Presented by BlackRock: The unofficial guide to official Washington. | | | | By Ryan Lizza and Eugene Daniels | | With help from Eli Okun and Garrett Ross
|  It’s been widely reported that Donald Trump and Kevin McCarthy had a fiery exchange on Jan. 6, 2021. But Robert Draper in his new book adds a dramatic new detail about the House GOP leader’s side of the conversation. | Alex Wong/Getty Images | | | |  | DRIVING THE DAY | | DON’T MISS — Jonathan Lemire on the sensitivities around JOE BIDEN becoming the first presidential octogenarian on Nov. 20: “Biden's about to turn 80. Don't expect a blowout birthday bash.” (ANDREW BATES : “I don’t have a comment about whether POLITICO is invited to his birthday.” Please circle back on that, Bates!) TOUGH NEW STATEMENT ON SAUDI ARABIA — Sen. BOB MENENDEZ (D-N.J.), chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee: “The United States must immediately freeze all aspects of our cooperation with Saudi Arabia, including any arms sales and security cooperation beyond what is absolutely necessary to defend U.S. personnel and interests. As Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, I will not green-light any cooperation with Riyadh until the Kingdom reassesses its position with respect to the war in Ukraine. Enough is enough.” More from Andrew Desiderio and Connor O’Brien, who broke the news WHAT McCARTHY TOLD TRUMP — This morning we have the first scoop from Robert Draper’s latest book, “Weapons of Mass Delusion: When the Republican Party Lost Its Mind" ($29 ), which will be released Oct. 18. It’s been widely reported that DONALD TRUMP and KEVIN McCARTHY had a fiery exchange on Jan. 6, 2021. But Draper adds a dramatic and newsworthy new detail about the House GOP leader’s side of the conversation, one that makes his later submission to Trump even more undignifying. From page 64 of the chapter entitled “The Enabler”: “Well, Kevin,” President Trump said to McCarthy by phone shortly before three in the afternoon on January 6, “I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are.” “More upset?” McCarthy yelled back incredulously, according to an account he gave a few hours later to a Republican colleague. “THEY'RE TRYING TO FUCKING KILL ME!” Draper also reports on the history of the McCarthy-Trump relationship, including McCarthy’s youthful fascination with Trump — long before he ever knew the future president. Back in 2011, Draper interviewed a friend of McCarthy from his hometown Bakersfield, Calif., who told Draper, “One person that he always talked about back then was Donald Trump. He talked about him all the time. I don't recall if he met him, but he talked about him a lot in our early twenties." TRUMP-McCARTHY PHONE CALL FALLOUT, CONT’D — The latest scoop from Playbook’s own Rachael Bade and co-author Karoun Demirjian appears in The Washington Post today , sourced from their new book, “Unchecked: The Untold Story Behind Congress’s Botched Impeachments of Donald Trump” ($28), also on sale Oct. 18. Two weeks after Trump’s second acquittal, McCarthy yelled so forcefully at Rep. JAIME HERRERA BEUTLER (R-Wash.) for going public about his Jan. 6 call with Trump that he made the Washington Republican burst into tears. At the time of their private meeting, Trump was still furious with McCarthy for allowing their Jan. 6 conversation to leak. McCarthy, now eager to get back into Trump’s good graces, took his frustration out on Herrera Beutler, whom he’d once considered a friend. “After all the work I have done for the Republican Party, the money I have raised!” McCarthy seethed at Herrera Beutler in the meeting in his office. “After all the work I have done for you! … I alone am taking all the heat to protect people from Trump! I alone am holding the party together! I have been working with Trump to keep him from going after Republicans like you and blowing up the party and destroying all our work! … You should have come to me! Why did you go to the press? This is no way to thank me!” Herrera Beutler, who had considered McCarthy something of a big-brother figure, defended herself: “What did you want me to do? Lie?” she told him. “I did what I thought was right!” McCarthy and Herrera Beutler disputed the account in a joint statement to the Post, calling it “dramatized to fit an on-screen adaptation, not to serve as a document of record.” But the authors are standing by their reporting, which