Algorithms get a new watchdog

From: POLITICO's Digital Future Daily - Wednesday Jul 12,2023 08:08 pm
How the next wave of technology is upending the global economy and its power structures
Jul 12, 2023 View in browser
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By Mohar Chatterjee

With help from Derek Robertson

Screens displaying the logos of OpenAI and ChatGPT is shown.

The ChatGPT and OpenAI logos. | Lionel Bonaventure/AFP via Getty Images

As algorithms take on an increasingly big share of society’s decision-making, a leading nonprofit is setting up a lab to track their impact on the actual humans at the end of those decision.

In May, the independent nonprofit research organization Data & Society launched the Algorithmic Impacts Methods Lab, or AIMLab, to develop ways to study how automated decision-making systems affect society.

Holding algorithms to account when they harm people has been a tough challenge for policymakers. For one thing, even public-sector decision-making software is often privately owned, a corporate black box that’s hard to see into. And widespread data about the impact of algorithms can be difficult to collect.

AIMLab intends to fill that gap with original research, and also by collaborating with other nonprofits to put useful data in the hands of policymakers and industry leaders.

We spoke to AIMLab’s head of research, Tamara Kneese, in an exclusive Q&A about her goals for the initiative, which include documenting how human labor is affected by the widespread use of AI and measuring the environmental impact of deploying AI models. Kneese was previously lead researcher at the Green Software Foundation; she has also worked at Intel, and was an assistant professor at the University of San Francisco.

Responses have been edited for length & clarity.

Data & Society has been around for almost a decade now. How have things changed since then, and why is it launching a new lab to determine the impact of algorithms? 

Data & Society was founded in the 2013-2014 era, when we were thinking about mitigating the harmful effects of data collection and surveillance on a mass scale. It was all about the various implications of big data.

It's funny how the terminology has shifted over the years. So “big data” turned into conversations about platforms and algorithms. Now, AI is a kind of shorthand for the kinds of questions that people are having about power relationships, effects on labor, and effects on privacy.

I was a professor at the University of San Francisco for five years, then left my job there to take a position at Intel as part of a very new sustainability team. It was eye-opening to see how decisions actually get made and implemented in a corporate context. I was interested in understanding what it would take to transform the culture from within. I also have a background as a labor organizer.

With the lab, I see a way to bring in a rigorous academic approach to understanding algorithmic impacts. I also want to have the ear of sympathetic insiders within industry to make sure that whatever recommendations we're making can actually be implemented.

The other important aspect is really centering workers and those who are going to be most impacted by the technologies that are being developed and deployed. I'm really interested in the expertise and knowledge of workers, rather than the siloed approach that happens within tech companies themselves.

Quite a tightrope to walk. What’s your first project going to look like?

I've been paying very close attention to what Veena Dubal calls algorithmic wage discrimination, thinking about partnering with groups like Rideshare Drivers United or Gig Workers Collective to figure out — especially in different regional contexts — how algorithmic wage discrimination is happening and what to do about it.

I’ve also been fully immersed in climate tech for the past couple of years. I'm interested in looking at the intersection of climate justice and labor rights within AI. I think it needs a lot more attention, as laws like the EU’s AI Act come down the pipeline. We're not going to get through this with a simple ethics checklist. And if we're thinking about carbon costs, maybe we're leaving out other kinds of environmental impacts across the supply chain. What are the trade-offs between environmental impacts and impacts on labor? These are the questions I hope we can start addressing right out the gate.

The issue of algorithmic impact is at the forefront of a lot of minds in government, but it’s not very clear who is taking charge. What federal agencies do you think are most aligned with your goals? 

Certainly the [Federal Trade Commission] is a natural ally. There are also people who were at one point affiliated with Data & Society and AI Now who have moved in between working for the FTC and their various nonprofits and academia. Also, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), as they've been putting forth a lot of really great content on responsible AI.

Since you’re looking at this from the worker’s perspective, what's the main challenge facing workers in terms of widespread AI usage right now?

That tension between wanting to save time or learn how to integrate particular tools into your workflow in order to make your job easier — which is the best you can hope for with generative AI — versus the fear of de-skilling and partial or full automation, as we see with things like content moderation.

Rest of World just did a great deep dive, looking at workers all over the world and how they're using generative AI to save time. At the same time, their jobs are being threatened by generative AI.

It’s tricky understanding how workers are using these tools, and what the tradeoffs are. That’s something that will be really important to document because things are moving so fast. I think it’s important to document things as they happen, and make sure we have that data to look back on. I wonder what the landscape will look like in another year — what will have changed? What do we lose if we don’t have that ethnographic qualitative data now?


JOIN 7/11 FOR A TALK ON THE FAA’S FUTURE: Congress is making moves to pass the FAA Reauthorization Act, laying the groundwork for the FAA’s long-term agenda to modernize the aviation sector to meet the challenges of today and innovate for tomorrow. Join POLITICO on July 11 to discuss what will make it into the final reauthorization bill and examine how reauthorization will reshape FAA’s priorities and authorities. REGISTER HERE.

musk's new ai enterprise

Elon Musk leaves the Phillip Burton Federal Building.

Elon Musk. | Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

This just in: Elon Musk unveiled his entry into the AI competition this afternoon, xAI — pitched as “A new company… that sets out to understand the universe.”

Musk tweeted the announcement ahead of a planned Twitter spaces chat this Friday.

Details are still thin on what this company will actually do, at least as of this afternoon. But Musk, a founding board member of OpenAI, has been extremely vocal in recent months about AI — signing the petition calling for a “pause” to reduce its “existential” risk, and decrying what he calls political bias in current AI tools while promising his own, more “based” version of the technology. — Derek Robertson

going "deep"

NATO is betting big on advanced technology to beef up its arsenal as the alliance deals with a growing number of military threats amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Europe’s POLITICO Pro Morning Tech newsletter reports this morning on the NATO Innovation Fund, a €1 billion venture capital fund meant to boost the development of advanced defense and security technology they call “deep tech” — which covers quantum computing, AI, and biotech.

NATO revealed the fund’s management team today, which will include Andrea Traversone, who previously did the same work at U.K.-based venture capital firm Amadeus Capital, and a board of directors featuring venture capitalist Klaus Hommels as chair.

Morning Tech notes, however, that only 23 of NATO’s 31 nations are included in the fund, and that doesn’t include “heavyweights” like France, the U.S., and Canada. — Derek Robertson

crypto consternation

Crypto’s leading industry group is asking the Office of the Inspector General to investigate a controversial new deal between the Securities and Exchange Commission and crypto platform Prometheum.

The Blockchain Association wrote in a letter today that the SEC granting Prometheum’s request to be designated a “Special Purpose Broker-Dealer” — a unique classification that will allow the company to deal in crypto with full SEC compliance — raises questions about whether the crypto exchange received favorable treatment from the SEC.

“The facts surrounding Prometheum’s SPBD licensure process raise questions as to the SEC’s involvement in offering Prometheum favorable regulatory treatment in the midst of hostility toward the digital asset industry,” Blockchain Association President Kristin Smith said in a statement. “To better understand whether any impropriety existed during Prometheum’s licensure process, we urge the SEC OIG to initiate a thorough investigation.”

Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) also criticized the deal in a recent op-ed, claiming Prometheum’s reliance on investment from China raises questions about the veracity of their SEC filings and the platform’s data security. — Derek Robertson

Tweet of the Day

most AI compute will be spent on further AI research, and then if the ROI on that drops, scientific progresswhat is unlikely to happen is that in the near future the global inference fleet is spent automating several billion menial jobs

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