Shop your limited-time offer on Zimmermann, Vince, and more | Enjoy free Express shipping on all orders over HKD 2,500. Happy shopping! | | | | SINGLES' DAY: Get 22% OFF | | This Singles’ Day, celebrate yourself with an EXTRA 22% OFF on dresses, shoes, and more love-forever styles from designers including Zimmermann and Vince. This special offer runs for a limited time, so fill up your shopping bag with your favorite pieces before they sell out. | The extra discount promotion only applies to the SINGLES DAY List, it will be automatically applied at the checkout and ends on Sunday 12th November 2023. Only available on THE OUTNET International site. The free express shipping offer is automatically applied at the shopping bag and is only available on THE OUTNET International site. Unlimited usage per customer. HKD 2,500 threshold. This email was sent to . To ensure that our messages are sent straight to your inbox and not your junk or bulk email folders please add to your address book. The individuals featured in this email do not endorse THE OUTNET or the products shown. Terms and Conditions / THE OUTNET is a registered trademark of The NET-A-PORTER Group Limited in the European Community. Registered Office: 1 The Village Offices, Westfield London Shopping Centre, Ariel Way, London, W12 7GF, United Kingdom. | |
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