A Ukrainian family hides in the basement of their destroyed home. Why are they still hiding? Because the Russians aren’t gone yet… The family heard this from something like THIS – their only link to the outside world. It’s a lesson for us. Because when SHTF and we’re cut off from the outside world, survival depends on information. So a portable, weather-resistant AM/FM radio… With special access to emergency frequencies… And 5 different charging options, including solar power… Like you find in the Voyager KA500… Becomes a vital survival tool. >> Stay Informed With The Voyager KA500 Survival Radio ~ Survival Frog Preparing Made Easy® P.S. Did you know this radio even charges your phone, has a built-in LED flashlight, all while weighing less than a quart of milk? ______________________________________________________________________________ Need help? Talk with a product expert, place orders, or get customer support, email support@survivalfrog.com Survival Frog, LLC, 621 Kalamath Street, Suite 75, Denver, CO 80204, USA Can't see this email? Open in your browser. Want to update your email preferences? Click here |