A modest proposal for the SEC

From: POLITICO's The Long Game - Tuesday Nov 07,2023 05:03 pm
Presented by Rio Tinto Kennecott: A newsletter from POLITICO for leaders building a sustainable future.
Nov 07, 2023 View in browser
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By Declan Harty and Jordan Wolman

Presented by Rio Tinto Kennecott


SEC Commissioner Mark Uyeda sits in a hearing.

SEC Commissioner Mark Uyeda is making things interesting for Gary Gensler. | Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images

RECORD SCRATCH — One of Washington policy nerds’ favorite parlor games — fighting over how U.S. regulators should finalize a long-awaited climate-risk disclosure rule — may have just reached a new level of complexity.

Gary Gensler’s Securities and Exchange Commission is already facing a swirl of questions about what is arguably its most watched rule: Will the agency match California’s new climate disclosure law? Can it achieve equivalency with the European Union? And, of course, when is it coming out?

Now, Republican SEC Commissioner Mark Uyeda is throwing yet another curveball into the mix, arguing that the agency might need to consider re-proposing the rule if the final version “significantly deviates” from the 20-month-old original, Declan reports.

“The Commission should do everything possible to not promulgate a rule that is costly and ineffective, as doing so might be indicative of a flawed process that raises the question of whether the rule is arbitrary and capricious under the Administrative Procedure Act," Uyeda said in remarks prepared for a New York speech today.

A re-proposal would almost certainly punt the final rule well into next year — a statement that is likely to increase the pressure from investors and lawmakers eager to see the finished product. But Uyeda warns that failing to take that step could bolster the arguments of business groups and Republican officials already threatening to shower the SEC with lawsuits over the rule.

The commissioner’s comments offer a stark reminder that the SEC is wading into a legal landscape where suits challenging regulators are commonplace and more likely to succeed.

Just days before Uyeda’s speech, for instance, a panel of judges in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ordered the SEC to rework a stock buyback disclosure rule that the Chamber of Commerce sued over because the agency didn’t properly respond to certain comments or adequately justify the measure.

The buyback decision, however, was not a complete loss for the SEC. The court notably dismissed arguments that the rule violated the First Amendment by compelling speech and that the 45-day comment period was not long enough — both of which have popped up in industry criticisms of the climate-risk disclosure rule.

Uyeda alluded to the decision in the speech and said re-proposing the climate rule would allow the public to weigh in on the SEC’s latest thinking on how to mandate the disclosures.

Since the proposal was issued, the Supreme Court has sparked a widespread debate over agency powers, while policymakers in California and the European Union have pushed ahead with climate disclosure laws of their own.

Whether that’s enough to convince Gensler to re-propose is not clear, though. The SEC chair has said his priority is to land on a final rule that can survive legal challenges. But he will need support from two other commissioners — likely fellow Democrats Caroline Crenshaw and Jaime Lizárraga — to get it done.


WIND SETBACKS — A blockbuster topsy-turvy week in the world of offshore wind has left New Jersey scrambling and President Joe Biden’s green agenda in danger.

It has also positioned New York to take the upper hand in the fight to attract clean power and the jobs that could come with it, Marie J. French and Ry Rivard report.

New York and other Northeastern states are going to have to pick up New Jersey’s slack in the wake of Danish energy company Ørsted’s decision to cancel two offshore wind projects in the Garden State. The cancellations sting especially strong for New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy and Trenton Democrats, who spent capital both politically and in the form of tax breaks to lure the company and persuade it to persist in the face of financial headwinds.

WATER PRESSURE — Texas voters will weigh in today on a ballot initiative that officials in the state’s eighth-largest city hope will help them pay for a pair of desalination plants to offset water shortages that critics link to a deal to send 25 million gallons per day to a partnership between ExxonMobil and Saudi Basic Industries Corp., Emma Cordover reports.

Corpus Christi is asking residents to limit lawn irrigation and take other conservation as the city copes with drought conditions that have affected much of the country in recent years. The city’s mayor and a majority of the City Council see desalination as a way to relieve that pressure and attract new business, while others see the latter as a big part of the problem.

“When they sold the water to the Exxon/SABIC plant, they sold off our water cushion, the buffer in our water supply,” said Councilmember Jim Klein, who is also president of the regional Sierra Club and has argued that the desalination plants will increase water rates.

Proposition 6 would create a $1 billion Texas Water Fund to provide loans and grants to support water supply and wastewater projects along with “innovative water supply strategies such as marine and brackish water desalination.”


PLASTIC PRESSURE — The total environmental and health costs of plastic pollution can be as much as 10 times higher for low-income countries even though they use only about one-third as much plastic per-capita than high-income ones, according to a new report from the World Wide Fund for Nature.

The report comes as countries are set to gather next week in Nairobi, Kenya, for the third of five planned rounds of negotiations for a U.N.-led global plastics treaty. The WWF is one of the leading organizations aligning businesses through a coalition that calls for, in part, the reduction in plastic production.


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ACRIMONIOUS CLIMATE — A tenuous agreement among countries tasked with setting up a fund to help vulnerable nations cope with weather-linked catastrophes has highlighted divisions that are threatening to undermine the annual U.N.climate summit set to start at the end of the month.

The U.S. fought for and won provisions that make payments into the fund voluntary — leaving the Biden administration with the option of not contributing. The document provides recommendations on the structure of the climate fund for poorer nations that experience unavoidable damages from rising seas, intensifying floods and longer droughts

It was a deal that left everyone dissatisfied, Sara Schonhardt at POLITICO’s E&E News reports.


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 GAME ON — Welcome to the Long Game, where we tell you about the latest on efforts to shape our future. Join us every Tuesday as we keep you in the loop on the world of sustainability.

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— Miami-Dade County officials are set to decide today whether to impose workplace heat protections that could be a model for other communities, the Washington Post reports.

Seawalls could help protect coastal cities against rising waters, but it would be costly and complicated. The New Yorker explains.

Bloomberg takes a look at the potential for using modified soybeans to meet demand for renewable fuels.


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For 120 years, Rio Tinto’s Kennecott mine has been supplying America with the copper it needs to live our everyday lives. Currently, Kennecott produces 12% of the annual domestic copper demand. As the U.S. advances our clean energy transition, we know copper is critical to the technologies needed to reach our energy policy goals. From semiconductors, solar panels, wind turbines, to electric vehicles, the demand for copper is predicted to double by 2035.

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