| Act Now to Get Your $50 Voucher for Uber or Uber Eats! Enroll in VetRewards today to get a $50 voucher to apply to your Uber account to save big when you need a ride or food delivery. | This offer expires soon | | | Save $50 when you enroll in VetRewards today Make the most of your savings with your next ride with Uber, or have your favorite meal delivered with Uber Eats.
Enroll in VetRewards today and you'll get a $50 voucher to apply to your Uber account. If you do not have an Uber account, create one once you get your voucher. | | Get A Real Thank You® with hundreds of exclusives from the best names in shopping & travel Discover offers from over 350 patriotic brands who care & create savings and benefits for you. | | | | Save $50 the next time you use Uber or Uber Eats with VetRewards | This offer expires soon | | VetRewards Member Testimonial "So happy with this service and the deals I am able to take advantage of Highly recommend this subscription!" Barbara Ozeransky Family Member of U.S. Navy Veteran | | *Limited Availability. A paid 12-month VetRewards subscription is required. No cash value. One-time use only. Maximum discount of $50 per redemption. To redeem a discount, you’ll be emailed an Uber Voucher code link which must be applied to the Payment section of the Uber App or Uber Eats App prior to requesting the intended trip / order. Uber Voucher valid through 1/15/2023. Uber Voucher is only valid for rides requested/orders placed using the applicable Uber App. Taxes and other fees will be covered provided that the value of the Uber Voucher is greater than the total order amount. Offer is non-transferable, subject to change or cancellation. Issues involving redemption and/or use of the Uber Voucher code should be directed to VIP Member Support at 1-866-838-2774. | | | | Act Now to Get Your $50 Voucher for Uber or Uber Eats! Enroll in VetRewards today to get a $50 voucher to apply to your Uber account to save big when you need a ride or food delivery. | This offer expires soon | | | Save $50 when you enroll in VetRewards today Make the most of your savings with your next ride with Uber, or have your favorite meal delivered with Uber Eats.
Enroll in VetRewards today and you'll get a $50 voucher to apply to your Uber account. If you do not have an Uber account, create one once you get your voucher. | | Get A Real Thank You® with hundreds of exclusives from the best names in shopping & travel Discover offers from over 350 patriotic brands who care & create savings and benefits for you. | | | | | Save $50 the next time you use Uber or Uber Eats with VetRewards | This offer expires soon | | VetRewards Member Testimonial "So happy with this service and the deals I am able to take advantage of Highly recommend this subscription!" Barbara Ozeransky Family Member of U.S. Navy Veteran | | *Limited Availability, a 12-month VetRewards subscription required. No cash value. One-time use only. Maximum discount of $50 per redemption. To redeem a discount, you’ll be emailed an Uber Voucher code link which must be applied to the Payment section of the Uber App or Uber Eats App prior to requesting the intended trip / order. Uber Voucher valid through 1/15/2023. Uber Voucher is only valid for rides requested/orders placed using the applicable Uber App. Taxes and other fees will be covered provided that the value of the Uber Voucher is greater than the total order amount. Offer is non-transferable, subject to change or cancellation. Issues involving redemption and/or use of the Uber Voucher code should be directed to VIP Member Support at 1-866-838-2774. | | | | | | This email was sent to you as a verified member of Veterans Advantage. To opt-out of receiving emails, here. The use of the service and website is subject to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy . Need assistance? Contact us by email or call to speak with our live U.S.-based team, many who are vets or veteran family members, at 1-866-VET-ASSIST (1-866-838-2774), with extended hours Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-9.p.m. ET. © 2000-2022 Veterans Advantage, PBC, a registered public benefit corporation. All rights reserved. |