Biden donors want some TLC

From: POLITICO West Wing Playbook - Thursday Jan 27,2022 11:48 pm
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Jan 27, 2022 View in browser
West Wing Playbook

By Max Tani and Alex Thompson

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Welcome to POLITICO’s West Wing Playbook, your guide to the people and power centers in the Biden administration. With Allie Bice.

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As JOE BIDEN begins his second year on the job, many of the people who helped him amass a record-breaking billion dollars-plus warchest to defeat DONALD TRUMP are feeling disappointed and anxious.

In conversations this week with over half a dozen of the Biden campaign’s top financiers, many grumbled about the recent failed legislative pushes including Build Back Better and voting rights. Others offered the traditional donor lament about the lack of access they got with members of the White House and the reduced number of in-person events due to Covid-19.

“They feel frustrated, they feel stymied,” one Democratic operative who regularly talks to donors told West Wing Playbook. “They miss the interactions and feeling a part of the team.”

“I’m disappointed that they didn't seem to learn as much of the negatives of the Obama years,” one fundraiser said, noting Biden’s comments earlier this month that Republican intransigence in the Senate took him by surprise. The messaging around Build Back Better, the economy, Covid-19 vaccinations, and other issues was, in this fundraiser’s view, “malpractice.”

Other bundlers even had a little bit of nostalgia for the Obama era of fundraising.

While he enjoyed socializing with A-List Hollywood celebrities, the 44th president was famously averse to hobnobbing with the fundraisers and power players who held the Democratic party’s pursestrings. Biden was never known for his prodigious fundraising. But with his years of experience and connections, people who have seen him work the room with donors said he’s better at the gladhanding than Obama was, and doesn’t seem to mind it as much either.

But multiple major fundraisers who hauled in cash for both Obama and Biden told West Wing Playbook that they felt the Obama team was better at donor maintenance, returning emails and calls faster and being more available to major fundraisers hoping to reach people in the White House. CNN reported earlier this month that some donors felt insulted when they reached out to the White House and were dealt with by staff they felt were lower on the totem pole than they deserved.

“Doesn't mean you got what you wanted,” one fundraiser told West Wing Playbook, recalling the Obama years. “But they at least returned your email.”

The White House did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

Of course, political donors are almost always disappointed. Many of the criticisms donors and fundraisers have had about Biden in his first year are almost exactly the same as ones big donors made about Obama.

And some donors say that their peers should stop being so presumptuous. “Between the pandemic, modernizing our infrastructure, rebooting our economy, the crisis in Ukraine and everything else President Biden is managing right now, it's mind-boggling to me that fellow fundraisers would choose this moment to claim they're entitled to special treatment,” said LUTHER LOWE, the senior vice president for public policy at Yelp who raised over $100,000 for Biden in 2020.

The White House has given rich donors special treatment, as every modern White House feels compelled to do. Earlier this month, some of Biden’s top 2020 fundraisers and donors were invited to a call with the White House chief of staff RON KLAIN as the president marked his first year in office, two people with knowledge of the call told West Wing Playbook.

The Biden administration has also held several big public events where fundraisers and donors were invited. And Biden has given many big donors plum ambassadorships. "The White House at first was like ‘oh we don’t want to make donors ambassadors,’ but look at the list the last two months — they’re a lot of donors,” said one disgruntled Biden bundler. “It's not that they don't like major donors, they just don't like major donors they're not friends with.”

Many people who helped Biden raise $1.7 billion were invited to the signing of the infrastructure bill last year, as well as a recent closed-door dinner facilitated by the DNC in the fall. Biden’s team has tried to connect with donors in small settings, inviting some donors to the White House late last year for a small Hanukkah dinner, one person familiar with the event told West Wing Playbook. And CNN reported that the Democratic National Committee invited donors to a call with White House counselor STEVE RICCHETTI.

