[Ends Tomorrow] FREE Emergency Can Opener with Mixed Meat Sample Pack
Protect yourself and your family with one simple pill.
Fits in the palm of your hand, but big enough for a 7 foot man
Crisis AVERTED: This Compact EDC Kit Helps You Survive a LOT of Situations
When you think of survival gear, a pair of pantyhose probably doesn’t come to mind…
But did you know this simple and often-overlooked item has a bunch of survival uses?
That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 21 creative and practical ways to use pantyhose in a survival situation.
From filtering water to catching fish to emergency first aid, you’ll be surprised what pantyhose can do.
You won’t want to miss these tips – this is a must-read article for resourceful preppers.
Check out our blog post below for the scoop on this unusual prepping item:
21 Survival Uses for Pantyhose.
~ Survival Frog Preparing Made Easy®
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