A daily look inside Canadian politics and power. | | | | By Nick Taylor-Vaisey | Send tips | Subscribe here | Email Nick | Follow Politico Canada WELCOME TO OTTAWA PLAYBOOK. I'm your host, Nick Taylor-Vaisey. Ontario signs on to the federal childcare plan. Ottawa announces its preferred fighter jet for an ailing Air Force fleet. And today's the day that Liberals finally announce concrete plans to reduce emissions. Phew. Did someone forward Ottawa Playbook to you today? Are you ready to be a forwarder, not a forwardee? Click here to sign up to this free newsletter.
|  | Driving the Day | | THE DEVIL'S IN THE DETAILS — Canadians are calling it ERP Day. The Vancouver Convention Center will go down in history as the place where Environment Minister STEVEN GUILBEAULT, with an assist from local guy and Natural Resources Minister JONATHAN WILKINSON , announced an actual, honest-to-god roadmap to reduce carbon emissions. Guilbeault will virtually table the 2030 plan in the House before making it extra-official in B.C. during a speech at the GLOBE Forum conference at 11:30 local time. ZI-ANN LUM has the lowdown for Pro s on what won't be in the plan. — He's not alone: Guilbeault's boss will deliver a GLOBE Forum keynote at 8:45 local time. JUSTIN TRUDEAU has a packed agenda in his third hometown. He'll also join Guilbeault and Wilkinson for a presser at 10:30. The PM's next stop is a tête-à-tête with B.C. Premier JOHN HORGAN at 12:30. An hour later, he'll be back alongside Guilbeault, as well as International Development Minister HARJIT SAJJAN, for a "discussion on climate action with local students." — Gotta hit those targets: Trudeau is hosting a pair of evening fundraisers at the Fairmont Hotel on West Georgia. Thank god he found a great deal on that taxpayer-funded ride out west. DONE DEAL — Everybody was smiling at the YMCA in Brampton, Ont., where PM Trudeau and Premier DOUG FORD headlined a roster of federal and provincial politicians basking in the glow of a win-win deal. They were there to unveil a C$13.2-billion agreement that will reduce daycare costs to an average of C$10 a day by March 2026. — The topline details: The plan calls for 86,000 new licensed early learning and childcare spaces for kids 5 and under in the province by 2026. — The timeline: “It took nearly a year. It took more than a decade. It took more than five decades. It took the pandemic,” the Star's ROBERT BENZIE and TONDA MACCHARLES write of the deal. — Location, location, location: The first politician to a microphone was SONIA SIDHU, the three-term Brampton South MP who vice-chairs the House status of women committee. Sidhu introduced Trudeau, who introduced Ford, who introduced his "very good friend" CHRYSTIA FREELAND, who introduced Families Minister KARINA GOULD, who introduced provincial education minister STEPHEN LECCE, who introduced YMCA of Greater Toronto vice-chair AKOSUA MATTHEWS. The last politician to speak was the local PC MPP, PRABMEET SARKARIA. The rookie rep in Queen's Park said they'd gathered in Brampton because the city "represents so much of what is good about Ontario." But there's more to it. — Future battleground: The keys to the PMO and the premier's office are often hiding somewhere in the ring of suburbs around Toronto. Brampton is the fastest-growing of the 25 biggest cities in Canada. Six seats are up for grabs, and they can swing abruptly. Trudeau's Liberals have swept the 'burb since 2015. Back when there were only three ridings in town, STEPHEN HARPER won them all in 2011. Ford's PCs won only two of Brampton's districts in 2018. The NDP won the rest, fueled in part by JAGMEET SINGH's roots in the area as a provincial politician. DALTON MCGUINTY and KATHLEEN WYNNE's Liberals dominated the area in the previous four campaigns. Only Singh managed to topple a Grit. The last time the PCs romped through Brampton, MIKE HARRIS won the 1999 election. — Brown's backyard: The local mayor wasn't at Monday's announcement. PATRICK BROWN's campaign didn't respond to Playbook's request for comment in time for publication. Fun fact: The only Brampton-area MP still standing from the Harper years, KYLE SEEBACK, endorsed Brown on Sunday . (He now reps nearby Dufferin–Caledon.) — Charest's take: Fellow leadership candidate JEAN CHAREST applauded the deal. "Accessible and affordable childcare is a win for all Canadian families," he tweeted, congratulating Ford and snubbing a certain federal partner. — The question for Ford: What took him so long to sign on the dotted line?
