Once the Ministry of Truth kicks in. There will be a lot of information you’ll no longer hear about. >>>Which is why preppers rely on this for information. Because during emergencies and chaos. You’ll want to know what’s going on. To keep your family safe and away from trouble. Without waiting for government fact-checkers. To filter the information. With short wave radio, you can hear about what’s going on. From all over the world. >>>When SHTF you’ll want this radio. ~ Survival Frog Preparing Made Easy® ______________________________________________________________________________ Need help? Talk with a product expert, place orders, or get customer support, email support@survivalfrog.com Survival Frog, LLC, 621 Kalamath Street, Suite 75, Denver, CO 80204, USA Can't see this email? Open in your browser. Want to update your email preferences? Click here |