The Biden team has also tried to keep donors in the loop virtually. Throughout the first year of his presidency, the president and top staff have regularly held small calls and Zooms with top donors and bundlers.

One plugged-in Democratic campaign veteran who regularly talks to high-dollar donors and fundraisers acknowledged that there was a “malaise” among some of the Biden campaign’s biggest financiers. But they also said it seemed unlikely any dissatisfaction would translate to difficulty raising money if Biden decides to run again, especially given the likelihood of a 2024 rematch with Trump.

“There's a recognition that it's not like normal times,” one Democratic fundraiser said. “They're not going to the White House for dinners and cocktail parties and special events, they're not hosting him at their homes. There's an overall understanding, and patience around the process. They are rallying for him because the alternative is something they don't want to live with.”

SEND YOUR HOT TAKE — We want to incorporate more of your feedback. Is there something we missed in today’s edition? Do you have a tip to share or a thought on our coverage?

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Do you work in the Biden administration? Are you in touch with the White House? Are you ROB FRIEDLANDER, comms director at the OMB? Email/text us! Please? We want to hear from you! 

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From the University of Virginia's Miller Center 

Which president said: “They can talk all they want about the radicals. You know what stops them? Kill a few”?

(Answer at the bottom.)

The Oval

SCOTUS POLITICS — Vice President KAMALA HARRIS told reporters tonight in Honduras that she’ll be involved in the Supreme Court choice. "The president and I will work closely together on this and the selection process," she said.

WHAT THE WHITE HOUSE WANTS YOU TO READ: The below chart from the White House about how the GDP grew 5.7 percent last year. Domestic policy adviser SUSAN RICE tweeted : “The FASTEST economic growth in nearly four decades. The GREATEST year of job growth in American history.”

Tweet from the White House

Tweet from the White House | Twitter

WHAT THE WHITE HOUSE DOESN’T WANT YOU TO READ: All the nerds who pointed out that the White House’s chart is misleading, due to the inconsistent intervals it used on the Y axis. Washington Post columnist CATHERINE RAMPELL called it a “charting crime against humanity.” She added: “It's dishonest and not even necessary to make Biden's record look good.”

MARC GOLDWEIN, the head of policy at the Committee for Responsible Federal Budget, tweeted: “Hello, police: I'd like to report a felony chart crime.”

YIKES: The Atlanta Journal Constitution’s GREG BLUESTEIN writes today about the AJC’s latest poll in Georgia . “In May, only about 8% of Black voters disapproved of Biden’s performance. That number had more than quadrupled in the AJC’s latest poll, which found disapproval among Black Georgians at 36%.”


JOIN FRIDAY TO HEAR FROM GOVERNORS ACROSS AMERICA : As we head into the third year of the pandemic, state governors are taking varying approaches to public health measures including vaccine and mask mandates. "The Fifty: America's Governors" is a series of live conversations featuring various governors on the unique challenges they face as they take the lead and command the national spotlight in historic ways. Learn what is working and what is not from the governors on the front lines, REGISTER HERE.


SCOOP —ALEX PASCAL is changing White House roles, from executive secretary to senior policy adviser at the Domestic Policy Council, according to a White House official. He will keep his “Special Assistant to the President” title. Pascal’s deputy, ALEX YUDELSON , will be the new executive secretary.

PETE’S PARENTING TIPS: There are lots of conversations that parents dread having with their kids. Sex, illegal drug use, porn, issues of consent …

Transportation Secretary PETE BUTTIGIEG can’t help with any of those. But if traffic safety was high on your list of awkward topics, well you’re in luck! The new dad spoke to Parents Magazine about “how parents can talk to kids of all ages about staying safe on the roads,” a Q&A timed to coincide with the roll-out of DOT’s first-ever National Roadway Safety Strategy.

A sampling of Buttigieg’s advice: “Kids need to know to be alert, to look around. They need to understand how stop signs and stoplights work, but also to be ready for a car that isn't doing the right thing.”

