If you attended this week’s free “Mob Defense” workshop…
… then I’m sure you can now see why I call it a “Fast-Class”, right?
After Jeff’s quick personal story about how he, and a couple of other soldiers, were surrounded by an angry mob (and the controversial way he survived!), the training portion is just 30-minutes long.
Now, in those short 30 minutes, Jeff gave you a TON of actionable “escape and evasion tactics” that you can use if civil unrest ever strikes your area and the streets are filled with protesters, gangs, looters, or angry mobs.
(BTW… if you missed the training, the replay is still up for a little while longer on this page…)  
But even though Jeff covered an insane amount of real-world strategies you can use, there were STILL a few questions people had that I may not have covered as much as I’d have liked to.
So here’s what he did…
Jeff took the “top 10” questions that registrants like you had submitted, and created a video response for each one of them to make sure you had all the information you need.
These videos are super short and just get right to the point.
Here’s a quick peek at all of the questions you can watch the videos for, while the replay is still up: - “How likely is it that I’ll be attacked if I live in the country/suburbs/etc.?”
- “How can I hold my temper when I’m surrounded by protestors?”
- “What do I do if I’m on foot and surrounded by a mob and I don’t have a weapon on me?”
- “Can I legally defend myself if I’m surrounded by a mob and I’m armed?”
- “What’s the best place in my home to defend from if I’m attacked by a mob?”
- “What should I do if a rioter is going to throw a molotov cocktail at my home?”
- “How do I defend myself if I live alone and don’t have anyone to help me fight?”
- “How do I defend myself if I’m older, disabled, or taking care of someone who isn’t mobile?”
- “How do I get my spouse (or other family member) on board with my desire to be more prepared?”
- “What’s the best everyday carry (EDC) bag like the one you show in the training?”
These were some GREAT questions and Jeff’s responses show the value of real-world experience when it comes to self-protection during times of chaos.
But again…
You have to access the workshop replay page and Q & A videos now, before the training comes down…
So don’t waste any time.
Check out the training now and get ready to take a LOT of notes.
~ Survival Frog Preparing Made Easy® ______________________________________________________________________________ Need help? Talk with a product expert, place orders, or get customer support, email support@survivalfrog.com Survival Frog, 621 Kalamath Street, Suite 75, Denver, CO 80204, USA Can't see this email? Open in your browser. Want to update your email preferences or ? Manage your preferences here or here. |