|  | CONSERVATIVE CORNER | | POILIEVRE ON THE STUMP — Two days before ERIN O'TOOLE was dumped as Tory leader, PIERRE POILIEVRE was quizzing the owner of a shawarma shop at the House finance committee. Poilievre asked ALY HAMAM how he managed to predict inflation last year when federal officials were calling price increases transitory. "Think about it from first principles," Hamam said. "If you have more money chasing the same amount of goods, it's going to lead to higher prices." Those words bore striking resemblance to Poilievre's own rhetoric. On Monday, almost two months after O'Toole's ouster, Poilievre visited Hamam's shop and paid for a wrap with bitcoin in front of an audience that ate it up — the backdrop to a pledge that the Tory leadership contender would make Canada the "blockchain capital of the world" (that's the system that underpins cryptocurrency transactions). — Monday rallies: Dozens in a frigid parking lot in Kitchener. Hundreds at a meet-and-greet in London where Campaign operative JENNI BYRNE claimed the crowd ballooned to 650. More than a thousand at an evening rally on the outskirts of Windsor, where Liberals hope their EV battery advocacy can win the hearts of the next generation of voters. — Endorsement watch: Poilievre scored his latest boost from caucus on Monday. Ontario MP ERIC DUNCAN was the 48th MP to endorse Poilievre.
|  | ALSO FOR YOUR RADAR | | BUDGET DATE — Let's talk probabilities: 48.7 percent of all federal budgets tabled since 1900 have fallen on Tuesdays, which pegs April 5 as the frontrunner for Freeland's big day. But Thursdays are the second-most common weekday for budget tabling. It's happened 16 times since the dawn of the 20th century — twice more than the total for Mondays. Assuming it’s that week — just ahead of a two-week House break — tabling on the Tuesday would give Liberals time to show off their fiscal framework. Holding it on the Thursday of that week would mean the Liberals could get out of dodge and sell the plan on the road. Are you the finance minister? Do you have a budget date? Are you a public servant who wants to be a hero to a Hill full of journalists who need to plan their budget coverage? Y'all know where to find us. COALITION POLLING — How popular is the Liberal-NDP confidence and supply agreement? Depends who you ask. Angus Reid says 45 percent of the country supports the deal, with 43 percent opposed. Abacus Data claims 48 percent who are aware of the deal say it's good or very good for Canada, with 27 percent disagreeing. — Party lines: What's clear in both findings is that many Tory voters hate the thing, though the degree of distaste varies: 88 percent of Angus Reid's Conservative respondents are opposed, while only 58 percent of that crowd told Abacus the deal is bad or very bad for Canada. Bloc Québécois voters, whose party has far less parliamentary power for the foreseeable future, also appear cool to the pact. Almost half of Bloc voters — note the small sample size of 99 — told Angus Reid the deal was "unfair." NEW PLANES — "Finally." That was retired Lieut-Gen. ANDRE DESCHAMPS ' reaction to news that the feds had picked Lockheed Martin's F-35 fighter jet as the replacement for CF-18s that were brand new when the first millennials were born. — Read: POLITICO's ANDY BLATCHFORD on the announcement Deschamps, a former fighter pilot, has championed the planes for years. Back in 2010, a few months after the Conservative government first announced they'd purchase the jets, Deschamps defended the project as chief of the air staff. But let's rewind. — So much history: Canada's connection to the F-35 traces back 25 years, when Canada signed onto the multinational development project of a "joint strike fighter" in 1997. The goal was to get in on the ground floor of a next-generation aircraft. In 2010, STEPHEN HARPER 's government committed to buying 65 F-35s. In 2012, a scathing auditor general's report complained the feds underestimated costs and ran an unfair competition — which stalled progress for years. In 2015, JUSTIN TRUDEAU's Liberals vowed to cancel the project and replace it with a different plane after a new competition. On Monday, Procurement Minister FILOMENA TASSI and Defense Minister ANITA ANAND announced that the F-35 was, once again, the government's pick. They intended to buy 88, pending contract negotiations. "Everybody understands how politics works,” Deschamps tells Playbook. “You've got to wait for the right moment. So it's been frustrating," he said. "I think everyone that does defense procurement in Canada understands that it goes at its own pace, unless the real world impacts the processes. I think that's what we saw this year. Events outside Canada have probably accelerated that internal decision process for the government to get on with it." — More on the looooong history: Check out JUSTIN LING in POLITICO.