And this: “Kids need to look out for each other and try never to be alone.”

THE EXIT DOOR: JANELLE JONES, the chief economist at the Labor Department, is leaving, she announced on Twitter.

Agenda Setting

FLOODING THE ZONE — Secretary of State ANTONY BLINKEN has been talking to all the usual suspects as the United States rallies other countries to stare down a potential Russian invasion of Ukraine. But as NAHAL TOOSI reports, Ukraine’s plight also has come up in Blinken’s conversations with some less obvious countries: Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, for instance. Brazil, too. Blinken and other Biden administration officials have even raised Ukraine with countries like India, Japan and South Korea.

The outreach underscores both the breadth and complexity of the Biden administration’s diplomatic offensiveagainst Moscow . It is a flood-the-zone effort that has seen virtually all of Biden’s top foreign policy aides play a role, from CIA Director WILLIAM BURNS’ visits to Moscow and Kyiv to an array of ambassadors in Europe and beyond checking in with counterparts.


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What We're Reading

Vast troves of classified info undermine national security, spy chief says (WSJ’s Dustin Volz)

Top Pa. Dems to miss Biden visit, cite scheduling conflicts (AP’s Steve Peoples and Marc Levy)

What We're Watching

Press secretary JEN PSAKI will appear on MSNBC’s “The 11th Hour” at 11 p.m. ET tonight.

President Biden will appear on NBC’s primetime special “Celebrating Betty White: America’s Golden Girl” next Monday, Jan. 31 at 10 p.m.

Where's Joe

He received the President’s Daily Brief in the morning, then delivered remarks in the Roosevelt Room on Supreme Court Justice STEPHEN BREYER’s retirement.

He also met with Norwegian Prime Minister JONAS GAHR to reaffirm the importance of the U.S.-Norway relationship and discuss joint efforts to address Russia’s destabilizing military buildup along Ukraine’s borders, per a White House readout.

The president also spoke to Ukrainian President VOLODYMYR ZELENSKY and “reaffirmed the readiness of the U.S. along with its allies and partners to respond decisively if Russia further invades Ukraine,” according to a separate White House readout.

Later in the afternoon, he received his weekly economic briefing.

Where's Kamala

Harris traveled to Palmerola, Honduras to attend the inauguration ceremony for Honduran President-elect XIOMARA CASTRO. She and Casto held a bilateral meeting in the afternoon.

She returns to Washington, D.C. this evening.


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The Oppo Book

DAN KOH, the chief of staff at the Department of Labor, is all about optimizing productivity. In fact, he has three guidelines for having the most productive day possible.

One, he told back in 2016, is based on advice from his mother.

“My mom used to always tell me that if you’re thinking about something, write it down immediately so you don’t have to worry about forgetting it,” Koh said. “I’ve taken that to heart and it’s true.”

Second: No meetings longer than 20 minutes. “Maybe this is given my ADHD, but I think anything longer than 20 minutes, you just wander into [different] conversations,” he said. “It doesn’t always work, but if you try for 20 minutes and it goes to 30, that’s OK.”

The third rule he tries to adhere to is repetition, like eating the same salad for lunch each day.

“If it’s good, I don’t really mess with it,” he added. “I have no idea how effective it is but I’m a guy who likes his routine.”

We’re taking notes, Dan! But we’ll stop taking them if it takes longer than 20 minutes.


RICHARD NIXON. While speaking to his chief of staff, H. R. “BOB” HALDEMAN, Nixon argued in favor of aggressive action against the prisoners that had staged an uprising in the Attica Correctional Facility in New York. He contended that the deaths of Kent State students at an anti-Vietnam war protest had given other protesters “second thoughts.”

For more on Nixon’s presidency, visit

A CALL OUT — Have a better trivia question? Send us your hardest trivia question on the presidents and we may feature it on Wednesdays.

Edited by Emily Cadei

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