5 questions for Alphabet's Kent Walker

From: POLITICO's Digital Future Daily - Friday Sep 22,2023 08:02 pm
Presented by NCTA, America’s Cable Industry: How the next wave of technology is upending the global economy and its power structures
Sep 22, 2023 View in browser
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By Derek Robertson

Presented by NCTA, America’s Cable Industry

Don’t forget to sign up for POLITICO’s AI and Tech Summit next Wednesday, Sept. 27. We’ll have tech leaders, policymakers, national-security officials and other thinkers hashing out the right policies to balance risk and innovation, and to chart America’s AI future. Sign up for the summit here, whether you plan to attend in person in D.C. or virtually.

Kent Walker

Kent Walker. | Google

Welcome to this week’s edition of The Future in Five Questions. This week I spoke with Kent Walker, the president of global affairs and chief legal officer at Google’s parent company, Alphabet, amid a busy week for the company that included its ongoing legal battle with the Department of Justice and a presence at the United Nations General Assembly. (Listen to POLITICO Tech’s interview with Walker here.) Walker elucidated his bullish techno-optimism despite the company’s current legal challenges, dished on the heated race for supremacy in artificial intelligence, discussed the role of science in human progress, and shared his personal love of “Star Trek.” An edited and condensed version of the conversation follows:

What’s one underrated big idea?

The use of AI to promote scientific progress.

There's been so much focus on AI chatbots that we risk missing the bigger picture. AI is revolutionizing the way we do scientific exploration, whether that's quantum computing, or material science, or agricultural productivity, or nuclear fusion, or drinkable water. Our team at DeepMind used AI to predict the shapes of 200 million proteins, nearly all the proteins known to science. Scientific progress lies at the heart of economic productivity, and increasing living standards, which has been a key challenge over the past couple of decades.

What’s a technology that you think is overhyped?

Many technologies are overhyped in their first year and underhyped over the course of a decade. In the 1980s, cell phones were clunky and expensive, and arguably overhyped, but now 90 percent of the planet is carrying a computer in their pocket.

I was at Netscape in 2001 when we had the big tech crash, and there was a huge amount of hype at the time around connectivity. That led to the string of fiber around the world, which was called “dark fiber” for many years. People said we wildly over-invested in fiber, but it turned out that cheap, affordable, abundant fiber led to connectivity and investment in a new generation of technological improvement. It comes and goes. You never quite know in the moment what the future is going to hold.

What book most shaped your conception of the future?

I'll go with a TV series rather than a book: “Star Trek.” Growing up I loved science fiction, and it told optimistic stories about people exploring the universe and meeting new cultures, doing the best they could in uncertain environments, and doing so according to a set of principles and guidelines they were trying to implement.

If you step back and look at the impact of technology over the last 100 years, the evidence is strongly “up and to the right,” meaning human lifespans have doubled around the world since the beginning of the 20th century. In the last 20 years, we've had more than a billion people around the world coming out of extreme poverty, which is unprecedented in the history of mankind. We sometimes focus on the immediate problems at home but forget about the overall impact of technology around the world, and I think that's a pretty powerful case.

That's not to say we always get it right. We need governance, we need a rudder to make sure we're going in the right direction. But if you look at the overall impacts of the tools people have built, they've been overwhelmingly positive.

What could government be doing regarding technology that it isn’t?

There are tech utopians and there are tech pessimists. You get what's called the “AI half-pipe of heaven and hell,” “it’s wonderful,” “no, it’s terrible,” but it’s much harder to tell the story that says AI has incredible promise and potential but we have to deal with it carefully. We need governments to have a balanced agenda that's not just about responsibility, not just about security, but also about opportunity and thinking about how we deliver the benefits of these tools as widely as we can to people around the world.

What has surprised you the most this year?

The genuine interest and curiosity about AI from political leaders around the world. People want to understand AI; they want to understand how we're mitigating risks and realizing its promise. People have been using AI for a dozen years if they've been using search, or Google Translate, or Google Maps, but the latest advances have put it more front and center. The conversations that have resulted have been generally constructive. Sen. Chuck Schumer’s AI Insight Forum was a remarkable moment, we had most members of the Senate and leaders from the private sector coming together in a spirit of listening and learning from each other. We want to build on that and ultimately forge an international consensus around the rules of the road.


