A friend of ours who is a combat veteran recently sent out this email and I just had to share it with you.
Please take just a couple minutes now to read it with the heart of the "patriot" we know you are...
Survival Frog ______________________________________________________________________________
I want to share a shocking statistic the American public is simply NOT aware of...
Did you know that, in 2 decades of fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, we've lost over 7,000 soldiers in battlefield combat?
I know that sounds like a lot, but it gets worse because...
... over this same time period, we've lost over 100,000 soldiers to "veteran suicide" AFTER they’ve come back from combat!
That’s right…
We've lost over 14 TIMES the number of vets to their battle with combat-related Post-Traumatic Stress (PTSD) AFTER combat as we have on the battlefield!
You see, for many veterans who return home, they face an everyday struggle to deal with the visions and traumas of battle.
Depression... anger... "survivor's guilt"... pulling away from the ones they love... restless nights haunted by nightmares...
Unfortunately, our current veteran's healthcare system - while doing the best they know "how" - hasn't stopped our daily average of 20-22 veterans who commit suicide as they give up hope on ever ending their pain.
I know you'll agree that this CAN'T go on, right?
Well, I’m excited to tell you that there’s now a CURE for combat-related PTSD!
And the best part is, this “cure” happens in as little as just one single 1-hour therapy session… it doesn’t use any drugs or invasive techniques... or even require the veterans to “talk” about their horror stories from combat.
I know this sounds impossible, but it’s absolutely true.
It’s all due to a breakthrough new treatment known as “The Cortina Method” (TCM).
The therapy is offered at an exclusive “Warrior Retreat” where a small group of about 10-12 veterans are given access to a hand-selected panel of RRT practitioners, led by combat veterans.
The transformation that happens over this weekend retreat is nothing short of miraculous for the veterans and their families.
In fact, one struggling veteran who attended a recent retreat had this to say at the end...
"I don't even know how to explain this to my 'battle-buddies' back home. We've tried everything the VA threw at us and nothing really helped that much. But THIS is like 'voodoo sh*t'! I can't believe how different I feel!"
Yes, these Warrior Retreats are really making THAT kind of a difference!
And here’s why I’m reaching out…
The next Warrior Retreat is happening in just another couple months and these veterans need your help…
You see, soldiers pay NOTHING for the help they receive at the "Warrior Retreats".
The way we see it, our veterans have already paid the price, and it's our commitment as proud, patriotic Americans to help them reclaim their lives when they come back home from duty.
To save their family... their careers... and often their very lives!
Most of our contributions come from patriots just like YOU, giving small tax-deductible donations to our 501(c)3 non-profit, “Operation Save Our Soldiers” which sponsors all the expenses for the veterans and helps organize the Warrior Retreat.
That means from time to time, we have to ask for your help - and TODAY is one of those days my friend...
>>Can our veterans count on you to make even just a $5 tax-deductible donation today to help directly sponsor a soldier for our next "Warrior Retreat"?<<
The best part for you is that EVERY LAST PENNY of your donation goes directly to sponsoring a veteran’s attendance to the Warrior Retreat.
All of the admin expenses for the non-profit are paid for from personal funds so that you know that you’re personally changing a soldier’s life with your gift.
I know we can reach our goal with your help!
Yours in freedom,
Jeff Anderson Executive Director Operation Save Our Soldiers 501(c)3 ______________________________________________________________________________ Need help? Talk with a product expert, place orders, or get customer support, email support@survivalfrog.com Survival Frog, 621 Kalamath Street, Suite 75, Denver, CO 80204, USA Can't see this email? Open in your browser. Want to update your email preferences or ? Manage your preferences here or here. |