Each fall, we knit hats for Action Wellness, a local organization that helps Philadelphians living with chronic illnesses gain access to the healthcare services they need. If you participated in 2022, thank you! We collected over 300 hats! We've just heard from Action Wellness, and they are starting a knitting group for their clients. They hope we can supply yarn and needles to help them begin. So, of course, we said yes, and thought you might like to help! We will also send along supplies, but if you have a skein or two lingering in your stash (don't we all!) or needles you no longer use, send them our way. We all know how much knitting helps us in our day-to-day lives, and it feels good to offer that sense of well-being to others! Their first meeting is on February 10th, so let's see what we can do! Local friends, drop off your donations at the shop- if they are already in a ball, so much the better! If you're further afield and would like to help, you can mail your donations to the address below. Thanks so much! |