A message from NCTA, America’s Cable Industry:

Cable providers are bringing more Americans online every day, with the experience and dedication needed to connect every corner of the nation efficiently and effectively. America’s cable industry knows high-speed internet unlocks a world of opportunity for communities with access. And we won’t stop until everyone is connected. See how we’re expanding broadband.

a proposed middle way on ai

ICYMI yesterday: Another bipartisan team of senators has brought forward a legislative proposal to regulate AI.

Sens. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and John Thune (R-S.D.) are teaming up for legislation that would require companies to evaluate and disclose the risks of their AI products, as POLITICO’s Brendan Bordelon reported. Thune called it a less “heavy-handed” approach than the one he expects to see from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Democrats, and Klobuchar said Congress “can’t wait” much longer before acting.

“What we’re trying to do is mitigate against the riskiest applications of AI,” Thune told Brendan. “There are mechanisms in there, in addition to self-certification, that I think create the safeguards — but without having the heavy hand of regulation that we think could be harmful.”

Brendan also reports that the bill has some influential supporters in tech, including an AI policy executive at IBM who said it’s “the most comprehensive piece of legislation that is out there right now” and strikes a “moderate balance” between the pure laissez-faire approach and more strict regulation like an AI licensing regime.


GO INSIDE THE CAPITOL DOME: From the outset, POLITICO has been your eyes and ears on Capitol Hill, providing the most thorough Congress coverage — from political characters and emerging leaders to leadership squabbles and policy nuggets during committee markups and hearings. We're stepping up our game to ensure you’re fully informed on every key detail inside the Capitol Dome, all day, every day. Start your day with Playbook AM, refuel at midday with our Playbook PM halftime report and enrich your evening discussions with Huddle. Plus, stay updated with real-time buzz all day through our brand new Inside Congress Live feature. Learn more and subscribe here.

a new oracle

Tired of reading breathless predictions about “artificial general intelligence” and its impact on humanity?

Why not manufacture your own, no domain expertise required: A piece from British artist David Aston does just that with a delightfully analog piece called the “Oracle,” currently on display at the Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibition. A slot machine-like “one arm bandit,” the Oracle “is a game of chance driven by the outcome of three spinning wheels” that produces answers for the probable date that human-level AI emerges, the probability of “super-intelligence” within 30 years of that date, and the potential outcome for humanity, inspired by the writings of Vincent C. Müller and Nick Bostrom at Oxford’s Future of Humanity Institute.

Fortunately, it has a digital counterpart, as well. With no further ado, here’s DFD’s official crack at prognostication: Human-level intelligence emerges in 2080, with a 50 percent chance of super-intelligence within 30 years of that, and an “on balance good” outcome for society. Here’s hoping AI helps enable a long enough lifespan to see it.


A message from NCTA, America’s Cable Industry:

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Stay in touch with the whole team: Ben Schreckinger (bschreckinger@politico.com); Derek Robertson (drobertson@politico.com); Mohar Chatterjee (mchatterjee@politico.com); Steve Heuser (sheuser@politico.com); Nate Robson (nrobson@politico.com) and Daniella Cheslow (dcheslow@politico.com).

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HAPPENING 9/28 — INSIDE THE CANCER MOONSHOT: Join POLITICO on Thursday, Sept. 28 for an in-depth discussion on the future of cancer treatment and innovation. Hear from experts including scientists, government officials and industry leaders as we explore the critical roles played by private industry, nonprofits, the National Cancer Institute and the new Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health in achieving the Biden administration's goal of cutting the cancer death rate in half over the next 25 years. Don't miss this opportunity to dive into the progress of cancer treatments and learn about the challenges patients encounter in accessing care. REGISTER HERE.


A message from NCTA, America’s Cable Industry:

What does it take to connect all Americans to broadband? It takes people, technology, experience, and—most importantly—commitment. America’s cable industry is on a mission to deliver high-speed internet across the nation, leveraging its expertise and dedication. A high-speed internet connection is essential today for education, remote work, healthcare, communicating with friends and family, and so much more. Every community deserves broadband access, and we won’t stop until we’ve achieved our goal of internet for all. See how cable is getting the job done.


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