|  | TODAY'S HIGHLIGHTS | | — Nova Scotia's deputy premier and finance minister, ALLAN MACMASTER, will table his annual budget. 9 a.m. The Parliamentary Budget Officer will post a new report: "International Comparison of the Canada Revenue Agency's Performance.'' 11:15 a.m. NDP foreign affairs critic HEATHER MCPHERSON and House Leader PETER JULIAN will hold a presser on their private members' bills on corporate accountability. 12:30 p.m. Federal officials will brief reporters on the details of the federal emissions reductions plan.
|  | ASK US ANYTHING | | TELL US WHAT YOU KNOW — What are you hearing that you need Playbook to know? Send it all our way.
|  | PAPER TRAIL | | INSIDE A JUDGE'S BRAIN — Justice Minister DAVID LAMETTI appointed RENU MANDHANE, a former chief commissioner of the Ontario Human Rights Commission, to the Superior Court of Justice for Ontario in May 2020. On Monday, seemingly out of the blue, Lametti's department proactively posted Mandhane's responses to a questionnaire for judicial applicants. "We have committed to posting the questionnaires when internal resources allow," said Lametti's press secretary, CHANTALLE AUBERTIN. Here are three excerpts that offer insight into the judge's approach to the bench: — On restraint: "Judges do not have unfettered discretion or authority. They must be unbiased, diligent and competent. Judges must act consistently with established legal procedures, common law precedents, and their statutory or inherent jurisdiction. They must exercise their discretion in a manner that is predictable and consistent. They must not exceed their jurisdiction by treading into issues of social policy or expenditures. Judges are not elected officials and must be careful not to supplant the will of the people with their own ideas or opinions." — On fairness: "Courts must be alive to the interests of affected stakeholders such as complainants and witnesses. The [judge's] reasons should articulate the basis for findings of credibility or reliability. In relation to complainants in sexual violence cases, for example, findings of credibility should not rely on impermissible stereotypes." — On racism: "Today, the discrimination I experience is more subtle. In addition to regular Islamophobic social media trolling, micro-aggressions reinforce my status as an outsider or interloper, as someone who should be 'thankful' for the opportunities I have been granted."
|  | MEDIA ROOM | | — FATIMA SYED's next guest on The Backbench pod: JENNIFER HOWARD, a key player in Liberal-NDP negotiations whose day job is chief of staff to JAGMEET SINGH. Topic: What do you think? Listen . — “The Catholic Church has a long way to go before it can even begin to use the word reconciliation," NIIGAAN SINCLAIR tells the CBC. — The next two weeks could determine the fate of Ukraine, Russian military expert MICHAEL KOFMAN tells POLITICO in this Q&A. — “After two years of worrying about almost everything, electoral stability will mean many Canadians don’t have to worry about politics or elections for another three years,” Liberal strategist ANDREW TUMILTY writes on The Line. — From POLITICO: Here's what's in Biden's $5.8 trillion budget proposal — and what's next.
|  | EVENTS | | YOU ARE INVITED — Wednesday at 12 p.m. ET, POLITICO Canada will host a Twitter Space with some smart people who know what it takes to build a budget: — SAHIR KHAN, executive vice-president at the Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy and a former PCO economic and financial adviser. — ROBERT ASSELIN, the senior vice-president of policy at the Business Council of Canada and former adviser to BILL MORNEAU. — REBEKAH YOUNG, the director of fiscal and provincial economics at Scotiabank and a former senior official at the Department of Finance. — JENNIFER ROBSON, a Carleton prof who helped design and implement public programs inside and outside of government. A REAL-LIFE EVENT: We'll be hosting a real-life mixer at Queen Street Fare in downtown Ottawa, March 30 at 4:30 p.m. It's a chance to connect with plugged-in political junkies who know a thing or two about building budgets. RSVP here. Tell us: What do you want to know about budget-making? On which walls would you have liked to be a fly? Drop us a line .
