Drawing the line on elitism in art | | | Aiming to make art more accessible and inclusive, Jess and Erhan created the 2b Or Not 2b Collective. Their diverse life drawing group has given a place where individuals feel comfortable to be themselves and get creative. We chat to the people behind the pencils. | |
| | | | Left to Right: Jess, Katrina, Wingkei, Elliott, Marcia and Erhan | |
| What makes the collective special? | |
| Erhan: Some of the big art institutions are closed shops, but we’ve created an accessible, welcoming space. Laid-back, social, informal creativity. |
| | | | | | Wingkei: The collective was life-changing for me. I was studying for a degree in engineering, a subject that never resonated with me. I thought all there was to life was studying and getting a good job. Then I met 2b Or Not 2B and it all changed. Now I’m an artist. | |
| Erhan: Collectives and communities are powerful tools for connection. You can learn a lot from connecting with people just for the sake of connecting with people. It’s powerful. On the way here, I just started talking to this guy. We told each other about our lives, our interests— and then we went our separate ways. No motive, no swapping details. Just connection. |
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