Inside the White House’s polling obsession

From: POLITICO West Wing Playbook - Tuesday Sep 28,2021 10:44 pm
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West Wing Playbook

By Alex Thompson and Tina Sfondeles

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Welcome to POLITICO’s West Wing Playbook, your guide to the people and power centers in the Biden administration. With Allie Bice.

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FLASH: President JOE BIDEN has canceled a planned Wednesday trip to Illinois, the White House confirmed this evening. The cancellation comes as Biden finds his domestic agenda on the line this week, with an uncertain House vote on his infrastructure bill planned for Thursday. Biden had planned to stop by Chicago construction firm, Clayco, owned by one of his bundlers, BOB CLARK, to talk about the businesses promoting vaccines. The White House on Tuesday evening said Biden will stay at the White House to continue working on advancing legislation. The White House official said the trip will be rescheduled.

NOW, FOR YOUR REGULAR NEWSLETTER: Amidst the final days of the U.S. military’s chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in August, the White House’s comms shop went on the hunt for its favorite weapon to beat back critical press: polls.

“They reached out and they were like ‘Hey, anything good on Afghanistan happening?'” said SEAN McELWEE, the founding executive director of the progressive Data For Progress, which the White House regularly turns to for polling they can share publicly. “We do intake directly from the White House. [Executive office of the president], VP’s office, rapid response office, [Domestic Policy Council], etc. have all sort of had different asks at different times.”

Sometimes, McElwee’s team will add questions to their regular surveys on the White House’s behalf.

The numbers buoy the White House’s argument that their legislative priorities are popular even as the president’s approval slips. But those polls aren’t just validators. They have become a key part of the sales job the Biden team is using to pass their multi-trillion dollar “Build Back Better” agenda to lawmakers and reporters. A scroll through the White House’s various messaging memos, social media feeds, and slide decks are full of polling data.

McElwee said the White House hopes that as the information cycles through the political ecosphere, it can almost make the polls self-fulfilling prophecies. “I think that there is a perception in the White House that bad polling can create sort of spiral effects, and good polling can create sort of positive spirals,” he said. “If voters are always hearing about how everyone, including independents and Republicans, supports the Build Back Better agenda, they're like, ‘Oh, you know, I don't have strong opinions on the Build Better Agenda, maybe I should support it.’”

In a statement to West Wing Playbook, White House deputy press secretary ANDREW BATES wrote: “Proof that the American people overwhelmingly endorse that agenda is inherently relevant, especially at a time when dialogue inside the beltway is too easily dragged toward superficiality and process at the expense of substance and what matters in the lives of real people.”

It’s a PR strategy the Biden team honed successfully during the Democratic primary, when they ran ads showing Biden’s strength in a general election matchup against President DONALD TRUMP. Biden aides also considered polls a tool to puncture the political media bubble, which it considers disconnected from the majority of voters.

“The pundit class has always lived in a bubble, but social trends have made that even more pronounced in recent years,” said a former Biden campaign aide. “[A]s a result their takes almost never aged well when reality crashed into their twitter feeds.”

They added: “You see those same tendencies now.”

Every politician and modern president has pushed out favorable polls. The Trump administration would often disseminate polls that were of dubious quality. Early in the Obama administration, many officials publicly bragged that they didn’t care about the polls, just getting the policy right—even as they spent gobs of money on polling.

In the Biden White House, however, polling data has become almost a currency they spend lavishly; a way to both buy patience from the public and persuade lawmakers to stick by the president’s legislative proposals.

But pollsters warn that just because something is popular doesn’t mean voters will reward them for it.

“I’m not so worried about the Biden agenda being popular,” Democratic pollster CORNELL BELCHER told West Wing Playbook. “There are things that are popular and then there are things that people vote on and those things aren’t necessarily the same.”

Asked if policy polls always translate into political success, longtime Democratic pollster STAN GREENBERG laughed: “Of course not.”

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This question is courtesy of CECILIA MEISNER — which president’s father was college roommates with another president?

(Answer at the bottom.)

The Oval

WHAT THE WHITE HOUSE DOESN’T WANT YOU TO READ: Testimony from top military brass that seems to contradict what Biden said in an ABC interview last month about his decision making process on Afghanistan. Gen. KENNETH “FRANK” McKENZIE told the Senate Armed Services Committee today that he talked to Biden directly about the recommendation by Gen. SCOTT MILLER that the military leave a few thousand troops on the ground: “I was present when that discussion occurred and I am confident that the president heard all the recommendations and listened to them very thoughtfully,” McKenzie said.

As LARA SELIGMAN reports, McKenzie’s remarks directly contradict Biden’s comments in an Aug. 19 interview with ABC’s GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, in which he said that “no one” that he “can recall” advised him to keep a force of about 2,500 troops in Afghanistan.

We went back and checked the ABC transcript:

Stephanopoulos: “But your top military advisors warned against withdrawing on this timeline. They wanted you to keep about 2,500 troops.”

Biden: “No, they didn't. It was split. Tha-- that wasn't true. That wasn't true.”

Stephanopoulos: “They didn't tell you that they wanted troops to stay?”