they source to a person who was in the room during the argument and to multiple lawmakers whom McCarthy told about the meeting. Other new details from the book’s account of McCarthy’s post-Jan. 6 maneuvering: — Herrera Beutler learned of McCarthy’s account of the Jan. 6 phone call when she approached the GOP leader for counsel about her vote on Trump’s second impeachment. Rather than urge her to vote no, McCarthy effectively treated the meeting as a therapy session, telling her the truth about Trump’s contemptuous disregard for the Capitol, knowing it would likely lead her to vote to impeach. — McCarthy was wary of and initially planned not to sign a House GOP amicus brief asking the Supreme Court to overturn election results in key swing states — and the book reports that McCarthy reached out to Rep. LIZ CHENEY (R-Wyo.) for advice on how to handle the situation. McCarthy told Cheney that he thought the court filing was bad for democracy — but he ended up caving after Trump and his allies demanded that he do so. — A key reason McCarthy flew to Mar-a-Lago to prostrate himself before Trump after Jan. 6 was to try to protect Republicans from Trump's wrath — or at least that’s how he justified it to others. According to Bade and Demirjian, when Trump-skeptical Republicans privately grilled McCarthy about his infamous meeting in Palm Beach, McCarthy told them he was doing it for them. Good Tuesday morning. Thanks for reading Playbook. Drop us a line: Rachael Bade, Eugene Daniels, Ryan Lizza.
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Throughout the U.S., we help people invest for retirement, offer greater access to markets with low-cost investment options, and help communities thrive. BlackRock is invested in the future of Americans. Learn more. | | | 
| Michigan Gov. GRETCHEN WHITMER’s first debate with GOP challenger TUDOR DIXON is set for Thursday, and abortion will be a key issue, even if voters in November will separately be asked to decide whether to enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution. Dixon, who has previously advocated for a no-exceptions abortion ban, has avoided talking directly about what restrictions she would support if elected, instead arguing that the governor of the state doesn’t have much of a say on the issue. But Whitmer is ready to make the case that the governor does, in fact, matter — regardless of the outcome of the vote on the constitutional amendment. Our Alice Miranda Ollstein spoke to Whitmer on Monday in Lansing. “A governor absolutely impacts the right to choose,” Whitmer said after hosting a roundtable with women from around the state, several of whom had had abortions. “That shows either that [Dixon] doesn’t understand the power of the office she’s running for or she’s lying to people. Either way, it’s a dangerous, scary proposition.” Whitmer noted that it was her lawsuit this spring that blocked the state’s 1931 abortion ban from taking effect when Roe v. Wade fell, and she’s taken other, narrower steps since then, such as rewriting regulations to allow pharmacists in the state to prescribe birth control. Whitmer also told Alice about a new action she is taking: applying for a federal Medicaid waiver to expand coverage of STD screenings, contraception and other non-abortion reproductive health care services to 25,000 Michiganders who are just above the income threshold and don’t currently qualify for Medicaid. “I’m fighting for everyone’s right to make the decision they want to about their own bodies,” Whitmer said. BATTLE FOR THE SENATE FIRST IN PLAYBOOK — Democrat CHERI BEASLEY’s North Carolina Senate campaign raised more than $13.3 million in the third fundraising quarter of 2022. North Carolinians from all 100 counties contributed to the campaign, and 93% of donations were $100 or less. For context, Beasley raised $7.42 million in the second quarter of 2022, which was a record for the period in the state, per the Charlotte Observer’s Will Wright. This quarter’s haul puts her just shy of other Democratic Senate candidates such as Pennsylvania’s JOHN FETTERMAN ($22M), Ohio’s Rep. TIM RYAN ($17.2M) and Nevada’s Sen. CATHERINE CORTEZ-MASTO ($15M). THE RYAN-VANCE DEBATE — Ryan and Republican J.D. VANCE met in Cleveland for their first debate on Monday night. The two, “dressed in nearly matching navy-blue suits and red ties, traded rehearsed zingers and pivoted to