Welcome to POLITICO’s West Wing Playbook, your guide to the people and power centers in the Biden administration. With help from Allie Bice. Send tips | Subscribe here | Email Alex | Email Max For JOE BIDEN, there have been a lot of advantages to having once served as vice president: familiarity with the office, established relationships with powerful people, and a team of advisers with relevant experience. But there is also a distinct disadvantage: People can dig through the archives of your prior work. Starting on January 20, 2022 — five years since BARACK OBAMA left office — inquisitive journalists, opposition researchers, and amateur conspiracy theorists began filing a barrage of Freedom of Information Act requests (also known as “FOIAs”) to the Obama library. In fact, from January 20 through February 13, there were over 800 such FOIA requests filed under the Presidential Records Act, according to a list of the FOIA filings that we obtained through FOIA-ing (yes, it’s a verb too). Many of those FOIAs appear to have the intent of damaging or illuminating the Biden presidency rather than just looking backward. In the age of QAnon, the majority of the FOIA requests so far have been of the conspiratorial variety. The library has been flooded with requests related to pizzagate, Dr. ANTHONY FAUCI, Obama’s birth certificate, former DNC staffer SETH RICH (whose 2016 murder sparked endless conspiracies and a since-settled lawsuit against those who spread them), and numerous others. “All documentations related to Obama’s Hot Dog Party,” went one request. “This includes all expenses, the guest list to include how many children were present, and the duration of the party.” The Obama hot dog party conspiracy is a particularly wild one, emanating from a Facebook post of a man holding a sign about a shindig the former president supposedly threw, from which it was interpreted that hot dogs he spent money on was actually code for child prostitution. Other FOIAs are more serious and could affect the Biden presidency. But that depends on when the documents are made public. And getting the requests fulfilled is no small task. At many presidential libraries, the queues for processing FOIAs stretch for years. Broad requests and those involving classified information can take more than a decade and there is a provision in the law that gives extended protection to information on presidential advice and appointments. Still, ALLAN BLUTSTEIN , a lawyer with the conservative research group America Rising, filed requests for information on past vettings of judges who are widely seen as potential Supreme Court picks should Biden have the opportunity to fill another vacancy. They include LUCY KOH, CHERYL KRAUSE, PAUL WATFORD, LESLIE ABRAMS GARDNER (sister of Stacey), MICHELLE CHILDS, and SRI SRINIVASAN. The group also asked for correspondence files for close Biden adviser ANITA DUNN and Biden’s special envoy for Iran ROBERT MALLEY , both of whom served in the Obama administration. NATE JONES, the FOIA director at The Washington Post, requested all records relating to the so-called “Beer Summit” in 2009 between Biden, Obama, Harvard professor HENRY LOUIS GATES, JR., and Cambridge police officer JAMES CROWLEY. The Post did not respond to a request for comment. And the progressive reporter ANDREW PEREZ requested documents about Wall Street bonuses during the financial crisis. He also requested all “emails, documents, and memos regarding "PhRMA," "Pharmaceutical Researchers and Manufacturers Association," and/or "Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America" sent and received by various high-ranking White House officials. During the crafting of Obamacare, PhRMA and the White House cut a controversial deal that exempted the industry from far-reaching reforms in exchange for cost savings that would help fund legislation. Perez told West Wing Playbook that “we have scaled back our initial requests to help move them along. As for the motivation, we always want to see how the sausage gets made.” One FOIA request that did catch our eye came from Blutstein. Noting the famous photo of Obama and his team in the Situation Room during the raid to kill OSAMA BIN LADEN , he requested “copies of any additional photographs taken in the same location in connection with the same mission on May 1, 2011.” But America Rising said that request was for history rather than opposition research. Blutstein said he got the idea from the way that the photos of 9/11 were released. You can read the full list of FOIA requests for yourself here. TEXT US — Are you REBECCA CHALIF, press director at USAID? We want to hear from you (we’ll keep you anonymous). Or if you think we missed something in today’s edition, let us know and we may include it tomorrow. Email us at westwingtips@politico.com or you can text/Signal/Wickr/WhatsApp Alex at 8183240098 or Max at 7143455427.