Never run out of charge! THIS provides survival energy when and where you need it
BRAND NEW! Smaller cans of Survival Fresh Chicken and Beef
No Power? No Problem – Preppers love this ‘anti-blackout’ device [Low stock alert!]
How to light a fire in a tsunami-level downpour ______________________________________________________________________________
The U.S. power grid has some seriously alarming issues.
In the words of one Texas Professor, “It’s a rickety ship, and we have ample evidence of its weakness.”
Here are 7 reasons why the power grid could fail.
Please read through them and get a blackout preparedness plan together with your family.
Even a short-term outage can be stressful if you’re unprepared. And depending on how long it lasts, a power outage can be mildly disruptive or downright dangerous.
See the 7 reasons to be aware of that could knock out your power.
~ Survival Frog Preparing Made Easy®
P.S. We bet you’ve experienced a power outage in the last year (if not more than one). They’re becoming more and more common – including from physical attacks, which rose by 71% last year vs. 2021!
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