their desired talking points as they were asked questions on abortion, law enforcement, national defense and loyalty to their own parties,” Natalie Allison writes . “Ryan went after Vance as an extremist whose favored policies represent the fringe of the Republican Party. Vance said Ryan, a congressman, was a 20-year politician with nothing to show for it, and who has not sufficiently pushed back on the Democrats’ agenda.” — “4 takeaways from first Ohio Senate debate between Tim Ryan, J.D. Vance,” by the Columbus Dispatch’s Haley BeMiller: “ — “Tim Ryan ‘all by his lonesome’ as national Democrats ignore close Ohio Senate race,” by NBC’s Henry Gomez: “[Ryan] has been a more prolific fundraiser. But because national Democratic groups have provided comparatively little help on the airwaves, Ryan has had to spend cash as fast as it comes in just to keep up with the GOP onslaught.” BATTLE FOR THE STATES MISSING IN ACTION — If you’ve watched television recently, you’ve likely been blitzed with the traditional midterm cascade of political ads from candidates in both parties. But one group seems to be spurning TV spots: Republicans seeking to take the governor's mansions. “Republicans in some of the most hotly contested gubernatorial battlegrounds are barely spending any money on television ads, if at all, according to a POLITICO review of spending in state races,” Zach Montellaro reports this morning . “And elsewhere, GOP candidates who are on the airwaves are nevertheless getting significantly outspent by Democratic opponents. IN PENNSYLVANIA — “Mastriano’s Attacks on Jewish School Set Off Outcry Over Antisemitic Signaling,” by NYT’s Katie Glueck in Merion Station, Pa.: Republican gubernatorial candidate DOUG MASTRIANO “has repeatedly lashed [Democrat JOSH] SHAPIRO for attending and sending his children to what Mr. Mastriano calls a ‘privileged, exclusive, elite’ school, suggesting to one audience that it evinced Mr. Shapiro’s ‘disdain for people like us.’ It is a Jewish day school, where students are given both secular and religious instruction. But Mr. Mastriano’s language in portraying it as an elitist reserve seemed to be a dog whistle.” The stakes: “In a closely divided state where races are often won on the margins, Mr. Mastriano is now losing ground with a small but significant part of the Trump coalition, squandering opportunities with more conservative and religiously observant Jews who embraced the former president and his party because of his often-hawkish stance concerning Israel, but who now express grave reservations about Mr. Mastriano.”
| | A message from BlackRock: BlackRock is proud to support U.S. roads and infrastructure, with over $20 billion invested on behalf of our clients. Learn more. | | HOT POLLS — Utah: Republican Sen. MIKE LEE leads independent challenger EVAN McMULLIN, 41% to 37%, per a Deseret News/Hinckley Institute of Politics poll. — Michigan: Republican JOHN JAMES leads Democrat CARL MARLINGA in Michigan’s 10th Congressional District, 44% to 36.1%, according to a WDIV/Detroit News survey. HOT ADS With help from Steve Shepard — Louisiana: GOP Rep. CLAY HIGGINS’ intraparty challenger in Louisiana’s jungle primary, local prosecutor HOLDEN HOGGETT, is out with a new ad hitting Higgins for “putting a gun to his wife's head, threatening her if she divorced him and refusing to pay child support for 17 years.” Higgins is endorsed by top House Republicans and Trump, while Hoggett has the backing of former Sen. JOHN BREAUX (D-La.) and former Reps. CHARLES BOUSTANY (R-La.) and CHRIS JOHN (D-La.). — Florida: Gov. RON DeSANTIS is up with a new ad featuring his wife, CASEY, in which she answers the question: “Who is Ron DeSantis?” and recalls how he cared for her following her breast cancer diagnosis.
7 a.m.: The president will receive the President’s Daily Brief.
8 a.m.: Biden will hold a virtual meeting with G-7 leaders to discuss the war in Ukraine.
2:30 p.m.: Biden will deliver virtual remarks at the Summit on Fire Prevention and Control.
6:45 p.m.: Biden will participate in a virtual reception for Rep. LISA BLUNT ROCHESTER (D-Del.).
Press secretary KARINE JEAN-PIERRE will brief at 1:15 p.m.
3 p.m.: The VP will ceremonially swear in TRAVIS LeBLANC to be a member of the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board.
THE HOUSE is out.
THE SENATE will meet at 11 a.m. and resume consideration of the NDAA.
