Have you ever had a phone that was hard to charge? Like when the plug is worn out and loose. And you have to perform all kinds of tricks to get it just right. Only to find out in the morning your phone was dead. >>>With the Quadrapro… never again. Because it has wireless charging. Most power banks only offer corded charging. And you can only charge 2 phones at once. The Quadrapro will charge 3 phones at a time. Did I mention it also has wireless charging? So you can still charge that old worn out phone. Without performing magic tricks with the cord. With this tough as nails power bank. You can stay in the woods for weeks. And never worry about screwing around with a cord. >>>You’ll be glad you have a Quadrapro. ~ Survival Frog Preparing Made Easy® ______________________________________________________________________________ Need help? Talk with a product expert, place orders, or get customer support, email support@survivalfrog.com Survival Frog, LLC, 621 Kalamath Street, Suite 75, Denver, CO 80204, USA Can't see this email? Open in your browser. Want to update your email preferences? Click here |