BIiden: “No. Not at — not in terms of whether we were going to get out in a timeframe all troops. They didn't argue against that.”

Stephanopoulos: “So no one told — your military advisors did not tell you, ‘No, we should just keep 2,500 troops. It's been a stable situation for the last several years. We can do that. We can continue to do that’?”

Biden: “No. No one said that to me that I can recall.”

WHAT THE WHITE HOUSE WANTS YOU TO READ: White House press secretary JEN PSAKI’s take on military leaders’ Hill testimony today. Psaki tweeted that the president said on ABC the advice was “split, but consensus of top military advisors was 2500 troops staying meant escalation due to deal by the previous admin.” At today’s briefing, Psaki read the ABC transcript and also said the testimony showed, “there was a range of viewpoints” presented to Biden and his national security team.

SORRY, BOB: Under oath, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. MARK MILLEY said he had spoken to authors BOB WOODWARD and ROBERT COSTA for their book on Trump and the early part of the Biden presidency. He also said he hasn’t read the book.

GOOD ANSWER: We asked the White House how POTUS was doing a day after receiving his Covid-19 booster shot, just in case there were any lingering side effects: “The president has been working nonstop since he got the shot so I haven’t had a chance to ask,” a White House aide told us. Yesterday, Biden said he had had no notable side effects from his first two shots of the vaccine.


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Advise and Consent

BIG STRUCTURAL OPPOSITION — Sen. ELIZABETH WARREN (D-Mass.) said she opposes a second term for Fed Chair JEROME POWELL, warning in a Senate Banking Committee today that he’s “a dangerous man” to lead the country’s central banking system, VICTORIA GUIDA reports. Warren is one of a handful of progressive Democrats who have urged Biden to replace Powell when his term ends early next year — but the only senator thus far.

RON’S BETTER HALF: MONICA MEDINA was confirmed as assistant secretary of State for oceans and international environmental and scientific affairs — 61 to 36. In addition to being a former principal deputy under secretary of Commerce and director of ocean policy at the National Geographic Society, she also happens to be the wife of White House chief of staff RON KLAIN.

The Senate also voted — on a bipartisan basis — to confirm KAREN DONFRIED as assistant secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs and MARY PHEE to be an assistant secretary of State for African affairs.

Agenda Setting

WHO’S WHO — The Domestic Policy Council’s SUSAN RICE announced today that following Biden’s executive order to try to expand voting, agencies have submitted strategic plans to “strengthen nonpartisan voter registration and participation.” A source familiar tells West Wing Playbook that JUSTIN LEVITT and JUSTIN VAIL are the DPC’s leads on implementing the executive order.

NOT READY TO BREAK THE GLASS: The White House said today that Biden opposes changing the filibuster rules to allow for a party-line vote to suspend or raise the debt ceiling, closing off a break-the-glass option to avoid financial calamity, CHRISTOPHER CADELAGO reports.

FL vs BIDEN, ROUND INFINITY: Florida Gov. RON DeSANTIS escalated his fight with the Biden administration over immigration today, directing Florida agencies to stop assisting federal authorities in relocating migrants. GARY FINEOUT writes that DeSantis’ actions were paired with a new lawsuit filed by Florida Attorney General ASHLEY MOODY against Department of Homeland Security Secretary ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS as well as other top Biden immigration officials.


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What We're Reading

Jake Sullivan, MBS agree to intensify diplomatic engagement on Yemen (Bloomberg’s Justin Sink)

The ‘eviction tsunami’ some feared this fall hasn’t happened (WaPo’s Rachel Siegel and Jonathan O’Connell)

Biden nominates nine candidates for federal prosecutor posts (AP’s Michael Balsamo)

Where's Joe

No public events scheduled.

Where's Kamala

Harris at George Mason University

Harris at George Mason University | Courtesy of Jessica Floyd

She visited George Mason University to discuss the importance of voting with students.

The Oppo Book

High school seniors often use their slot in the yearbook as a way to be remembered — usually their portraits are paired with a sappy quote or a lyric from some over-played Tom Petty tune.

So naturally, when RON KLAIN’s senior communications adviser REMI YAMAMOTO was graduating from Hawaii’s Iolani School she went with a quote from a president.

Not a modern day president, though — one from THEODORE ROOSEVELT, according to The Hawaii Herald.

“Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground,” Yamamoto’s send off said. The quote is from a speech Roosevelt gave at the Groton School in Massachusetts on May 24, 1904.

In the spirit of candor, we will reveal our yearbook quote: “‘You miss 100 percent of the shots you don't take’ - Wayne Gretzky, - Michael Scott”


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Trivia Answer

JOHN TYLER’s father, JOHN TYLER SR., was a roommate of THOMAS JEFFERSON when the two were studying at the College of William and Mary.

AND A CALL OUT — A big thanks to Cecilia for sending this question. Do you have a really hard trivia question about the presidency? Send us your best one and we may use it:

We want your trivia, but we also want your feedback. What should we be covering in this newsletter that we’re not? What are we getting wrong? Please let us know.

Edited by Emily Cadei

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