— Wednesday: Biden will travel to Vail, Colo., to deliver remarks on conservation and travel to Los Angeles, Calif.
— Thursday: Biden will deliver remarks on infrastructure in Los Angeles and participate in a DCCC reception.
— Friday: Biden will travel to Orange County, Calif., to deliver remarks on lower costs. He will also travel to Portland, Ore., where he will participate in a grassroots volunteer event with the Oregon Democrats.
— Saturday: Biden will participate in a reception for gubernatorial candidate TINA KOTEK in Portland, deliver remarks on lowering costs and travel to Wilmington, Del. | | | | JOIN WEDNESDAY FOR A TALK ON U.S.-CHINA AND XI JINPING’S NEW ERA: President Xi Jinping will consolidate control of the ruling Chinese Communist Party later this month by engineering a third term as China’s paramount leader, solidifying his rule until at least 2027. Join POLITICO Live for a virtual conversation hosted by Phelim Kine, author of POLITICO’s China Watcher newsletter, to unpack what it means for U.S.-China relations. REGISTER HERE. | | | PHOTO OF THE DAY
|  Erika Quintero stands in her home that was damaged after a landslide and flood ripped through Las Tejerias in Venezuela on Monday, Oct. 10. | Matias Delacroix/AP Photo | |  | PLAYBOOK READS | | THE WHITE HOUSE BIG BIDEN FACT CHECK BURIED ON A12 OF THE TIMES — “Biden, Storyteller in Chief, Spins Yarns That Often Unravel,” by NYT’s Michael Shear and Linda Qiu: “President Biden has been unable to break himself of the habit of embellishing narratives to weave a political identity.” Don’t miss the lede about the lightning strike. THE LOAN LITIGATION — “Small business group files suit over Biden student loan plan,” by AP’s Jill Colvin: “The suit, filed Monday by the Job Creators Network Foundation, argues the Biden administration violated federal procedures by failing to seek public input on the program.” The case, filed in Fort Worth, Tex., has been assigned to conservative U.S. District Judge REED O’CONNOR, who wrote a (later overturned) 2018 decision ruling the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional. CONGRESS THE FRIENDLY FED — Fed Chair JAY POWELL is trying to slam the brakes on an overheated economy, yet there's barely a peep among Democrats in Congress who are most likely to get blamed by voters if the Fed causes a recession. Key lawmakers have “mostly responded to Powell’s campaign to quash inflation with resignation and a note of caution,” Kate Davidson writes . “The extraordinary show of bipartisan support — Powell’s policies are widely backed by Republicans — is a reflection of both the years he has spent cultivating relationships on Capitol Hill and an acknowledgment that rising prices are also a huge political liability that lawmakers can’t easily address themselves.” NOT-SO-WARM WELCOME — “UF presidential finalist Ben Sasse faces questions about political positions, loud protest,” by The Gainesville Sun’s Gershon Harrell, Javon Harris and Nathan Crabbe: “Students on Monday protested [Nebraska Sen. BEN SASSE ’s] selection as the only finalist for the job, at one point disrupting a question-and-answer session with chants of ‘Hey hey, ho ho, Ben Sasse has got to go.’ Protestors then stormed into the ballroom before a session with staff was set to begin, continuing to chant while standing on chairs. His third session was then moved to a different location. He was swarmed by protesters again when it ended before he jumped into a police vehicle that quickly sped off campus.” MORE POLITICS THE L.A. CITY COUNCIL BLOWUP — Los Angeles exploded in political drama this weekend after City Council President NURY MARTINEZ was caught on tape making racist comments to colleagues and a L.A. labor honcho while indicating that she would use her power to influence redistricting. On Monday, Martinez said in a statement that she would step down as president, though “she has not said she would give up her seat on the council despite intensifying pressure for her to do so, along with two other city council members and a prominent labor leader caught on the tape,” our colleague Jeremy White writes. What Martinez said, via the L.A. Times’ Benjamin Oreskes and Emily Alpert Reyes: “During a freewheeling conversation about redistricting, Martinez used racist language about the Black child of Councilmember MIKE BONIN ; riffed that ‘little short dark people’ in Koreatown were ugly — employing stereotypes long used against Oaxacans; and