|  | Playbookers | | Birthdays: HBD to former Quebec premier PAULINE MAROIS. Movers and shakers: Playbook learned Monday night that HÉLÈNE CHALIFOUR SCHERRER , a former heritage minister who later served as PM PAUL MARTIN's principal secretary, is joining Sandstone Group as senior associate. Spotted: Teen reporter WYATT SHARPE, interviewing Foreign Affairs Minister MÉLANIE JOLY. MP ANDY FILLMORE, paying tribute to Oscar winner BEN PROUDFOOT in the House on Monday. The Halifax filmmaker picked up the Academy Award for best documentary short for his film, The Queen of Basketball. “People in Ben's home town of Halifax are over the moon with pride,” Fillmore told MPs. MICHAEL BARCLAY, celebrating Hearts on Fire. MP PETER SCHIEFKE, celebrating a decade in remission from cancer. “Ten years after my last treatment and hearing the words, 'Your scans are clear,' I stand here in this House as grateful as ever.” Media mentions: The National Observer named KARYN PUGLIESE executive editor. Pugliese was most recently managing editor of investigations at CBC, and served a long stint in APTN's newsroom. She's also a former president of the Canadian Association of Journalists. Farewells: Media lawyer STUART ROBERTSON died at 74, the National Post reported. “His passion and dedication to good journalism was always forefront with Stuart. He strongly believed in how important it was in a democracy,” said DOUG RICHARDSON, a partner at Robertson's firm ORP Law. Ottawa Senators owner EUGENE MELNYK died Monday "after an illness he faced with determination and courage," the team said in a statement.
|  | On the Hill | | 9 a.m. The Senate fisheries and oceans committee will meet to discuss the implementation of Indigenous rights-based fisheries across Canada. 11 a.m. Witnesses scheduled in front of the house committee on citizenship and immigration include Guide Me Immigration Inc., Kals Immigration, National Council of Canadian Muslims and other experts. 11 a.m. The House environment committee is studying fossil fuels subsidies and will hear from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, the Canadian Labour Congress and Explorers and Producers Association of Canada. 11 a.m. Marine cargo container spills are the topic at hand at this session of the House committee on fisheries and oceans. Witnesses: the Canadian Coast Guard, Department of Transport, EnviroEmerg Consulting and Rugged Coast Research Society. 11 a.m. The House public accounts committee will convene in camera. 11 a.m. The House procedure committee will consult Elections Canada on including Indigenous languages on federal election ballots. 3:30 p.m. The Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs is studying the housing shortage and Indigenous Peoples across Canada. 3:30 p.m. The House Standing Committee on the Status of Women continues its study of intimate partner and domestic violence. 3:30 p.m. The House justice and human rights committee will hear from the Correctional Service of Canada, Department of Justice, Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness and Parole Board of Canada. 3:30 p.m. The House industry committee is studying quantum computing. 3:30 p.m. The House operations and estimates committee is studying air defense procurement projects and shipbuilding. 4 p.m. The Senate ethics committee is behind closed doors. On the agenda: “Matters relating to the Ethics and Conflict of Interest Code for Senators.” 6:30 p.m. The House committee on veterans affairs is studying fairness in the services offered to veterans. 6:30 p.m. PERRIN BEATTY will be at the Special Joint Committee on the Declaration of Emergency. Before that, the meeting will feature law clerks from the House and Senate.
|  | PROZONE | | For Pro s, here’s our PM Canada memo from ZI-ANN LUM: What won't be in Canada's new emissions plan. In news for POLITICO Pro s: — Why some companies won’t stop trading in Russia. — Here's what's in Biden's $5.8 trillion budget proposal — and what's next. — Read Biden's fiscal 2023 budget request. — Canada circles back to Lockheed for F-35s. — Commerce Department's decision to launch probe into solar imports sparks backlash.
|  | TRIVIA | | Monday's answer: Reader HARRY MCKONE explains: The original House of Commons mace was destroyed in a fire on Feb. 3, 1916. A “temporary mace” was used until March 28, 1917. On that date, a new mace of gilded silver was presented in London to PM ROBERT BORDEN. Props to J.D.M. STEWART, BEN ROTH, KEVIN BOSCH, JEFF SMITH, PETER MCKINNEY, AMY BOUGHNER, LEIGH LAMPERT, PEGGI MACE, ALAN KAN, JOHN GUOBA, RALPH LEVENSTEIN, GREG MACEACHERN, ROBERT MCDOUGALL, PATRICK DION, CULLY ROBINSON and DOUG SWEET. Tuesday’s question: Who said, “Pity the Party without enough woman power.” Send your answers to ottawaplaybook@politico.com CORRECTION: Monday's newsletter misstated the number of caucus endorsements received by leadership candidate LESLYN LEWIS. The current number is four: JEREMY PATZER, CATHAY WAGANTALL, ROSEMARIE FALK and RICHARD BRAGDON. Have a petition you want signed? A cause you’re promoting? Seeking to increase brand awareness amongst this key audience? Share your message with our influential readers to foster engagement and drive action. Contact Alejandra Waase to find out how: awaase@politico.com. Playbook wouldn’t happen without Luiza Ch. Savage and editor Sue Allan.
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