Dec 07,2023 04:03 am
Plus, 2024 Classes! FREE U.S. SHIPPING FOR ORDERS OF $95 OR MORE! KATHMANDU ARAN A quick knitting, tweedy cashmere/silk? Yes, please! Join us in welcoming Kathmandu Aran to our shelves! Our fondness f...
Dec 05,2023 04:13 am
Plus, new Allstitch Studio! FREE U.S. SHIPPING FOR ORDERS OF $95 OR MORE! LOOP PETAL Soft, plush knits make the best gifts. Not only are they the best way to give the gift of warmth, but they also com...
Dec 01,2023 11:01 am
Woolstok Bundles Kits are restocked! FREE U.S. SHIPPING FOR ORDERS OF $95 OR MORE! WOOLSTOK 27 COLOR SNOOD Loop staffer Chrissy did an excellent job of knitting (and modeling!) our new 27 Color Snood ...
Nov 28,2023 04:48 am
Plus, gifts for you! FREE U.S. SHIPPING FOR ORDERS OF $95 OR MORE! WOOLFOLK FAR FOR HANNUKAH! Hanukkah is fast approaching, and we've got Woolfolk Far at the ready for your holiday knitted gifts! Wors...
Nov 25,2023 11:00 am
Plus, our Staccato Pattern is our gift to you! FREE U.S. SHIPPING FOR ORDERS OF $95 OR MORE! LOOP WINTER PROJECT BAG It's Small Business Saturday, and our annual Winter Project Bag is here! This year,...
Nov 24,2023 11:02 am
Get our Winter Project Bag FREE this weekend! FREE U.S. SHIPPING FOR ORDERS OF $95 OR MORE! STACCATO HAT COWL IN LOOP PETAL! Our new Staccato Hat Cowl set is here to start your holiday knitting! This ...
Nov 20,2023 11:00 am
Perfect Travel Knitting Time After Time Cowl! FREE U.S. SHIPPING FOR ORDERS OF $95 OR MORE! WOOLFOLK FLECK BULKY Whether you're craving a new hat or a new sweater, there's nothing like bulky weight ya...
Nov 16,2023 10:02 pm
Plus, Knitting For Action Wellness a Sophie Shawl! FREE U.S. SHIPPING FOR ORDERS OF $95 OR MORE! NOVEMBER BALACLAVA The appropriately named November Balaclava is a new way to keep warm this winter! Th...
Nov 14,2023 11:00 am
Plus, new project pouches! FREE U.S. SHIPPING FOR ORDERS OF $95 OR MORE! BRICE COWL IN MALABRIGO CHUNKY Our love for Malabrigo yarns knows no bounds. We can't get enough of the bold and bright kettle ...
Nov 10,2023 11:00 am
Fluffy, colorful knitting awaits! FREE U.S. SHIPPING FOR ORDERS OF $95 OR MORE! INTRODUCING KOS! Today, we're bringing you a fibery dose of fluffy and fun in the form of Sandnes Garn Kos , a brand new...