declared of Dist. Atty. GEORGE GASCÓN: ‘F— that guy. … He’s with the Blacks.’” What comes next: The labor leader, RON HERRERA, resigned Monday night , the L.A. Times’s Matt Pearce, Anousha Sakoui and Margot Roosevelt reported. But Martinez has resisted calls to resign from the council entirely, as have the other two members on the call, GIL CEDILLO and KEVIN DE LEON. All three are facing mounting pressure to step down, the L.A. Times’ Julia Wick, Dakota Smith, David Zahniser and Benjamin Oreskes report — including from Mayor ERIC GARCETTI and Sen. ALEX PADILLA, as well as Reps. KAREN BASS, TONY CARDENAS, JIMMY GOMEZ and ADAM SCHIFF. Read the full coverage from LAT, which broke the story on Sunday OOPS — “Colorado: 30,000 noncitizens got vote registration mailer,” by AP’s James Anderson WAR IN UKRAINE THE BIG PICTURE — “Ukraine war at a turning point with rapid escalation of conflict,” by WaPo’s Karen DeYoung: Russia’s missile attacks this weekend “were the latest of many head-spinning events — from Ukrainian victories on the ground to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s threat of nuclear weapons use — that have changed the nature and tempo of the war in recent weeks, and raised questions about whether the United States and its partners may have to move beyond the concept of helping Ukraine defend itself, and instead more forcefully facilitate a Ukrainian victory.” THE VIEW FROM MOSCOW — “With Attacks on Ukraine, Putin Gives Hard-Liners What They Wanted,” by NYT’s Valerie Hopkins and Anton Troianovski
| | A message from BlackRock: Invested in the future of education. Learn more about BlackRock. | | JAN. 6 AND ITS AFTERMATH THE GEORGIA INVESTIGATION — Former Trump White House aide CASSIDY HUTCHINSON is cooperating with prosecutors in Georgia who are investigating Trump’s efforts to influence the 2020 election results in the state, CNN’s Sara Murray and Zachary Cohen report. “The former top aide to then-White House chief of staff MARK MEADOWS could offer Georgia prosecutors insights about what she witnessed in the West Wing, as well as steps her former boss took specifically when it came to Georgia.” THE OATH KEEPERS TRIAL — While founder and leader STEWART RHODES is the marquee name in the Oath Keepers trial unfolding, NYT’s Alan Feuer takes a look at the other members who are on trial: KELLY MEGGS, KENNETH HARRELSON, JESSICA WATKINS and THOMAS CALDWELL . “Their stories help to flesh out how the group came to play such a prominent role in the effort to keep Mr. Trump in the White House despite his loss in the election,” he writes. TRUMP CARDS TALKER — “What Will Happen to America if Trump Wins Again? Experts Helped Us Game It Out,” by WaPo’s David Montgomery: “To help game out the consequences of another Trump administration, I turned to 21 experts in the presidency, political science, public administration, the military, intelligence, foreign affairs, economics and civil rights. They sketched chillingly plausible chains of potential actions and reactions that could unravel the nation.” IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING — “Fact check: Trump falsely claims George H.W. Bush took millions of documents to a former bowling alley and Chinese restaurant,” by CNN’s Daniel Dale MAR-A-LAGO FALLOUT FOR THE RECORD — CHRISTINA BOBB, “who signed a letter certifying that all sensitive records in former President Donald Trump's possession had been returned to the government, spoke to federal investigators Friday and named two other Trump attorneys involved with the case,” NBC’s Marc Caputo reports. — “Newly released emails debunk Trump and allies’ attempts to blame the GSA for packing boxes that ended up in Mar-a-Lago,” by CNN’s Kristen Holmes and Jeremy Herb THE PANDEMIC THE VACCINATION PUZZLE — If hospitalizations in Europe are any indication, another Covid wave could be headed for the U.S., and the latest booster campaign isn’t quite breaking through. “By the end of last week, the administration expected between 13 and 15 million people out of 283.4 million Americans aged 12 and up will have opted to get the updated Moderna or Pfizer jab ahead of what officials warn could be another deadly Covid winter. That’s just five percent of the eligible population — a sign of the stark challenge facing a Biden administration that has positioned October as a make-or-break month for the overall success of its booster campaign,” Krista Mahr and Adam Cancryn write this morning.
