” Full obituary and funeral details FROM ALBANY TO THE HAMPTONS — “Ex-gov Andrew Cuomo has been hiding out at pal’s Hamptons home,” by N.Y. Post’s Mara Siegler and Emily Smith: “He’s gone from the Executive Mansion to salubrious sofa surfing. Speculation is swirling that former Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been holed up in the Hamptons after leaving the Executive Mansion in Albany. “Multiple sources say he has been staying at the Southampton home of his longtime pal Dr. Jeffrey A Sachs. It wouldn’t be the first time Sachs has put Andrew — who resigned earlier this month after Attorney General Tish James’ investigation found that he sexually harassed or mistreated 11 women — up during a crisis.” MEANWHILE … “AP: Cuomo legal woes continue, could cost public at least $9.5M” TRUMP ALUMNI — Former FERC Chair Neil Chatterjee is now a senior adviser in Hogan Lovells’ energy regulatory practice and a senior policy adviser at the Climate Leadership Council. FIRST IN PLAYBOOK — Daniela Fernández is joining the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute as VP of development and corporate relations. She most recently has been mid-Atlantic finance director at the DSCC. TRANSITIONS — Bradley McKinney has been named executive director of the International Wood Products Association. He most recently was VP of economic security and operations for the Export-Import Bank. … Matt Gerst is now VP for legal and policy affairs and associate general counsel at the Internet Association. He previously was VP of regulatory affairs at CTIA. … … Kim McIntyre is now director of media relations at the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. She most recently was a senior account executive at DCI Group, where she was head of broadcast media relations. … Liz Trotter is joining 617 Media as an EVP, handling the environmental justice docket. She currently is national press secretary for lands, wildlife, oceans at Earthjustice. … Troy Clair is now director of public engagement at Instacart. He previously was head of strategic public policy partnerships and senior policy manager at Amazon, and is a Hill alum. HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Rep. Tom Suozzi (D-N.Y.) is 58 … Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman … Tommy Vietor of Crooked Media … Ryan Ellis … Brian Johnson of the Vogel Group … Scott Shalett … Lauren Fine of House Minority Whip Steve Scalise’s (R-La.) office … NYT’s Patrick Healy and Tom Kaplan … POLITICO’s Paul Demko and Kees Bruggen … Kim Hefling … Ed Goeas of the Tarrance Group … Mattie Duppler of Amazon … Targeted Victory’s Alex Schriver … Justin Myers of For Our Future super PAC … Leland Vittert of NewsNation … Roll Call’s Jennifer Shutt … Courtney Federico … CNN’s Josh Campbell … Nick Horowitz … DHS’ Ramzi Nemo … Kaylin Minton … Bennett Resnik … Andy Richards of the AFL-CIO (4-0) … Kent Klein … Jordan Ball … former Rep. Marlin Stutzman (R-Ind.) … Neil Alpert … Elizabeth Pemmerl … Lenny Stern … Barb Helmick Did someone forward this email to you? Sign up here. Send Playbookers tips to Playbook couldn’t happen without our editor Mike Zapler, deputy editor Zack Stanton and producers Allie Bice, Eli Okun and Garrett Ross. | | A message from AT&T: Kamal Bell is the proud owner of Sankofa Farms, a thriving family farm that employs his community. He knows food insecurity impacts minority groups in his area. But with help from accessible and affordable broadband, he can provide a food source to local food deserts, and teach Black youth about agriculture and STEM. He also uses new tech to collect data, run beekeeping operations, and monitor his farm with drones. Thanks to Access from AT&T, we can connect low-income households like the ones Kamal works with, and more communities in areas we serve with their American Dream. 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