As the Russia - Ukraine war continues…there are still many unknowns. - Where does this end? - How does this affect us here in the USA? - What threat does the Nuclear power plant near Zaporizhzhia pose? >> Protect your family with these Radiation Tablets today while they are still in stock. << Russia has been recently shelling a nuclear power plant in Ukraine… This has raised concerns on the threat of radiological disaster as the safety of the plant is jeopardized. So who is in charge of this nuclear plant and what safety threat does this pose? >> Protect your family with these Radiation Tablets today while they are still in stock. << War has continued for the past six months causing continuous damage to the plant. Who knows what will happen next… ~ Survival Frog Preparing Made Easy® PS: It's not known how long our current inventory will last. Stock up today so you have enough for the entire family. ______________________________________________________________________________ Need help? Talk with a product expert, place orders, or get customer support, email support@survivalfrog.com Survival Frog, LLC, 621 Kalamath Street, Suite 75, Denver, CO 80204, USA Can't see this email? Open in your browser. Want to update your email preferences? Click here |