| | SUBSCRIBE TO POWER SWITCH: The energy landscape is profoundly transforming. Power Switch is a daily newsletter that unlocks the most important stories driving the energy sector and the political forces shaping critical decisions about your energy future, from production to storage, distribution to consumption. Don’t miss out on Power Switch, your guide to the politics of energy transformation in America and around the world. SUBSCRIBE TODAY. | | | |  | PLAYBOOKERS | | Kacey Musgraves called out Ted Cruz during her Austin City Limits performance. Mike Lindell said he would call “every single journalist” in America to present evidence that Donald Trump should be president. CNN’s NFT marketplace has officially come to an end. Steve Schmidt attacked Chuck Schumer for ignoring the Ohio Senate race. FIRST IN PLAYBOOK — Ali Rubin has launched comms consulting firm AMR Strategies and has also established a formal partnership with Jasper Advisors. Rubin most recently worked at the Brunswick Group and is an alum of the Biden-Harris transition, Axios, the State Department and the Clinton Foundation. STAFFING UP — Liz Murray is now director of scheduling and advance for the Small Business Administration. She most recently was director of executive operations at SKDK and is an Abigail Spanberger, Katherine Clark, Katie Porter, Brad Sherman and Steve Israel alum. … Rachel Levitan is joining the Education Department as a senior adviser to Secretary Miguel Cardona, where she will focus on student loan debt cancellation policy. She previously was comms director for the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee and is a House Foreign Affairs Committee alum. … Alia Awadallah is joining the Biden administration as an adviser to the deputy under secretary of the Army. She most recently was a presidential management fellow where she worked in the VP’s office, the Defense Department and State Department. TRANSITIONS — De’Marcus Finnell is now deputy press secretary for HUD. He previously was comms director for Rep. G.K. Butterfield (D-N.C.). … The Student Borrower Protection Center has added Aissa Canchola Bañez as senior adviser, Ella Azoulay as research and policy analyst, and Brandon Herrera as comms and digital coordinator. … David Frulla is now comms director at Republican Main Street Partnership. He most recently was comms manager at the Western Caucus Foundation. ENGAGED — Colby Moore, a judicial law clerk in the Eastern District of Virginia, and Rachel Palermo, deputy comms director to VP Kamala Harris, got engaged on Sunday. Colby set up a scavenger hunt around D.C. with clues to special places to them, like the DNC (where they met during the 2016 election cycle) and Bluejacket (where they had their first date). The last stop was the National Cathedral, which they love walking around, where Colby popped the question. Pic WEEKEND WEDDING — Adam Stahl, chief of staff for the corporate security office of Avangrid and an alum of DHS, Senate Commerce and Bob Corker, and Brittany Barre, senior manager at Pfizer, got married on Sunday at Chatham Bars Inn in Chatham, Mass. They met in 2015 through mutual friends and had their first kiss at Penn Station. Pic … Another pic HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) … Rep. Chuck Fleischmann (R-Tenn.) (6-0) … Prime Policy Group’s Charlie Black … WSJ’s Tarini Parti … Katie Boyd of Sen. Roy Blunt’s (R-Mo.) office … Maura Gillespie … Joel Riethmiller … former Rep. Bob Inglis (R-S.C.) … former Defense Secretary William Perry … JetBlue’s Robert Land … Bruce Bartlett … Maureen Rama of CRC Advisors … Twitter’s Lauren Culbertson … Alana Conant … Jamie Weinstein of JMW Productions … Kristina Costa … Robert Lighthizer … Libra Group’s Emily Teitelbaum … David Callaway … John Michael of Vinson & Elkins … Nick Valvano … Reason’s Mike Riggs Did someone forward this email to you? Sign up here. Send Playbookers tips to or text us at 202-556-3307. Playbook couldn’t happen without our editor Mike DeBonis, deputy editor Zack Stanton and producers Setota Hailemariam and Bethany Irvine.
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