Register Now to Fish in Costa Rica with Expert Instruction |
From inshore to offshore, from fresh to salt, Sport Fishing Expeditions is your gateway to the world’s most sought-after gamefish. Developed by the team behind Marlin Expeditions, Sport Fishing Expeditions plans immersive trips to top fishing destinations during peak times of year. Our next trip is to Costa Rica November 28 - December 4. We picked these dates because it's a perfect time to catch marlin (blue, black and striped), sailfish, wahoo and tuna offshore AND witness the sheer power and beauty of the humpback whale migration as they move north past the Osa Peninsula for the winter. Salt Water Sportsman Adventures team (including Ryan Morie and Elias Vaisberg) and Sport Fishing editors had an epic week of fishing down there last month (check it out here!). Spots are filling up FAST so register now before it’s too late. |
Enter to WIN an Epic Fishing Trip to Crocodile Bay |
Enter our sweepstakes for a chance to win a 6-night/7-day stay at Crocodile Bay, Puerto Jimenez, Costa Rica for two! The winner of this certificate and one guest will enjoy 6 beautiful, tropical nights at the luxurious Botanika, Osa Peninsula, part of the Hilton Curio Collection, at Crocodile Bay on Costa Rica's Osa Peninsula. |
Why Sport Fishing Expeditions? |
The Sport Fishing brand has been established for 40 years—first as a national fishing magazine, then as an award-winning TV series. The team behind Sport Fishing also produces and publishes Salt Water Sportsman, the Salt Water Sportsman Seminar Series, Marlin, Marlin Expeditions, and four of the world’s most prestigious fishing tournaments, including the Offshore World Championship and Bermuda Triple Crown. Together, as part of the leading outdoor adventure company, we bring years of expertise and experience to Sport Fishing Expeditions. |
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