How To Do The Power Snatch Like A CrossFit Pro

From: Onnit - Monday Oct 04,2021 03:29 pm

The snatch is one of the two lifts contested in the sport of Olympic weightlifting, and arguably the most complex and challenging task you can do in all of strength training. Like its counterpart, the clean and jerk (the other Olympic lift), the snatch has been broken down into many variants—one of these variants is the power snatch, which has been popularized by CrossFit.

The power snatch is a little more user-friendly than the classic Olympic weightlifting snatch, safer, and easier to learn, but it’s no less effective in developing power, explosiveness, strength, and total-body coordination. In just a few steps, I’ll teach you how to do the power snatch, and show you why it’s a great move to master for anyone looking to become a more powerful athlete.

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