If you're planning on ordering wallpaper or wall decals during our annual Black Friday Sale in November, now is the time to place your sample order!
Why order a sample? Here are our top five reasons:
✔️ The colors each customer sees on their screen may vary—ordering a sample is the best way to approve the colors.
✔️ Samples give you a chance to test self-adhesive wallpapers + wall decals on your wall to ensure they're compatible with your paint + wall texture.
✔️ Wallpaper textures vary from manufacturer to manufacturer—getting to touch + feel them in person can be important.
✔️ Full-sized decal samples allow you to plan how many sets to purchase to avoid under- or over-ordering.
✔️ The scale of wallpaper patterns can be hard to see on your phone or computer, but our samples will show you exactly how large or small the design is.
Need help with placing a sample order or have questions about wallpaper or wall decals? Just reply to this email to reach our specialists!
Some samples have production times + are not guaranteed to arrive before Black Friday. Please see individual product listings for expected ship dates.