Pre-order NEW 14.5 oz. cans of Survival Fresh
Preppers raving about this WEIRD UFO-looking device
The EASIEST way to jumpstart your car - No 2nd vehicle needed
Pocket-sized power bank keeps your devices charged in a power outage
5 Strategies to “Disaster-Proof” Your Garden
There's nothing like the taste of fresh fruit and vegetables straight from your own backyard garden…
But from animals digging them up, to bad weather damaging them, to pests infesting them – there are many threats to your plants.
A single hailstorm, downpour, or rascally rabbit can cause garden Armageddon and wipe out all your hard work in one fell swoop.
Don’t let a disaster catch your garden off-guard.
We’ve put together a helpful article on 5 Strategies to Disaster-Proof Your Garden.
Check it out now to see the simple steps to take to make sure you can enjoy the fruits (and veggies) of your labor.
Roll up your sleeves and dig into the blog.
~ Survival Frog Preparing Made Easy®
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