Hey, your shirt’s on fire

From: Survival Frog - Sunday May 22,2022 05:00 pm

Shop Survival Frog

Oh no, your cotton shirt touched the kitchen stove.

Now it’s ablaze like an Iraqi oilfield.

>> Quick, use this to douse the flames instantly.

Why not just use a fire extinguisher?

Well, being on fire is distracting, friend.

Too distracting to 1) Quickly grab 2) Arm and 3) Unload an extinguisher.

Not to mention the horrible mess in your kitchen…

Instead, use a fire blanket.

Just pull it from its fast-release holder in your kitchen…

And instantly wrap yourself in it to suffocate the fire.

>> Save your Chest Hair with a Fire Blanket

~ Survival Frog
​Preparing Made Easy®

P.S. Did you know a fire blanket is the BEST and SAFEST way to douse grease fires?


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Survival Frog, LLC, 621 Kalamath Street, Suite 75, Denver, CO 80204, USA
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